Title: Welcome to PRDLAPNC Hawaii 2005
1Welcome to PRDLA/PNC Hawaii 2005
- PRDLA Meeting Business Meeting
- Honolulu
21. Welcome Business (30 minutes)
- Welcome to you all
- Thanks to our hosts University of Hawaii at
Manoa - Thanks to Pacific Neighborhood Consortium
- Introductions
- Newest members
- Zhejiang University Library Yan Jin-wei
- UCLA Library Gary Strong
3Steering Committee Introductions
- Tony Ferguson, U of Hong Kong, Chair Steering
Committee Amanda Harizan, Secretariat Officer
Sylvia Yap, NUS, Singapore. Finishing our terms
of service at the end of this meeting. - New Chair/Secretariat Catherine Quinlan and
Gerard Law, University of British Columbia.
Remarks from soon to be new chair. - New Steering Committee member Director Huh
Nam-jin, Seoul National University. - Continuing to serve on the Steering Committee
Bruce Miller, UC Merced Prof. Xue Fanyu,
Tsinghua U Diane Perushek, U HawaiI Colin
Storey, Chinese U Hong Kong.
4Self Introductions
- Attendees will introduce themselves Names,
position, and /library institution they represent.
52. Taipei General Meeting Minutes
- Copies have been distributed previously
electronically and are available today. Any
changes needed?
63. Membership Report
- University of California, Berkeley
- University of California, Merced
- University of California, San Diego
- University of Hawaii at Manoa
- University of Hong Kong
- University of Oregon
- University of South Pacific, Fiji
- University of Southern California
- University of Washington
- Wuhan University
- Zhejiang University (New, 07/05)
- University of California, Los Angeles (New,
09/05) - Needed Volunteers to help Diane Perushek, who
has accepted the assignment as membership chair,
to develop a list of potential new members and to
extend invitations to them.
- Academia Sinica , Taipei
- Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Enabling Technologies, SDCC
- Hong Kong Baptist University
- National University of Singapore
- Peking University Library, Beijing
- Seoul National University
- Stanford University
- Sun Yat-sen University (Zhongshan)
- Tsinghua University
- University of Auckland
- University of British Columbia
- Invited to join/Response
- UCLA (accepted), Zhejiang University Libraries
(accepted). No response Kanazawa Institute of
Technology (Japan), National Taiwan University
Library (Taipei).
74. Budget Status Report (estimated)
85. Schedule of PRDLA/PNC Future Meetings
- 2006 Seoul, Korea. August 15 to 19. To be held
in conjunction with 72nd IFLA meeting, August
20-24. - 2007 UC Berkeley, USA
- 2008 Asia side of the Pacific Rim Invitations
are welcome. Speak now or later with new Chair,
Catherine Quinland.
96. Program Overview This Morning
- Business meeting reports on Access to member
resources - 1000 1030 ILL, Xue Fangyu, Tsinghua
- 1030 1100 Metadata project management. Team
leader Jim Cheng, UCSD - 1100 1115 Break
- 1115 1145 Digital Discovery Access Methods.
Team leader Luc Declerck, UC Berkeley - 1145 1220 Discussion Which method(s) should
we adopt? - 1230 1400 Lunch (Sandwich lunch) Continue
discussion if needed.
10This afternoon Begin presentations on our 2005
Theme Distance and E-Learning
- 200 220 Diane Perushek, University of Hawai'i
Manoa. Library On-line Instruction for Boomers
and Gamers Both Near and Far - 220 240 Colin Storey, The Chinese University
of Hong Kong, University Library System. The
Librarian As Teacher An information literacy
E-learning package from The Chinese University of
Hong Kong Library. - 240 300 Assunta Pisani, Dongfang Shao,
Stanford University Library. New Developments in
the East Asia Library at Stanford - 1500 1520 Break
11This afternoon continued
- 320 340 Catherine Quinlan, Univ British
Columbia, Vancouver. Inspiring Lifelong Learning
at the University of British Columbia - 340 400 Yan Jinwei, Wuhan University. The
development of digital collections in Wuhan
University Library - 400 420 Brian Flaherty, U Auckland.
Libraries of Course integrating library content
and services into the e-learning environment - 420 440 Robert Felsing, U Oregon. Making
E-Learning and Traditional Learning Seamless - 445 to 515 Visit special exhibits at UH Art
Gallery - 530 Bus to Welcome Dinner for PRDLA members.
