Washington Conferences - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Washington Conferences


Macarthur ordered out reaches Australia on 17 March. Bataan falls on 9 April. Corregidor ... Bataan Death March. 60 mile movement of 76,000 POWs (12,000 American) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Washington Conferences

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Washington Conferences
  • 3 meetings between FDR and Churchill
  • 1st Wartime Conference
  • 22 December 1941 bonds of enduring friendship
  • 18 June 1942 Churchills flying boat lands on
    the Potomac River
  • Decide on N. Africa campaign to begin November
  • 11 May 1943 code name Trident
  • Talk strategy
  • Address Congress
  • Joint press conference
  • Invasion of France in 1944
  • Step up war against Japan

  • Site of 2 very difficult losses Bataan and
  • I Shall Return
  • Somewhere around 7,000 islands
  • United States gained possession after the Spanish
    American War
  • Very strategic position
  • Macarthur was head of U.S. military forces in
  • Japanese occupied Formosa
  • Macarthur bragged about organizing a devastating
    defense would discourage any attack
  • Defensive force 10,000 regular U.S. Army,
    12,000 Filipino scouts, 100,000 very poor
    Philippine Army soldiers

  • War Plan Orange (WPO) pull to Bataan Peninsula
    and await reinforcements use mountains and
    jungle for cover (Rainbow War Plan)
  • Pearl Harbor 8 December (Philippine Time)
    Attacks followed on Philippines destroyed many
    planes on the ground at dawn on 9 December an
    amphibious assault on the island airstrip off
  • 26 December Manila labeled an open city (free
    of military activity)
  • U.S. begins withdraw to Bataan even though no
    hope of help
  • Lt Gen Masaharu Homma overall Japanese
  • Macarthur ordered out reaches Australia on 17
  • Bataan falls on 9 April
  • Corregidor
  • Lt Gen Jonathan Wainwright
  • Guerrilla war supplied by U.S. submarines

Bataan Death March
  • 60 mile movement of 76,000 POWs (12,000 American)
  • After surrender in April 1942
  • News of atrocities came 3 years later
  • Grouped 500 1,000
  • Strong were not allowed to help the weak
  • Sun treatment
  • March lasted 6 days for some it was 12
  • Estimated 5,200 Americans died on the march
  • Death rate climbs to 550 men a day at the camp

Selective Service the draft
  • September 1940 first peace time draft passed by
  • Registration of all males 21 36 began 16
    October 1940
  • Of those called in the 1st year, 50 were
    rejected for failing to meet minimum standards
  • Needed to be at least 5 feet tall, 105 pounds,
    correctable vision, at least ½ of your 32 natural
    teeth, no flat feet, no hernias, no VD
  • Literacy
  • Impact of the Great Depression
  • November 1942 began drafting men ages 18 37
  • By the end of the war 34 million men had
    registered and 10 million were ordered to report
    for induction
  • Conscientious objectors
  • About 75 of Quakers who were drafted did serve.

Rationing Wartime allotment of scarce goods
  • Complex and backed by laws
  • Distribute scarce goods equitably among consumers
  • Also was the allocation of raw materials
  • At first the system was voluntary.
  • Scrap drives
  • Car pools
  • Non-essential
  • Gas, rubber (90), cheese, butter,
  • About 1/3 of food items were rationed during the
  • Points and money ex pound of ham .51 and 8
    points, can of baked beans 10 points

  • Solomon Islands
  • Operation Watchtower
  • 7 August 1942
  • Landed on surrounding islands first
  • Troops walked ashore complete surprise to the
  • By the time the Japanese realized the landing had
    occurred there were 11,145 Marines ashore
  • Main objective Henderson Field
  • Port Moresby and Australia
  • Japanese landed many reinforcement main part of
    Guadalcanal was the naval battle around the island

  • Japanese air attacks on Marines supplies would
    have hurt the Marines badly
  • Cactus Air Force various Navy and Marine
    planes flying off of Henderson Field
  • First Medal of Honor to a Marine went to Sgt.
    John Basilone
  • Tokyo Express source of reinforcements for the
  • The Slot
  • USS Juneau and the Sullivan Brothers
  • Weve got the bastards licked! Adm. William
  • Hirohito allows a withdraw from Guadalcanal which
    was very secret
  • 25,000 Japanese died on Guadalcanal, 9,000 from
    disease and starvation
  • United States lost 1,500 dead and 4,800 wounded

Casablanca Conference
  • January 14 23, 1943
  • FDR and Churchill (Stalin declined)
  • Casablanca, Morocco
  • 1st time President left country when country was
    at war
  • Unconditional surrender prolong war? Stiffen
  • Pick up pace on war vs. U-boats and Combined
    Bomber Offensive
  • Secrecy meeting kept secret until 27 January

