Title: The Rotating Formation in a Selfpropelled Particle Model
1The Rotating Formation in a Self-propelled
Particle Model
- Ryan Lukeman
- Supervised by
- Dr. L Keshet, Dr. Y.X. Li
2Schooling Dynamics
- Individuals in a school tend to maintain roughly
the same heading as other school members
(polarized) - Individuals do not want to collide with others,
nor do they want to stray too far from neighbours
(repulsion/attraction) - Model this behaviour through interaction force,
which acts between nearest neighbours
3A minimal modeling approach single nearest
Attach Newtons equations of motion to each
4Types of Stable Solutions
Varying autonomous self- propulsion leads to a
number of distinct solution types
5Another Stable Solution Emerges
For certain sets of initial conditions, and
certain interaction functions(), get stable
rotating solutions
6Is similar behaviour seen in nature?
"Schools change formation from one moment to the
next. A straight line becomes a parabola, which
becomes a cartwheel. Off Cape Cod one summer a
school of about 200 bluefin was milling. Then a
fish broke off the edge, followed by another, and
an echelon formed, a great diagonal line pulling
away from the mill like thread coming off a
spool. D. Whynott, Giant Bluefin
7More Basking Sharks
Offshore Nova Scotia!
8Army Ants
Separated from main columnar raid from heavy
rain, marched for 24 hours until death
(hand-drawn from observations).
1. How do we characterize the solution at
-angular velocity
-group radius
2. What are these values? Can obtain in a
number of ways, such as a force balance in
centripetal and tangential directions.
Regardless, we get
Recall from our model equations
-drag term
- particles
-interaction function
- Investigate the linear stability
- transform into new coordinates to gain structure
in stability matrix - perturb position and velocity of all particles
- solve for eigenvalues bounding eigenvalues lt 0
gives conditions on - g(d) for stability
n particles, transform, perturb
n complex quartics to solve Straightforward
calculation of eigenvalues not feasible -
numerically solve for a range of g(d) values
12Numerical solutions of eigenvalues
real part of eigenvalues vs. g(d)
n 4 case
Intersections give equilibrium distance b/t
14g(d) outside stable region
15Moving groups
Cross a threshold where autonomous propulsion
dominates social forces, rotating group breaks
into linear group