Title: Information Privacy Issues in the Information Age
1Information Privacy Issues in the Information Age
2Information Privacy Issues in the Information Age
3Discussion Began when we observed
4Pervasive effect of Data Bases and Data Base
Likages on Normal Life
- Whether we are planning travel, changing tickets,
getting a driver's license, having a medical
test, filling a prescription, or buying gasolene,
we are affecting and using the database of our
life and our activities. Now days we drive cars
with GPS systems that can track our every mile.
Don't tell me you went to the library when your
car was parked in front of the bar for 3 hours. - Today we inject our pets with simple chips that
show up an identification number on a special
scanner. This chip is used to help find lost
pets. In a short time frame, less than 5 years,
it will be possible perhaps even normal to put a
chip in our kids that provides us with the
ability to monitor them constantly. Similar
implants are used today to monitor hearts with
arythmias. The heart monitoring system could be
enhanced to include locating systems to notify
Emergency Medical Services about an individual
who needs help. - The director of IT services for charities in Hong
Kong noted in a conversation that a chip with GPS
and GSM capability could be used to locate the
many old folks who had disabilities that caused
them to wander and get physically lost. Combined
with heart and respiration monitors, such chips
and the accompaniing data systems could reduce
worry and save lives. - But such systems would also enable great
intrusion of Big Brother into our lives.
5Good Linkages Bring Joy to Consumers
- We observed that good linkages such as typically
maintained by travel planning systems brings joy
to consumers who must deal with changing plans.
We have observed similar good data linkages, that
assisted consumers. For instance, if you need a
prescription filled in the US you can go to many
drugstores that have access to insurance records
and get what you need. - Some time ago, my sister-in-law visited us. I
noticed that her car had an oil leak. Even though
the leak appeared to be minor she needed to take
it to be fixed. I took her to the repair place we
often visited. The clerk looked up our records on
the computer and noted that we were repeat
customers, so he fixed my visitor's car fast and
for no charge as a favor to a regular customer as
identified by the computer.
6Many Linkages were surprises and caused problems
- In our paper we identified many linkages as
surprises. For instance, Paul lived in
Masssachusetts and California. When he tried to
get a driver's license in Florida he was told he
had a problem in Maine, a state where he never
lived and only visited a few times. None of us
knew that the parking ticket system in Maine
would be linked to the driver's license system in
Florida or any place else. Not only was this
system linked but it was wrong and the only Paul
received was when he tried to get a license.
7No Accountability for Errors
- When errors happen such as we described about
Paul, the client and not the provider of the
system or the content is accountable for the
errors that happen. In fact the provider is
likely never notified that there was an error.
Even if the provider felt badly about the error
there is likely no path to a repair of the system
or the data. - As best we can tell, this lack of accountability
and lack of data repairability is common. Even if
you fix the errors in one place there is no
certainty that corrections will propogate to all
the locations in which the error exists. The
concept of forward and backward propogation of
corrections does not exist in the general case.
8What are the rules?
9With Travel Data, Corrections can be entered at
the point of access
- There is a known appeal process
- If the agent needs authority to fix something the
agent contacts a supervisor
10With Driver's License the job is done
- When the client is informed that a problem exists
- The information provided to the client may be
wrong - What matters is that the system provided an
answer, any answer - Investigations get triggered only for disastrous
11Literature Says People Will Share Info for
12Privacy Advocates Tend to Protest Sharing
- Demand Opt Out as a minimum
- Want Opt In
13PEW Funded Study says
- People willing to share for benefits
- People want Penalties for misuse of private data
- Cost of Misuse from Internet Use appears to be
low at present
14Now Enter 9/11
15The Ability to Do Great Harm Does not Require
Traditional Weapons
- The First Attack was dramatic
- Other attacks could be devastating but not
16Loyalty is a State of Mind
- A Concept from WWII and earlier
- Who will some way disrupt "our way of life"
17Travel Security Interview is of necessity cursory
- It does not do the job
- It is annoying
- Airline Executives have requested changes
18Dershowitz asks about the role of technology
- Can Technologies?
- Improve accuracy
- Reduce hassel
- Make Profiling more specific
19Can Information Technology Do More
20Improve Security
- Better Individual Identification
- Better Event Identification and Interruption
- Less hassel for bystanders
21Improve Convenience
- Opt Easily when benefit obvious
- Relevant info available on Client Request
22What do we need?
23Improvement in ethics training
- What's OK and what's not OK
- How do we add ot the list of OK and Not OK
- When do decisions need exposure?
24Better Implementations
- Trusted Info Avail when we want it
- Ability to Turn info on and off
- Accountability for Errors
25Information Privacy Issues in the Information Age