Maple Gardens. - (meet in front of East-West Center to board
12Tomorrows Mornings program
- PRDLA Digital Library 1. Chair Tony Ferguson
- 1050 1110 R Bruce Miller, University of
California Merced. RFID- Radio Frequency
Identification in the Library technical, legal,
and social issues. - 1110 1130 Puakea Nogelmeier. University of
Hawai'i Manoa. Hawaiian Language Newspapers
Crafting a Digital Key to the Cache - 1130 1150 Kylie Chan, HKBU. Building
collections, educating users, and managing
information innovation and professional agility
in an e-library setting. - 1150 1220 Todd Grappone, Lynn O'Leary-Archer.
U Southern California. Project Gandhara Shedding
Light on the Hidden Web - 1220 200 Lunch (sandwich). Steering
Committee to eat together
13 Tomorrow Afternoons Program
- PRDLA Digital Library 2. Chair Tony Ferguson
- 200 230 Hideo Yamanaka. Tenri University.
Japan. A new style online catalogue for Early
Japanese Books bibliographic description through
text data and image data - 230 300 Emily Lin, U California Merced. Who
Owns What? Negotiating Intellectual Property,
Digital Assets, and Information Access - 300 330 Sophy Shu-jiun Chan, Academia Sinica
Computing Center. Toward an Institutional
Repository at the Data Service of NDAP - 330 350 Break
- 400 PNC Program refer to your printed program
- 400 PRDLA Steering Committee to continue
- 1800 2000 Welcome Reception (stand up light
dinner) West Center B1, Garden Level
14Wedesday Conference continues OR take part in
optional Polynesian Cultural Center Tour
- Some have signed up (7 as of 21 Oct 2005)
- Alii Luau (LUAU) US 103.00 / Curbside Trans
(mini-coach pick-up for the ALII LUAU package
only - from Marriot 1015 AM) - The Alii Luau Package is the most popular way to
experience all of the Polynesian Cultural Center,
including Hawaii's most authentic luau. - A lei greeting.
- Admission to all the island nations of Polynesia
Samoa, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Fiji, Hawaii,
the Marquesas, Tahiti, Tonga, the Rapa Nui
(Easter Island) exhibit and the 1850s Mission
Complex. - A canoe tour of the islands.
- Rainbows of Paradise, Hawaii's only waterborne
canoe pageant. - The Laie Tour, including stops at Brigham Young
University Hawaii and the Hawaii Temple Visitors
Center. - IMAX film.
- The Alii Luau all-you-can-eat traditional
Hawaiian dinner buffet and entertainment from
515-630 p.m. (guests should arrive no later
than 500 p.m. for the best seating). - Preferred seating at the world-famous night show,
Horizons Where the Sea Meets the Sky. - If you wish to join the tour and have not signed
up, please call 1-800-367-7060. Reservations
agents take your calls from 700 a.m. to 700
p.m. Mondays-Saturdays e-mail PCC at
internetrez_at_polynesia.com or visit
15ALERT before we go further
- Because we have so many presentations we will
have appointed time keepers who will give 3
minute and 1 minute alerts to keep us on schedule
16Return to todays agenda
- Business meeting reports on Access to member
resources - 1000 1030 ILL, Xue Fangyu, Tsinghua
- 1030 1100 Metadata project management. Team
leader Jim Cheng, UCSD - 1100 1115 Break
- 1115 1145 Ad hoc discovery access methods.
Team leader Luc Declerck, UC Berkeley - 1145 1220 Discussion Which method(s) should
we adopt? - 1230 1400 Lunch (Sandwich lunch) Continue
discussion if needed. - 200 PM to 440 Speakers program on Distance and
E-Learning - 440 to 530 Library visit Hamilton Library
tour and exhibits - 440 to 530 SC (old and new members) meeting Yap
Room, Hamilton Library - 530 Bus to Welcome Dinner for PRDLA members.
Maple Gardens. - (meet in front of East-West Center)
- Conclusion Thank You!
17ILL Charge
- Suggest what positions PRDLA should take with
regard to the sharing of physical forms of
18Metadata Project Management Database/Registry
- Determine how we can insure member libraries
record information about their projects. - Recommend specific measures that PRDLA might
initiates to achieve greater compliance and use
of the registry
19Digital Discovery Access Methods Selection Charge
- Thoroughly explore the pros and cons of each of
the major alternatives and variations identified
during Taipei meeting designed to provide patrons
(students, faculty, and researchers) with access
to PRDLA member digital resources - - III Metafinder or similar products from other
vendors including III Metadata Builder. - - Grid SRB technology
- - OAI technology
- Establish a Scope Account Union catalogue using
III - The taskforce should pay particular attention to
the following factors during their analysis Time
needed to get the job done Immediate and
long-term expenses Impact/effect each will have
upon the ability of patrons to access these
resources Scalability/interoperability of the
database/enterprise that will result and its long
term sustainability and Other factors which the
taskforce considers important