Title: Nicholas Scown Resides in New Lynn, Auckland
1Nicholas Scown Resides in New Lynn, Auckland
2A resident of New Lynn, Waitakere, Auckland,
Nicholas Scown is the owner of Scown Handyman
Services. He is a plumber and gas fitter by
profession and holds expertise in commercial
drain-laying and drain-unblocking. He has worked
at Franks Plumbing where he learnt a great deal
about plumbing services through hands-on
experience. He started his own company later on
and it has been gaining reputation owing to his
hard work and dedication.
3He can be contacted for basic building services
and basic home maintenance. When it comes to
building a house or any structure, installation
of pipes and drains is required as it ensures
that the environment in building is clean and
healthy. A good plumber is required for proper
installation and maintenance of water, sewage and
drainage systems.
4Plumbing related problems can crop up any time if
the work has not been done in a proper and
professional manner. So, a person should contact
a plumber who provides efficient plumbing
services instead of facing unnecessary hassles
down the line. Prior to working, Nicholas Scown
studied in some of the best educational
institutions like the Kelston Boys High School.
5To upgrade his resume and earn a professional
degree, he enrolled in Certificate in Applied
Technology at the Unitec Institute of Technology,
Waitakere Campus. Nicholas Scown specialized in
Plumbing and Gas fitting during his certificate
course. He chose this course as it is the best
course for people who want to have a solid
foundation to be employed in plumbing and gas
fitting industry. The course combines both theory
and practice so that the students can understand
all aspects of plumbing.
6Thank You!