Title: The Importance of Written Communication in Business
1Pocket Calendars
- The Importance of Written Communication in
2Written Communication in Business includes
followings important points1. Consistent
Language2. Who is Reading?3. Beware Social
Media4. Mistakes are a Killer
31. Consistent LanguageUse a consistent
approach to all language. Carefully consider the
message you wish to convey and make sure the
language is clear, concise and direct. Use the
same language across multiple platforms.
Customers will recognize and relate to your
business through this process.
42. Who is Reading? Do you want people to
forward your information onto other potential
customers or are you specifically targeting
individuals? It is important to clearly
understand what each audience needs to hear as
part of your communication.
53. Beware Social MediaInformation technology
is embedded in our personal and professional
lives. The ability to send out written
information via social media, forums and other
mediums is increasing and immediate. Businesses
should apply diligence when engaging social media
as a process to interact with customers.
Information needs to be clearly presented,
checked and reviewed.
64. Mistakes are a KillerUse a check and review
process to identify any potential errors along
with multiple team members to review the same
text. Common mistakes made by business owners
include relying on technology to identify errors
or mistakes. Spell check will not differentiate
between simple errors such as there and their or
whether and weather.
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