Title: John Brandenburg Basketball
1 John Brandenburg St. Louis
2 About John Brandenburg
He is presently a student and studying for his
Bachelor of Arts. He has worked with St.
Patricks Center as a volunteer in addition to
the Room at the Inn program at St. Clement of
Rome Parish Des Peres, MO.
3 Involvements in Colgate University
Colgate basketball team has adopted a classroom
at Sherburne Elementary School and visits with
them throughout the year. The team also invites
younger members of the town Hamilton in once a
year for a basketball clinic with men and
women's team. The Colgate team has also led a
basketball clinic for a group home of adults in
the area surrounding Hamilton. .
4Other Activities
He is a Representative of the Colgate Mens
basketball team for the Student Athlete Advisory
Committee at Colgate where he acts as a liaison
between the athletic administration and
basketball team. As a Brother of Gamma Omicron
chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity he also helps
recruit members and participates in philanthropic
events on campus.
5Other Activities
He is a Representative of the Colgate Mens
basketball team for the Student Athlete Advisory
Committee at Colgate where he acts as a liaison
between the athletic administration and
basketball team.
6A promising athlete and a dedicated student who
balances his time to include a respectable
academic program and work experience in addition
to extracurricular activities.