Oh Golly! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Oh Golly!


By Zachary Fitzgibbon and Maria Bailey. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Category: Entertainment


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Oh Golly!

Oh Golly!
By Maria Bailey and Zachary Fitzgibbon
It is the year 3033. Oh no! Your planet is
dying! Your race has enslaved all the indigenous
forest creatures, there by destroying the
infrastructure of the planet. It is starting to
crumble in on itself, and you seem to have no
choice but to leave. However, you know that in
the next city over, to the west, there are
massive end-of-world parties raging on... or you
could fly your rocket ship toward that dark mass
in the sky it looks possibly habitable. Off to
your side you hear a group talking about what
could be an extraterrestrial sighting in the city
over to the east. Which course will you take?
You and your best friend decide to hitchhike.
The driver says to you, I can only take you half
way there though. That's cool, we'll just walk
the rest of the way. you say, you look at your
friend and they just shrug their shoulders. I'm
sure we'll have time.
Oh Golly! you shout, Look at all the stars!
with your eyes bright and on your tiptoes you
lean forward trying to see the gaseous bulbs
better, not that a couple of inches makes much of
a real difference. Uuuh... your friend makes
a funny noise and you turn to look at them.
L-l-l-look at th-that! they finally manage to
blurt out. You slowly turn your head and see
that what had looked to be a habitable planet was
actually a black hole, and you're headed straight
toward it. Unfortunately, no one knows how to
work the autopilot. You overhear a group of
teenagers talking about what to do. You jump into
the middle of the group and shout, We should all
jump out in to the middle of the black hole, we
are all dead anyways! they like your idea and
swarm around the exit hatch. You are surprised at
the crowd's reaction because you did not actually
expect them to react so willfully to this
suicidal idea. Now you have the choice to either
stay or jump.
You arrive at the sight of the extraterrestrial
sighting and realize it was no joke. The area is
buzzing with alien creatures. They strangely
resemble humans, just with bigger hands, bigger
eyes, and no hair. The aliens appear to be making
peace with the humans they meet and offering them
a spot on the space ship. You observe the aliens
for a little and wonder whether or not to go on
their space ship too or stay on the doomed planet
and wait for another miracle to save you.
The random driver has just dropped you and your
friend off in the middle of nowhere... and now
he's speeding off into the distance.... You look
at your friend and they look back at you.
Well... you start to say I guess
hitchhiking to the party at the end of the world
wasn't such a good idea after all, they
interrupt you. The world starts to shake and you
both panic, but your panic is short lived because
you start falling and next thing you know...
You have decided to stay in the rocket ship and
watch every body who jumped out perish. You, your
friends, and the other who stayed on the ship do
not die.
Since it was your bright idea, the crazed crowd
grabs you and flings you out first.
Your friend starts to walk toward the aliens and
their awesome ship. You look at all the happy
aliens and happy people and decided it looks
chill. Oh, golly.... this looks like it's going
to be quite the extraterrestrial ride. you joke
with a happy alien. Indeed, new human friend,
it will be! he smiles back. (At least you think
it is a he.) You eye the strange looking ship.
Somewhere off in the background you hear Katy
Perry's E.T.
Your friend jumps at the chance to get it on
with the aliens, but you're not so excited. You
hang back and before you know it your friend is
gone, vanished in the crowd. Alone and afraid you
hide under one of the legs of the rocket ship, in
the shadows.
You find yourself in a dark tunnel. There is
light coming from one end, and a darkness from
the other. You know you should go toward the
light, like all of the stories always say, but
for some odd reason you feel compelled to wander
into the darkness. With a gasp, you awake! You
look around you and your friend is nowhere in
sight. You have no idea what happened to them.
You look at your hands and realize you have been
changed! You've come back to life as a spirit!
From what you remember from your Geography of
The Universe class, you know the spirit-peoples
live on the Blue Planet. You don't know what
you're doing there or how you got there, but that
must be where you are.
You awake to find you've emerged from the
rocket, intact, and slightly changed... well more
than slightly actually. You realize you and
