Title: Sonography Schools in Michigan
1Sonography Schools in Michigan
- Byhttp//sonographerguide.com/sonography-schools-
2- If Michigan is your state and you want to get a
certificate or and associates or bachelor degree
in Sonography, there are thirteen accredited
Sonography schools in Michigan. With an increase
in salaries and other benefits, Sonography is one
of the demanded fields of study in Michigan. If
you want to join medical Sonography schools in
Michigan, here are some points to help you get
3- The thirteen accredited Sonography or Ultrasound
tech schools in Michigan graduated 143 students
in 2006 and 181 students in 2010. As you can see,
the number of graduates is increasing by 27 as
the demand for sonographers in Michigan is also
4- Majority of Sonography graduates or
approximately 63 of them graduate in Associates
Degree in Sonography. You need to expect to pay
6,159 per year if you want to purse a degree
program in Sonography.
5- You can earn accreditations beginning from
certificates to associates and bachelor degrees
if you graduate in one of the ultrasound schools
in Michigan.
6- The largest college offering Sonography
education in terms of student population is
Jackson Community College. It has graduated 31
of the states total graduates in 2009. It is one
of the cheap medical Sonography schools in
Michigan charging you only 2,772 per year for a
degree program.
7- After you graduate from ultrasound tech schools
in Michigan, you are most likely to join the work
force of sonographers and purse a career in
Sonography. There are around 1,800 sonographers
in the state comprising 3 of the total
Sonography professionals in the US.
8- Sonography is a growing field in Michigan. From
2006 to 2010, it has showed a 6 growth. Even
though the growth rate is slower than the 20
average growth rate of the country, it is still a
promising industry. The salary rate is also
showing an increase. If you will be a sonographer
in Michigan after you graduate, you will earn an
average salary of 56,050 according to 2010
9- Conclusion
- Michigan is a good place if you want to follow a
career in Sonography. With an increasing growth
rate of graduates, professionals and salaries,
the state seems like an attraction for
sonographers. You can help people with your
education and earn good money for your living and
the things you want to do in life.
10- As the health sector is one of the biggest
industries in the US, joining the industry
through your Sonography training or bachelors
degree will grow your job candidacy and financial
well being.
11- There are private and community ultrasound
schools in Michigan. If you have tight budgets,
you can register to the community schools. If
budget is not your problem, then you have private
options. - Thus, if you are now ready to begin your career
as a sonographer, here is a list of Sonography
schools in Michigan.
12Sonography Schools in Michigan
- For more information, please visit