Title: Deborah Alessi is a Dedicated Philanthropist
1Deborah Alessi is a Dedicated Philanthropist
2Deborah Alessi is a philanthropist and a
responsible member of the society. She spends a
lot of time and energy in trying to make this
world a better place to live for everyone.
Deborah Alessi believes that everyone in the
world has the right to living a respectable and
honorable life and we should help each other in
achieving those aims. She believes that a
persons success in life is only measured by how
much he/she is able to help those who are not so
successful in life. By helping others and
providing them a guiding hand, people can create
good karma in the world and bring much needed
positivity in someones life.
3After getting married to Dr. David Alessi,
Deborah Alessi devoted her energies in working
for the poor and downtrodden. Her husband
supported her views and together they founded
Face Forward. This foundation works to provide
free plastic surgery to women and children who
have had to bear domestic or gang abuse. Through
facial reconstruction and restorative surgeries,
Face Forward helps the victims of domestic abuse
in getting over the bad memories and starting a
new life with a confident attitude.
The Beginning of Face Forward
4Face Forward 3rd Annual Gala
- Face Forward is holding its 3rd Annual Gala event
to raise finances for those who need corrective
and restorative plastic surgery. The funds
collected from the gala event will be used to
spread information about Face Forward so that
more and more women can come forward and get
help. The motivation to reach and help as many
people as possible has made this yearly event a
huge success and Deborah Alessi aims to continue
hold the gala next year too. This years gala
event will be held on September 15, 2012.