Title: Per Otte– A Successful Acupuncturist Based In West Virginia
1 Per Otte A Successful Acupuncturist Based In
West Virginia
2 Dr. Per Otte, OMD is a reputed acupuncturist
based in West Virginia. He graduated as a Doctor
of Acupuncture in 1988, from the Scandinavian
school of acupuncture. While pursuing the course,
he learnt about the Oriental zone therapy, which
is considered as the forerunner for
3 Developed MicroAcupuncture Vision Support In
1994 Dr. Per Otte worked with ()
MicroAcupuncture in its standard form, until
1992. In 1994, he created MicroAcupuncture
Center's,In 2008 he opened MicroAcupunctue center
of WV, in Beckley West Virginia.In 1994 healso
introduced a system that offered about 75
successful results. In addition to this, he also
added MicroAcupuncture Vision Support, an
effective nutritional supplement, which serves as
a complete supplement for eyes. This eye
supplement was introduced while keeping in mind
the fact that most of the eye supplements
available in the market are simple and that these
only cover the needs of healthy eyes.
4 Dr. Per Otte West Virginia Believes That Eye
Disorders Can Be Addresses With Specific
Nutritional Formulas At present, Dr. Otte is
developing and updating the supplements, in order
to meet the different nutritional needs
associated with different eye disorders. He is of
the view that each eye disorder must be addressed
with more specific nutritional formulas. At
MicroAcupuncture, in order to help patients with
low circulation in the legs, he offers vacuum
boots. These boots have mainly been created to
save feet of the patients suffering with diabetic
neuropathy, a neuropathic disorder related to
diabetes mellitus. This condition involves
macrovascular conditions, and is mainly the
result of a diabetic microvascular injury that
involves blood vessels that supply nerves.
5 Developed A System To Include A Homeopathy
Solution Dr. Per Otte West Virginia founded an
innovative system in 2006. This system includes a
homeopathy solution at the point of insertion of
the needles, which gives an effect of small
injections with the homeopathy medication. Over
the years, the success rate of this system has
reached over 95. Before treating the patients,
Dr. Otte, at his facility checks their visual
acuity for distance and closeup, and then
performs a vision field scan. After the field
scan has been finished, he designs a treatment
plan for them.
6 Traditional Acupuncture Highly Effective In
Treating Acute Or Chronic Pain Dr. Per Otte West
Virginia believes that MICROACUPUNCTURE or
traditional acupuncture is very helpful and
highly effective in treating chronic or acute
pain, in case the treatment is used in connection
with homeopathic supplements like tablets,
ointments, or injections, or other natural
supplements, which offer superior results as
compared to traditional treatments.