Title: Auctions -1
1Auctions -1
- Debasis Mishra
- QIP Short-Term Course on Electronic Commerce
- Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
- February 15, 2006
- Single-item auctions
- Models of bidder behavior
- Multi-item auctions
- References
3Auctions - Introduction
- Auction - comes from Latin word auctus to mean
increase. - Not every auction has increasing prices.
- Among one of the first engaging tales - Sale of
Roman empire to the highest bidder in 1764. - A market institution that works on the concept of
competition. - Natural discovery of price and buyers.
4Auctions - Why and Why Not?
- Why auctions?
- Seller unsure about how much the price should be.
- It can be used to sell almost anything
-universal. - Buyers learn, in some auctions, about the
information of other buyers - leads to more
efficient and revenue-generating markets. - Why not auctions?
- Overhead of time and infrastructure.
- Fixed price methods are simple.
- Values of bidders are almost known.
5Auction Settings
- Forward auctions a seller selling items to
buyers (bidders). - Reverse auctions a buyer buying items from
sellers/suppliers (bidders). - Both the settings are natural transpose of each
other - Bidders compete in both settings.
- At low (high) price many buyers (sellers) demand
(supply) items in forward (reverse) auctions. - Highest (lowest) price buyer (seller) wins in
forward (reverse) auctions.
6Auctions in Practice
- Selling of flowers (Holland), tobacco, fish, tea,
art objects and antique pieces (Sotheby's). - Transfer of assets from public to private Sale
of industrial enterprises in Eastern Europe,
transportation system in Britain, timber rights
all over the world, and off-shore oil leases. - Auction of spectrum rights worldwide - US,
Europe, and even India. - Internet auctions of consumer goods (amazon.com,
ebay.com etc.). Google's Adword auctions.
Procurement auctions - freemarkets.com (now
Ariba), GM and IBM's sourcing solutions.
- Valuation The maximum amount a bidder is willing
to pay. - In procurement auctions, the value is negative of
cost of procurement - the minimum price a bidder
is demanding. - Auctions are used mainly because the auctioneer
is unsure about the valuations (or simply,
values) of bidders. - Two models (i) private values (ii) common or
interdependent value.
8Private Value Model
- Each bidder knows his own value of the item
exactly at the time of bidding, but knows nothing
about the values of other bidders. - Value of other bidders do not influence his own
value. - Suitable for auctions for paintings, stamps etc.
(a bidder knows the value of a painting exactly),
procurement auction settings (a supplier's cost
depends only on his own production technology). - Most plausible when the value of the item to a
bidder is derived from its use alone and the
bidder knows the item well.
9Interdependent Value Model (1 of 2)
- Worth of an item unknown at the time of bidding
to bidders. - Examples oil field (depth of oil wells not well
known), second-hand products (quality of the
product is not known). - In such cases, a bidder will have an estimate or
a privately known signal (an expert's opinion or
a test result) that is correlated with the true
value. - Formally, every bidder has a signal xi and the
value of bidder i is vi(x1, x2,..., xn)
10Interdependent Value Model (2 of 2)
- Information, such as estimates or signals, of
other bidders will influence the value of a
bidder. - Values are unknown to bidders at the time of
bidding and may be affected by information
available to other bidders. - A special case is common values - every bidder
has the same value ex post (i.e., once they know
everyones signals). Example oil field auction. - v(x1, x2,..., xn)
11Single Item Auctions
- Two formats (i) sealed-bid (ii) open-cry
- Sealed-bid Bidders submit bids once (in a sealed
envelope to the auctioneer) - Open-cry Bidders submit bids in rounds, bids
result in increase in prices (commonly termed as
iterative auctions) - Bids reflect if bidders are willing to
participate further in the auction.
12Single Item Sealed-Bid Auctions (1 of 3)
- First-price sealed-bid Every bidder submits a
bid the highest bid bidder wins and pays his bid
amount. - Second-price sealed-bid (Vickrey auction) Every
bidder submits a bid the highest bid bidder wins
but pays an amount equal to the second highest
bid. - First-price auctions are common in practice.
- Second-price auctions are rare but see examples
of stamp auctions and others in
13Single Item Sealed-Bid Auctions (2 of 3)
- Example Four bidders with values 10,8,6, and 4.
