Title: Workshop
1Workshop Lahore 2005 Cognitive Frameworks of
Blooms Taxonomy and SOLO Taxonomy
- Develop a model for understanding Content
Validity - Explore the SOLO model for mapping learning
progress/ achievement - Explore Blooms Model for mapping question types
- Classify responses to questions in terms of SOLO
levels - Classify examination questions in terms of SOLO
You are a grade 5 teacher and you have been
teaching calculation of averages You now want to
explore students understanding of the
concept. Exercise 1 Write down three questions
to explore that understanding One easy question,
one hard question and one question in the
middle Exercise 2. What is it that is different
about these questions? Can we create descriptors
that differentiates between them? Exercise
3.Lets take a question and from our experience
what area range of responses that we could expect
from children?
4Quality of Examinations
What makes a good examination paper? Valid. Quest
ions should represent the concept being
measured Reliable Repeated applications of the
test should give the same results It should
provide for a range of student abilities It
should allow students to demonstrate what they
know It should provide a measure of student
ability Distinction between Norm referenced
Ranks,Tells us differences between
students and Criterion referenced Have students
achieved a standard
5Does the test have content Validity?
What factors should influence weightings? Our
opening exercise suggested that maybe there are
issues other than just questions on the topic
6Blooms Taxonomy
This Model classifies "the goals of the
educational process". Bloom headed a group of
educational psychologists who developed a
classification of levels of intellectual behavior
important in learning.
7Blooms Taxonomy
8Content Validity might be questioned
9The SOLO Taxonomy
- Pre-structural
- Uni-structural
- Multi-structural
- Relational
- Extended Abstract
10Evaluation Matrix using SOLO Model
12Properties of SOLO
13Uses of SOLO
14SOLO and modes of cognitive operations
- SOLO and modes of cognitive operations
15Modes Continued
16Relating SOLO and BLOOM
17Relating SOLO and BLOOM
18Activity 1
19Activity 2
20Activity 2
21Activity 2
22Activity 2
23Activity 2
24Activity 3
25Activity 3
- What is the result if 4 is entered into the
function machine? - What is the OUTPUT if INPUT is 7?
- What is the INPUT if the OUTPUT is 38?
- How could this function be represented as a
26Activity 3