Title: 20072008 Capital Financing
12007-2008Capital Financing
North East ISD Unlimited Tax School Building
Bond Series 2007A
2Capital Financing
- Capital Financing in San Antonio
- Construction Considerations
- Debt Structure Considerations
- Debt Structure Challenges
- Concerns Tax Rate
- Underwriters
3Managing NEISD Capital Financing
- May 2007 Election
- North East ISD taxpayers authorize 498M in bonds
- San Antonio taxpayers authorize over 2B in bonds
for construction since May 2006
Source NEISD Finance
4Bond Authorization San Antonio
5Bond Issuance Information
N negotiated C competitive
Total 996,554,000
6ConcernsIncreasing Costs
- San Antonio Construction Capacity
- Rising labor Costs
- Rising material Costs
Source NEISD Finance
7Increase in National Non-residential Buildings
Preliminary through May
Source Bureau of Labor Statistics www.bls.gov
8Historical Material Cost Data (National
1996 to 2000 3.2 / Yr
2000 to 2004 3.9 / Yr
2003 to 2006 8.9 / Yr
10.5 05-06
15.7 00-04
11.4 04-05
9Elementary School Construction Cost Analysis
10Debt StructureConsiderations
- Inflation of construction costs needs to be
addressed - Secure lowest cost of borrowing and achieve
District goals - Take advantage of historically low interest rates
and flat yield curve environment
Source NEISD Finance
11TRSY versus true interest cost (TIC) Yield
12Debt StructureConsiderations
- Maintain tax rates to achieve the desired tax
savings on the average valued home - Minimize costs associated with bond issuance
- Consider possible need for additional bonds for
growth in 2010 and 2013
13Debt StructureChallenges
- Keeping debt in the 30 year time range
- Keeping IS tax rate below .50
14Debt StructureChallenges
- Match the maturity of technology and equipment
bonds to their useful life - 54 million for technology
- 11.2 million for buses
15 16Proposed Bond Issuance
- One sale of 498,049,000
- Minimize interest rate risk
- Every .1 change in interest rates will cost
approximately 4.5 million - A 1 change in rates will cost an additional 45
17Market Volatility
18Proposed Bond Issuance
- One sale of 498,049,000
- Will allow additional interest earnings on bonds
of 17.5 - 20 million for construction - Maintain tax rates
- To achieve the desired estimated tax savings on
the average valued home will cost taxpayers
capitalized interest
19Proposed Bond Issuance
- Capitalized Interest
- When Initial tax rate does not cover initial debt
payments. -
- Create additional funds to cover initial debt
payments in order to maintain desired tax rate.
20Proposed Bond Issuance
- Example
- Borrow 110,000
- Purchase 100,000 asset
- Make initial loan payments with additional
10,000 - Additional 10,000 will be paid over the life of
the loan
21NEISD Proposed Bond Sale Summary
- One Sale Two Sales
- 40M Interest Earnings 20M Interest Earnings
- 23.5M Capitalized Interest 4.5M
Capitalized Interest - .2M Issuance Cost
- 16.5M in Net Earnings 15.3M in Net
Earnings 15.3M Change in Interest
Rate of .34 - 0
22Concerns Tax Rate
- Assumptions Prior to Bond Election
Source NEISD Finance
23 Estimated Effect on Taxpayer Prior to Election
MO Tax rate of 1.03 was used in estimate with
an IS Tax Rate of .3729 MO Tax rate of 1.03
was used in estimate with an IS Tax Rate of
24Effect on NEISD Taxpayers
- Changes in assumption after election
- Average taxable home value increased not by 7
but by 11 - MO tax rate increased by .01
Source NEISD Finance
25 Effect on Taxpayers After Election
Current value MO Tax rate of 1.04 used in
estimate with an IS Tax Rate of .3495 MO Tax
rate of 1.04 used in estimate with an IS Tax
Rate of .3074
26North East ISD Average Value of New Single Family
Residential Properties Tax Year 2007
- Number of Parcels 3,320
- Average Market Value 221,213
- Average Taxable Value 206, 213
- Houses built after January 1, 2006
- Value net of 15,000 homestead exemption
27North East ISD Average Value of Existing Single
Family Residential Properties
- Tax Year Tax Year Value
- 2006 2007 Increase
- Number of Parcels 104,595 104,905
- Average Market Value 148,963 163,821 9.97
- Average Value Net of
- 10 Value Cap Loss 147,429 160,910 9.14
- Average Taxable Value 132, 429 145,910
10.18 - Houses built before January 1 2006
- Value net of 10 value cap loss and 15,000
homestead exemption
28 Average Value of Existing Single Family
Residential Properties
MO Tax rate of 1.04 used in estimate with an
IS Tax Rate of .3629
29Concerns Tax Rate
Source NEISD Finance
30NEISD Proposed Bond Sale Summary
- One Sale One Sale
- Tax Rate 2008 .3495 Tax Rate 2008 .3629
- 40M Interest Earnings 40M Interest Earnings
- 23.5M Capitalized Interest 6.1M
Capitalized Interest -
- 16.5M in Net Earnings 33.9M in Net
IS increase of .0405
IS increase of .0539
31Recommendation Negotiated Bond Sale
- In order to structure debt to maintain tax rate
for dollar savings to North East taxpayers
- RBC Dain Rauscher
- Banc of America
- Bear Stearns
- First Southwest Company
- The Frost National Bank
- Morgan Keegan Co., Inc.
- SAMCO Capital Markets
33 Preliminary 2007-2008 Tax Rates
Tax Rate Tax Rate 06-07 General (MO)
1.3600 1.3600 07-08 General (MO) 1.0400
1.0400 Change in Tax Rate (0.3200)
(0.3200) 06-07 Debt Service (IS) 0.3090
0.3090 07-08 Debt Service (IS) 0.3495
0.3629 Change in Tax Rate 0.0405
0.0539 06-07 Total Tax Rate 1.6690
1.6690 07-08 Total Tax Rate 1.3895
1.4029 Change in Tax Rate (0.2795)
Source NEISD Finance
34Concerns Tax Rate
Source NEISD Finance