Title: Torbirn Carlquist
1Urban Audit data and indicators
2Content of my talk
- Data for 2001
- Historical data for 1991 and 1996
- New data collection for 2004
- Spatial units
- Large City Audit
3Data for 2001
- Statistical domains covered
- Variables
- Indicators
- Spatial units
4Average response rates by theme
5Urban Audit dataset
- 336 variables (raw data) and 283 Indicators
(derived data) - For 284 cities in 28 European countries
(including Turkey) - Reference year 2001 if available, otherwise any
year in the period 1999 - 2003
6Variables sent by country (percent)
7Core city and LUZ per country 2001
8Response rates for sub-city districts
Problem area !
9Response rates (histogram)Maximum 258 cities
10Historical data collection
- Pilot study
- Reference years
- Variables
11Urban Audit 1 - pilot phase
- Organised by DG REGIO
- Data collected by external contractor
- Reference periods 1981, 1991
- Data not kept!
12Reference periods historical data
- 1991 if available, otherwise any year in the
period 1988 1993 - Data were re-collected from NSIs
- 1996 if available, otherwise any year in the
period 1994 - 1998
13Reduced variable list for 1991, 1996
- 87 variables (raw data) for city level
- 59 variables for LUZ
- 25 variables for SCD
14New data collection 2006
- Task force
- Variables
- Spatial units
15Collection in 2006 - data for 2004
- 339 (336) variables (raw data) and 406 (283)
indicators (derived data) - 24 of the variables are available within
Commission - Reference year 2004 if available, otherwise any
year in the period 2003 - 2005
16Variables 2006
17Comparison to the current dataset
18Variables for 2004 by source
19Variables by domain 2001 - 2004
20Spatial units (1)
- Core city
- Political unit commune, Stadt, municipio etc.
- Larger urban zone (LUZ)
- Approximation of the Functional Urban Area
- NUTS 3 or LAU 1 or LAU 2
- Sub-city districts (neighbourhood, SCD)
- 5 000 40 000 inhabitants internal homogeneity
21Spatial units (2)
- SCD with 2 levels
- To allow large city districts to be represented
- Kernel
- Used in a few cases where the city is underbound
- Allows comparison London-Paris at 3 levels
- Country level
- For comparison of cities with the whole country
22UA population / total population 2001
- when selecting additional Urban Audit cities
- Geographical spread
- Absolute number of cities in each country
- Willingness to cooperate
- Our budget
24Spatial units 2004
- Core city (299 cities in EU-25)
- Larger urban zone (LUZ) - 191 variables
- Improvements of LUZ in several countries by
taking account of commuting data from the 2001
census - Sub-city districts (neighbourhood, SCD) - 52
variables - Kernel (8, up from 2) all city variables
- Added Athina, Dublin, Helsinki, København,
Lisboa, Stockholm - Kernels should have SCD covering the whole
territory - National level - 249 variables
25Large City Audit 2004
- All other cities gt100 000 inhabitants
- 222 LCA cities identified in EU-25
- Only city level
- Reduced variable list
26Cities with more than 100 000 inhabitants
- To have a complete set of Urban Audit statistics
for all cities above 100 000 inhabitants would
add considerable value added to the UA dataset - There are in EU-25 222 such cities that are not
included in the 2006 Urban Audit - A complete data collection of all 300 variables
seems out of the question - Reduced data set of 54 core variables
27Cities gt 100 000 inhabitants, not included in
the Urban Audit but in Larger City Audit
28Thanks for listening !