everyone else on the ship have become spirits!
From what you remember from your Geography of
The Universe class, you know the spirit-peoples
live on the Blue Planet. You have no way of
knowing, but you hope and assume that the Blue
Planet is where you're going. Hey come see
this! your friend calls to you. They are
standing by the ship interface. Two shapes have
appeared on the control panel and it seems as if
you should select one one is just a circle, the
other is a circle with a little ring around it.
You click one.
The last thing you see is your friend doubled
over laughing. You're dead. Start Over?
You find your self on the blue planet. You look
around and observe that the general population of
the planet is gearing up for battle. You do not
know what is going on. You blend in with the
crowd and someone throws you a weapon. You take
the weapon and follow the crowd.
When the space ship takes off, leaving you
behind, its engine flare burns you to a crisp.
You're dead ) Start over??
You find your self at the red planet surrounded
by aliens they are also preparing for war,
weapons are being passed around, but you are over
looked as you blend into the crowd. You deduce
the planet is preparing for intergalactic war.
WAR. There are two sides to the war. Do you
join the alien peace corps or the alien army?
Good decision! The army needs your help, but it
will be tough. Your morals and values will be
tested! Will you go AWOLor Perservere through
this hardship?
Good decision, you have chosen the more passive
side or war. But alas, a trial arises. One
night after your recent decision to join the
corps, you are attending your business on the
edge of camp when you over hear a conservation.
You over hear what you know to be a secret
peace corps meeting. It's hard to make out
words, but you catch a couple of sentences here
and there. Tomorrow night we will strike...
they will never know what has hit them... expect
many casualties, they may not go quietly... have
in the past... You believe they're talking
about the rival army. You like the idea of
becoming an activist, but should you stay a
pacifist instead?
After you join the army the torturous methods
are too much for your tender mind to bear. So one
night you sneak away... You awake intoxicated on
strange alien drinks and your clothes are no
where to be found, you very vaguely remember
something about a bet that you would not be able
to get away, however, in your drunken stupor you
are determined to prove them wrong. You do and go
The army life desensitized you, and you can kill
with out a second guess........or maybe not. Your
fellow comrades start to whisper behind your
back. There's something wrong with that
one... That one isn't like the
others.... What a weirdo! Do their whispers
get to you and are you deemed mentally unstable
or do you stay in control of yourself and push
through the ranks?
You like what they are saying so you slowly
enter the tent so you do not alarm them. I want
in! you demand. They nod in agreement. Okay
you are in. Well that was easy, you think to
You shake your head and think to yourself black
holey moley, they gonna get themselves killed.
You walk back to camp and forget everything you
just heard as sleep kisses your memory good bye.
You've decided to stay with the peace corps
The alien drinks affected you very badly because
you are human. You are not in you sane mind when
a group of peace corps activists find you. They
kill you out of pity, believing you to be crazy
and beyond help. Start Over???
Your fellow soldiers have deemed you mentally
unstable. You think yourself a genius though. You
want very badly to sketch out the mechanical
images that flow through your head. You grab a
piece of paper from under your cot and trudge to
a secluded spot of the army camp. From the corner
of your eye, you see the most succulent looking
alien fruit. Do you give in the hunger and
gluttony or do you continue to sketch?
With your inborn genius you quickly push
through the ranks and gain the respect of all the
others. The power gets to your head and you TAKE

You wake up the following morning to find out
the activists have taken over the entire camp.
The pacifists following through with their
passive beliefs go on a hunger strike.
You take your sketches from 2D to 3D and start
to build them.
Oh Golly... you eat what appears to be the fruit
and it is indeed the most delicious thing you
have ever tasted.........but it still kills you.
Try again????
OH GOLLY!!! You now rule the planet through
fear! Good job with world domination!
You starve to death, should have joined the
activists! Start over?????
Congratulations!! You successfully built a time
machine. You are now the grand ruler of time and
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