Fasting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Resist the Devil and he will flee from you. How does this work? What's going on when we fast? ... Fast (merriam webster): abstain from food ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fasting

Luke 4
Introduction Review
  • Lessons from the Temptations of Jesus
  • Jesus standing firm
  • Jesus resisting Satan and temptation
  • Jesus emerging victorious

Introduction Initial Questions
  • Luke 414
  • And Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of
    the Spirit, and news about Him spread (NASB)
  • Other Translations
  • Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the
    Spirit (NIV)
  • Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to
    Galilee (NKJV)
  • Then Jesus returned to Galilee, filled with the
    Holy Spirit's power (NLT)

Introduction Initial Questions
  • Luke 41,14 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit
    returns in the power of the Spirit.
  • James 47 Submit to God. Resist the Devil and he
    will flee from you.
  • How does this work?
  • Whats going on when we fast?

Introduction Initial Questions
  • What role does fasting play in resisting
  • Is there something magical about fasting? 40
  • Can we say that the more we fast the more power
    we get?
  • What about habitual/entrenched sins? What about
    chronic issues? Generational evils?
  • What about situations at work or at home?

More Fast More Power?
I just wanna go fast
Introduction Contents
  • Conceptualize Relationship between fasting,
    spiritual power and authority
  • Principle behind attaining and growing in
  • 1. Appealed for Authority
  • 2. Given Authority.
  • II. Applying Principles to Specific Fasting
  • How to fast effectively
  • What to Fast for in General
  • What to Fast for in Canaan (Observations)
  • What Fasting is NOT

Introduction Contents
  • Intimacy How does this fit into growing closer
    with Christ?
  • Rest/Renewal How does this fit into Spiritual
    Rest? (Isaiah 58, Luke 14 it is lawful to heal
    on the Sabbath)

Introduction Definitions
  • Fast (merriam webster) abstain from food
  • Biblical Context Fasting in the Bible occurs
    alongside prayer and in the pursuit of something
  • a petition

Introduction Definitions in Context
  • Repentance / Averting Gods Judgment / Seeking
    Gods Mercy and Compassion
  • - Davids fast for sick son, 2 Sam 1215-25
  • - Nineveh fasts and repents, Jonah 34-7
  • - Daniels revelation, Daniel 9
  • Devotion
  • - Moses, 40 days and nights, Exodus 2418
  • - Prophetess Anna, Luke 236
  • Deliverance / Spiritual Power / Intersession
  • - Matthew 1721
  • - Gospels

Introduction Definitions
  • Fasting is a means of petition whereby through
    prayer and the abstinence of food, we act in
    submission to Gods authority so as to ask God to
    act on our behalf

IntroductionGetting to the Point (Short Answer)
  • Fasting helps us access Gods authority
  • 1. As we petition God to act
  • God acts on our behalf
  • 2. As it is given to us
  • God allows us to act on his behalf
  • Why is this the case?

Introduction Getting to the Point
  • Principle of Fasting an act in submission
  • When applied continually and in context of
    Christian faith, fasting can result in greater
    applications of Given Authority and Appealed for
    Authority in our daily lives
  • Sanctification in the context of a relationship
    with God

Spiritual Authority and Power
  • Matthew 1721, But this kind does not go out
    except by prayer and fasting.
  • Why could we not drive it out?
  • Because of the littleness of your faith as small
    as a mustard seed

Authority and Power Observation from these
  • As Christs disciples, we are given authority
    over the enemy (temptation, sins, etc.)
  • But our authority tends to be limited

Authority and Power Scevas Seven Sons
  • Acts 1913-16
  • But also some of the Jewish exorcists who went
    from place to place, attempted to name over those
    who had the evil spirits the name of the Lord
    Jesus, saying, "I adjure you by Jesus whom Paul
    preaches." 14 Seven sons of one Sceva, a Jewish
    chief priest, were doing this. 15 And the evil
    spirit answered and said to them, "I recognize
    Jesus, and I know about Paul, but who are you?"
    16 And the man, in whom was the evil spirit,
    leaped on them and subdued all of them and
    overpowered them, so that they fled out of that
    house naked and wounded.

Que Lastima! What happened?!
Authority and Power Scevas Seven Sons
  • Did they not fast and pray?
  • Did they lack faith?
  • What about the disciples who could not do it?

  • "I recognize Jesus, and I know about Paul, but
    who are you?
  • Luke 77-9
  • But just say the word, and my servant will be
    healed. For I also am a man under authority,
    with soldiers under me Jesus marveled at
    the Centurion I say to you, not even in Israel
    have I found such great faith

Authority and PowerJesus was Submitted under
  • Matthew 2828 all authority has been given to
  • WHY?
  • John 1431, but so that the world may know that
    I love the Father, I do exactly as the Father
    commanded Me
  • John 519 Therefore Jesus answered and was saying
    to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can
    do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He
    sees the Father doing for whatever the Father
    does, these things the Son also does in like
  • Matthew 2639, He fell on His face and prayed,
    saying My Father if it is possible, let this cup
    pass from Me yet not as I will, but as You will.

Authority and Power Other Gospel References
  • Mark 127
  • They were all amazed saying, What is this? A
    new teaching with authority! He commands even
    the unclean spirits, and they obey him.
  • Other References
  • Matthew 2828 all authority has been given to me
    in heaven and on earth
  • Mark 67 he gave them (the twelve) authority
    over unclean spirits
  • Luke 1019 Behold, I have given you authority to
    tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the
    power of the enemy

Authority and Power
  • Seven Sceva Sons Problem
  • no Jesus Authority
  • Werent disciples, didnt receive any authority
  • Disciples Problem
  • Authority had been given
  • Not enough
  • How does fasting remedy this problem?
  • Is this strictly an issue of authority?