Strategic Bombing
  • Use of bombers as a blockade
  • Precision bombing vs. area bombing (carpet)
  • Day vs. night
  • Escort fighters
  • Offensive action all the time
  • 3 strategic aims
  • Oil facilities destroyed
  • Transport facilities destroyed
  • General dislocation
  • Operation Gomorrah July 1943 Hamburg 45,000
  • Dresden 13 -14 February 1945 135,000 dead

  • Japan B-29 bombers high vs. low level raids
    fire bombing
  • By the time Germany surrenders Bomber Command had
    dropped 1,104,320 tons of bombs, and USAAF had
    dropped 997,920 tons.
  • Bomber Command lost 55,573 airmen 20 casualty

Upkeep Bombs
  • Bouncing Bombs
  • Dam bombs destroy hydroelectric power and flood
    industrial areas
  • Bombs would spin backwards at 500 rpm prior to
  • Dropped from height of 60 feet
  • Bomb would skip across the surface of the water
    and crawl down the dam to 30 feet below the
    surface and then explode
  • 9,200 pounds/warhead was 5,720 pounds
  • 16 17 May 1943

  • 18 April 1943 Yamamoto shot down one year
    after the Doolittle Raid
  • 22 April 1943 One way ticket to hell
  • U-505 First enemy ship to be boarded on high
    seas since War of 1812
  • North Africa Video

Battle of Stalingrad
  • Tsaritsyn Stalingrad Volgograd
  • Friedrich von Paulus
  • 21 August Germans were 40 miles from the city
  • 12 September Germans enter the suburbs
  • October and November desperate house to house
  • Zhukov
  • Soviet Counterattack Operation Uranus
  • 22 23 November Germans are surrounded
  • Fortress Stalingrad reinforcement are to come
    in by air
  • Goring promises 500 tons per day (remember
  • They average about 80 tons per day
  • Germans needed 400 JU52 deliveries per day ---
    there were750 Junker JU52s in all of Europe and
    North Africa at 100 readiness

  • Surrender is out of the question fight to the
    last man
  • 28 January no rations to the wounded
  • Paulus promoted to Field Marshall
  • 31 January - Paulus surrenders
  • 2 February fighting stops
  • 140,000 KIA/MIA/WIA 91,000 POW (6,000 survive
    the war)
  • 100,000 KIA/WIA outside the pocket

Battle of Kursk
  • Largest tank battle of the war
  • Germans 2,500 3,000 tanks and self-propelled
    guns, and 1,800 aircraft
  • Russians 3,000 tanks
  • 4 July 1943
  • Kursk salient
  • Many Germans had urged Hitler to stop the attack
    due to Soviet knowledge of the plans
  • Hitler calls an end to the attack due to the
    invasion of Sicily
  • German losses 70,000 KIA and captured 2,950
    tanks and 1,400 aircraft
  • Soviet losses were again heavy, but absorbed
  • Russians launch first summer offensive

  • 10 July 1943 38 days long
  • 315,000 Italians and 90,000 Germans
  • Patton and Montgomery
  • Operation Husky
  • Test for paratroopers
  • Germans got out 39,569 troops, 47 tanks, 94 heavy
    guns, 9,605 vehicles, 2,000 tons of ammunition
    Italians got out 62,000 troops, 41 artillery
    pieces, 12 mules

  • 35 miles south of Rome
  • Meant to put pressure on the Gustav Line,
    therefore a quicker fall to Rome
  • Operation Shingle 22 January 1944
  • 36,000 troops landed unopposed
  • Basically no German troops between the beach and
    primary target Alban Hills or even to Rome
  • Rapido and Garigliano Rivers assaults failed
    troops shift to Anzio

  • American commander, Major General John P. Lucas,
    was overly cautious, delayed advance until the
    supplies were built up.
  • I am far too tenderhearted ever to be a success
    at my chosen profession.
  • 4 month battle for the Anzio beachhead and the
    few miles inland
  • German artillery
  • Anzio casualties 72,000 (15,000 at Normandy)
  • Anzio Annie and Anzio Express railroad guns
    562 pound projectile
  • Axis Sally on Anzio largest self-supporting
    POW camp in the world
  • Breaking out of Anzio happened after Gustav Line
    had been broken