- First-price Bidders bid 8,6,5, and 3
respectively (bid value not equal to valuation).
Highest bidder wins and pays 8. - Second-price/Vickrey Bidders bid 10,8,6, and 4
(bid value equals valuation). Highest bidder wins
but pays 8. - Neither the revenue equivalence in the two
auctions nor the bidvalue in Vickrey auction in
this example is a coincidence.
14Single Item Sealed-Bid Auctions (3 of 3)
- The best strategy for a bidder, irrespective of
what other bidders have bid, is to bid his value.
This is also called a dominant strategy
equilibrium in game theory. - Though economically robust, Vickrey auction is
less transparent to bidders transparency in
auction design is important.
15Single-Item Open-Cry Auctions (1 of 3)
- English auction Auction starts from low price. A
bidder bids by indicating if he is willing to buy
the item at the current price. If more than one
bidder bids, then the price is raised by a finite
amount e (bid increment), else the auction stops.
The last bidder to bid wins at the final price. - Consider the same example (values 10,8,6,4). Let
the starting price be 0 and bid increment e. At
price lt 4 e, only 3 bidders will be interested
at price lt 8 e, only 1 bidder will be
interested. Auction stops at price lt 8 e.
16Single-Item Open-Cry Auctions (2 of 3)
- It can be shown that staying in the auction till
price reaches value is the best strategy for
bidders. - Further, the outcome of English auction is
equivalent to (as e reaches zero) the Vickrey
auction. - English auction is popular in practice more
transparent and has similar economic properties
as the Vickrey auction.
17Single-Item Open-Cry Auctions (3 of 3)
- Dutch auction (popular in Holland to sell
flowers) The auction starts from high price
where there is no demand for the item bidders
bid indicating if they are interested in the item
at the current price if no bidder bids then the
price is decreased by e (bid decrement), else the
auction stops. The only bidder to bid wins at the
final price. - In case, more than one bidder bids, then the item
is allocated at random to either of them. - Dutch auction is strategically equivalent to the
first-price sealed-bid auction.
18Strategic Considerations
- Strong requirement dominant strategy -
Irrespective of the bidding strategy of other
bidders, a bidder's best strategy (one that
maximizes utility over all strategies) is to be
truthful. - Weak requirement (ex post) Nash equilibrium -
Given that all bidders bid truthfully, a bidder's
best strategy is to be truthful. - Given an auction design, is bidding truthfully
the best strategy? - Design an auction in which truthful bidding is
the best strategy.
19Dominant Strategy in Vickrey Auction
- Consider bidder 1. Let the bid amount of any
bidder i (not 1) be bi (need not equal value).
What is the best amount to bid for 1? - Without loss of generality, assume b2 to be the
highest bid among bids of bidders other than 1. - Losing the auction by bidding untruthfully gives
zero payoff. To win the auction and make positive
payoff, bidder 1 should bid more than b2. - His payment will be b2 always, independent of his
bid amount, if he wins. His payoff is v1 - b2,
where v1 is his value. So, own bidding strategy
does not influence payoff implying truthful
bidding is a dominant strategy.
20Equivalence of Auction Forms
- Dutch auction - Where should a bidder respond?
That price is the payment. First-price sealed-bid
auction - What bid should a bidder submit? That
bid price is the payment. So, same decision in
both auctions. - English auction - best strategy is to remain
interested till price reaches value. This
terminates the auction (approximately) at the
second-highest value. This is the outcome in the
Vickrey auction. - Dutch auction first-price sealed-bid auction.
English auction Vickrey auction.
21Revenue in Auctions (1 of 3)
- Values are drawn from uniform distribution with
range 0,a for n bidders. - Expected revenue in the Vickrey auction
- 0?a n(n-1)F(x)(n-2) 1-F(x) x f(x) dx
- a(n-1)/(n1).
- Expected highest value
- 0?a nF(x)(n-1) x f(x) dx a n/(n1).
- In the first-price sealed-bid auction, we will
find an - equilibrium in which every bidder bids k times
his value - (0 lt k lt 1). Such an equilibrium is called a
symmetric equilibrium.
