Title: Edmond Masjedi Has Years of Traveling Experience
1Edmond Masjedi Has Years of Traveling Experience
2Edmond Masjedi is a businessman with many years
of traveling experience. He has been all around
the world and traveling to many exotic places
that are off the charts for many travelers. He
believes that traveling is the best way a person
can learn more about himself and the world around
him. Along with working on his various business
ventures, he always takes out time to visit
beautiful and new locations where he can recharge
and rejuvenate.
3According to Edmond Masjedi, traveling teaches a
person all that which cannot be learned through
books. There are certain experiences in life that
are unique for everyone can travel is a great way
to enjoy these experiences and learn valuable
lessons for life. Edmond Masjedi mentions that on
various journeys one will often have to face
troubles in one form or another and he believes
that facing problems makes a new man out of the
person who finds solutions to these problems.
4Even through the years, he mentions that he never
stopped taking traveling as a learning
experience. Through the years, he has become
proficient in speaking many languages by talking
to the locals and conversing with them whenever
he needed to know anything new about the place he
was visiting.
5He mentions that talking to the locals is often
the best way to learn about a place and local
knowledge is often better than anything available
on the internet or the travel guidebooks. Once
youre friendly with the people, they will often
tell you about the interesting places and things
to do in a region that the guidebooks might have
no knowledge about.
6Thank You!