Who am I? That I should go?
Authority and PowerIndeedWho are we?
  • Matthew 1249 And stretching out His hand
    toward His disciples, He said, Behold My mothers
    and My brothers! For whoever does the will of My
    Father who is in heaven, he is My brother and my
  • John 1412 "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who
    believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do
    also and greater works than these he will do
    because I go to the Father.

Authority and PowerIndeedWho are we?
  • Fasting is a means and a process where we submit
    ourselves to God
  • So, by submitting ourselves to God, we are
    bringing ourselves under his authority
  • When under his authority you act in the
    authority given (jurisdiction)
  • Also, you ask God to use authority

  • So, as long as Christ gives us authority, and we
    fast we got this Christianity thing down
  • Not exactly

Authority and PowerIndeedWho are we?
  • Matthew 721-24 Not everyone who says to Me,
    Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven,
    but he who does the will of My Father who is in
    heaven will enter.
  • Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in
    Your name cast out demons, and in Your name
    perform many miracles?
  • And then I will declare to them, I never knew
    you Depart from Me, You who practice
  • Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine
    and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man
    who built his house on the rock.

Authority and PowerIndeedWho are we?
  • Works not authority that measures
  • Key does He know you? Do you know him?
  • John 1514-15, You are My friends if you do what
    I command you. No longer do I call you
    slavesbut I have called you friends, for all
    things that I have heard from My Father I have
    made known to you.

Authority and PowerIndeedWho are we?
  • As we continually obey Gods commands, we submit
    to Gods authority, we grow in
  • Stewardship and Authority he entrusts you with
    more tasks and you have authority in that
  • Maturity and Intimacy (Another kind of
    stewardship) he entrusts you with more of his
    counsel, he knows you, you know him, you become
    like David someone after Gods own heart.

The Beauty of It
  • Fasting leads to more than petitions answered and
    seeing results.
  • Fasting leads you to know more of Gods mind and
    greater intimacy through the process.
  • Greater intimacy leads to greater authority and
    faith to do greater things. Etc. etc. etc.

How to Fast Effectively
  • 1. Have a purpose
  • 2. Get a partner who will pray with you
  • 3. Use fasting WITH prayer
  • 4. Start Small Walk Before Running

How to Fast Effectively Purpose
  • Proverbs 2918, Where there is no vision, the
    people perish
  • Other translations
  • The people are unrestrained (NASB)
  • The people run wild (NLT)
  • The people cast off restraint (NRSV)/(NIV)
  • Bottom Line No vision is bad, have a purpose of
    what you
  • accomplish.

How to Fast Effectively Partner
  • Partner with Someone
  • Someone
  • Who will pray with you and for you
  • Who knows what youre doing and will walk with
  • (Ideally) Who will fast with you or is fasting
    for the same thing

How to Fast Effectively Partner
  • Spiritual Warfare
  • It is naïve of us to think we can try to affect
    spiritual change and not experience retaliation
    (beyond our natural struggles)
  • Ephesians 612
  • For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,
  • but against the rulers, against the authorities,
  • against the powers of this dark world and
  • against the spiritual forces of evil in the
  • heavenly realms.

How to Fast Effectively Pray
  • Amazingly, when people fast meals, they use that
    time as an extra hour of work instead of praying
  • Fasting is acting in submission to petition
  • Fasting, Prayer, Listening - can have powerful
    results heightened awareness of Gods presence,
    authority, new insights (see above), etc. as
    weve discussed

How to Fast Effectively Start Small
  • Start with fasting one meal and use that time to
  • Approaching the fast
  • (Un)prime the pump - steadily decrease food, set
    aside a day to rest and allow your body to
  • Departing the fast
  • Prime the pump - steadily increase food

What to fast for Generally
  • Repentance / Averting Gods Judgment / Seeking
    Gods Mercy and Compassion
  • - Davids fast for sick son, 2 Sam 1215-25
  • - Nineveh fasts and repents, Jonah 34-7
  • - Daniels revelation, Daniel 9
  • Deliverance / Spiritual Power / Intersession
  • - Matthew 1721
  • - Gospels
  • Devotion
  • - Moses, 40 days and nights, Exodus 2418
  • - Prophetess Anna, Luke 236

What to fast for Generally
  • Fast for someone else
  • Fast for needs of a community
  • Fast for someone who is sick
  • Fast for job/related issues

What to fast for Canaan Church
  • Vision What the Lord wants to do with Canaan
  • God will accomplish his desires for Canaan
  • Repentance of not inquiring of his ways
  • Servants serve out of love
  • Seekers they would experience God here
  • Pastors protection and growth

What Fasting is NOT
  • Piety, Appearances (Matthew 6)
  • Furthering self-interest (Isaiah 58)
  • Sauls Fast - Problematic
  • 1 Samuel 1424-33 (Saul proclaims no food until
    their purpose was done)
  • 1 Samuel 135-14 (Saul disobeys Gods
  • Stress obedience
  • Fasting is not a protest (hunger strikes)

How Long Do I Fast? Why do people do extended
  • Start Small one meal.
  • Intermediate 3 days
  • Listening is crucial.

The Cost of Fasting
  • Fasting is hard.
  • 2 Samuel 24
  • Davids census
  • 70,000 people die
  • David buys Araunahs property
  • V.24 For I will not offer burnt offerings to the
    Lord my God which cost me nothing

The Cost
  • A generation of Joshua and Calebs
  • They see what it could be, they see the
    formidable challenge
  • Joshua
  • Hebrews Christ, for the joy set before him,
    endured the Cross, scorning its shame.

We are more than ConquerorsRomans 837 (NIV)
We are more than ConquerorsRomans 837 (NIV)
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