  • February May 1944
  • Key to Gustav Line
  • Traced back to St. Benedict in 529 AD
  • Becomes Hill 516
  • Commander of New Zealand Corps, General Sir
    Bernard Freyberg, veteran of Gallipoli, wounded
    9xs in World War I, Crete, and Africa
  • Bombing gave Germans great places to hide
  • Some craters were so big that it took bridges to
    get across them
  • Polish troops were the group to actually take
    Monte Cassino
  • Papal investigation confirmed Germans had not
    used the Abbey and even helped monks remove
    valuable art and treasures

Italian Campaign
  • Reasons for Italy
  • Defensive Lines Gustav Line, Winter Line,
    Gothic Line
  • 36th ID (Texas) investigation in Congress about
    the attack on the Rapido River
  • Monte Cassino
  • Polish, Indian, New Zealand, South African,
    French, Brazilian, 442nd RCT
  • From the landings at Salerno to the liberation of
    Rome on 4 June 1944 ---- 275 days, 124,914
    casualties, (20,389 KIA 11,292 were Americans)

  • 35 miles north of Bucharest
  • Oil!
  • Provided up to ½ of the Germans petroleum
  • Egypt, Italy ---- pre-warning (smoke pots)
  • 1 August 1943 5 Medals of Honor were given 3
    posthumously most ever given for a single air
  • 3rd best defended target on the continent
    Vienna and Berlin
  • Total of 13,469 tons of bombs dropped on Ploesti
  • 350 bombers were lost plus numerous fighters

  • Peenemunde site of German rocket research and
  • V-1 buzz bomb, V-2 missile terror weapons

  • Bloody Tarawa
  • One of the bloodiest battles in Marine Corps
  • Operation Galvanic
  • 20 November 1943
  • Makin Atoll was attacked first
  • Airfield was target
  • ½ hour gap between pre-invasion bombardment and
    landings gave Japanese time to regroup
  • Landed at low tide some men had to wade ½ mile
    to shore

  • Got tanks and artillery ashore on Day 2
  • Flamethrowers, TNT, grenades
  • Day 4 Tarawa is in U.S. hands
  • Approximately 4,836 Japanese were killed there
    were 17 wounded POWs
  • Marines 3,000 casualties 984 KIA total of
    3,300 WIA and 1,027 KIA

  • 14 miles wide, 2 5 miles wide
  • Mariana Islands
  • 15 June 1944
  • UDT Underwater Demolition Team scouting
  • Day 1 2,000 U.S. KIA or WIA 20,000 went ashore
  • 30,000 defenders
  • 7 July 3,000 make a banzai charge
  • 22,000 civilians killed/suicide
  • 16,525 KIA/WIA U.S.

  • 5 miles long, 2 miles wide
  • 15 September 1944
  • Operation Stalemate
  • Little knowledge of Palau Islands last
    knowledge was 1923
  • Pre-invasion bombardment was ineffective
    defensive line was behind the beach
  • Week 1 4,000 Marine casualties
  • 1st Marine Division 6,786 casualties (1,300
    KIA) 53.7
  • 5th Marine Division 42.7
  • 7th Marine Division 46.2
  • F4U Corsair napalm bomb from the same island
    dont pull landing gear up
  • 12,000 Japanese KIA
  • Resistance ends 27 November
  • Of 19 Medals of Honor awarded to Marines of the
    1st Division, 8 were on Peleliu
  • Not necessary, wither on the vine
  • MacArthur

Iwo Jima
  • One of the Volcano Islands reeked of sulfur
  • 660 miles south of Tokyo
  • 8 square miles
  • Japanese were using it to attack B-29s
  • We used it to land damaged planes
  • 22,000 Japanese defenders
  • 19 February 1945
  • 5 weeks to secure the island
  • 16 March Iwo Jima secured
  • 26 March Iwo Jima completed

  • Dawn of 26 March 350 Japanese troops attacked
    an Army Air Force camp
  • During April and May, a further 1,602 Japanese
    were killed
  • Iwo Jimas Mt. Suribachi
  • During the prep for the invasion the question was
    raised as to whether or not to use chemical
    weapons no civilians were on Iwo Jima

  • 1 April 1945 Easter Sunday
  • Last major battle of World War II
  • Was an independent kingdom until 1870s when it
    was forcibly annexed
  • 110,000 Japanese defenders
  • Did not defend the beaches
  • 22 June island is deemed secure
  • Kamikaze
  • Japan lost 108 ships in the battle
  • 4,200 Japanese airplanes (1,900 kamikaze) went
    after the U.S. fleet sinking 36 ships and
    damaging 368
  • U.S. Navy had greatest number of casualties in
    one operation 10,000
  • U.S. had 12,281 KIA (4,907 Navy) and 50,000 WIA

  • Atomic Bombs
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • Enola Gay and Bocks Car
  • 130,000 and 65,000 75,000
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