22Revenue in Auctions (2 of 3)
- Let b be the bid amount. Expected profit for a
bid b with value v is - (v-b)b(n-1)/(ka)(n-1).
- Maximizing expected profit,
- -b(n-1)(n-1)(v-b)b(n-2)0.
- We get bv(n-1)/n.
- So, if every bidder except i bids a fraction
(n-1)/n of his value, then the best strategy for
i is to bid a fraction (n-1)/n of his value. - So expected revenue (in a symmetric equilibrium)
from a first-price auction a (n-1)/(n1)
expected revenue from Vickrey auction (revenue
equivalence theorem). In fact, this is the
highest possible revenue in ANY auction for
single-item private values model.
23Revenue in Auctions (3 of 3)
- So expected revenue (in a symmetric equilibrium)
from a first-price auction a (n-1)/(n1)
expected revenue from Vickrey auction (revenue
equivalence theorem). In fact, this is the
highest possible revenue in ANY auction for
single-item private values model. - In fact, we can say more with independently and
identically distributed private values, the
expected revenue in a first-price auction is the
same as the expected revenue in a second-price
auction. - We assumed risk neutral bidders
24Multi-Item Auctions (1 of 3)
- Number of items more than one.
- Items may be of same type (homogeneous) or
different type (heterogeneous). - Examples Sale of different components of a
computer, sale of 1000 memory chips etc. - Bidders may have value on bundles value for 10
memory chips need not equal 10 times value of a
single memory chip value of a monitor and a
keyboard may be more than their combined value.
25Multi-Item Auctions (2 of 3)
- If there are n items, a bidder can have values on
2n number of bundles - exponential number of
bundles. - Simultaneous sale of multiple items is also known
as combinatorial auctions. - Examples of combinatorial auctions
- Sale of airport slots a bidder will be
interested in Mumbai 6 AM to 7 AM slot together
with Bangalore 8 AM to 9 AM slot but less
interested in Mumbai 6 AM to 7 AM slot with
Bangalore 1 PM to 2 PM slot. - Sale of train tracks in Europe, spectrum rights
in different countries.
26Multi-Item Auctions (3 of 3)
- Two buyers and two items (a,b). Values are
v1(a)5, v1 (b)7, v1(ab)15 - v2(a)7, v2 (b)6, v2(ab)12.
- Assuming truthful bidding and conducting a
sequential auction (selling one item after
another) using the Vickrey auction yields item 1
is awarded to buyer 2 and item 2 to buyer 1. - This is not efficient - does not maximize total
value of the system. - Does not maximize the revenue of the seller also.
27Design Objectives (1 of 2)
- Efficiency Maximize the total value of bidders
and the seller. These are called efficient
auctions. - If p is the price paid by a bidder, then v-p is
his payoff and the seller gets a payoff of p. - Thus, total payoff of the system (buyers and
seller) due to that buyer is v-ppv. - So, total payoff of the system is maximized by
maximizing the total value.
28Design Objectives
- Revenue Maximize the total revenue of the
seller. - These are called optimal auctions.
- Generally, have to assume some distributions on
valuations. - Much difficult than designing efficient auctions.
- Analysis is intractable for many practical
multiple items settings. - Note Optimal auctions maximize the payoff of
seller only, whereas efficient auctions maximize
the total payoff of the seller and the buyers.
29Other Auction Design Issues (1 of 2)
- Reserve price Sellers generally set a minimum
price below which they do not sell items. - Bundling issues Sellers generally do not allow
for exponential number of bundles but decide on
bundles before the auction. - Information feedback in iterative auctions What
bid information should be communicated to
bidders? - Bid increments Tradeoff between length of
auction and efficiency/revenue loss.
30Other Auction Design Issues (2 of 2)
- Collusion Bidders form groups (called bidding
rings) and act as one to bid in auctions. - Privacy Depending on the information released by
the auctioneer to the bidders, the privacy of
bidders can be at stake. - Example In English auction, by bidding
truthfully, all losing bidders reveal their value.
- Vijay Krishna, Auction Theory, Academic Press,
2002. - Paul Klemperer, Auctions Theory and Practice,
Online book http//www.paulklemperer.org/, Also
Princeton University Press, 2004 (gives outlines
for undergraduate and graduate courses in
economics and management departments).