Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And The Cure - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And The Cure


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Title: Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And The Cure

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Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
My 21 year old daughter is a hypochondriac . . .
she is always worried about physical symptoms
becoming a serious diagnosis. Hardly a week goes
by that she doesnt call me to tell me about some
pain or discomfort she is feeling. I do what I
can to alleviate her fears and reassure her that
its nothing, usually telling her to just watch
it and see if it gets worse.
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
Funny thing is, Ive come to realize the
parallels of being a hypochondriac about health
and being an internet marketing hypochondriac.
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
Mention internet marketing to someone and youll
see the similarities between the two.
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
Health hypochondriacs have an inaccurate
perception of their bodys condition. Despite the
absence of an actual medical condition, no matter
what reassurances they hear that its really
nothing to worry about . . . they continue to be
obsessed with the diagnosis.
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
The internet marketing hypochondriac is no
different. Their perception of the industry is
that it is all a scam . . . youll be swindled,
manipulated and left for broke. No amount of
reassurance can change their mind.
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
Your brain is so powerful it can convince itself
of anything. You believe what youre thinking,
and what youre thinking is what you perceive to
be reality.
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
The health hypochondriac can have doctors examine
them and give a clean bill of health. Doesnt
matter what the professionals say . . . they just
know they are developing a serious disease.
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
In the same way, the internet marketing
hypochondriac can have dozens of people share
their testimonies and show their results from
internet marketing, but it doesnt matter . . .
they just know it will end in disaster for them.
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
A simple sore throat brings an onslaught of fear
in the hypochondriac. what if this is cancer .
. . what if I lose my voice . . . what if I cant
work . . . what if I am contagious and infect
others . . . what if the test is wrong . . . on
and on and on.
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
Fear is the driving emotion for the internet
marketing hypochondriac . . . what if I dont
know everything . . . what if my family and
friends think Im crazy for doing this . . .
what if I fail . . . on and on and on.
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
A health hypochondriac is obsessed with worry...
they go to the doctor over and over again,
repeatedly ask for assurance, and convince
themselves that something serious may have been
missed by the doctor. The internet marketing
hypochondriac is also obsessed with worry and
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
. . . the idea of failure permeates everything
they attempt . . . they look for the easy
button . . . they view the successful leaders as
swindlers . . . they complain about every symptom
(setback) they experience . . . convinced that
someone isnt telling them the truth about the
internet marketing system they have joined.
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
Over time, as the hypochondriac obsesses with
their fears about their health, anxiety levels
increase and can result in debilitating
depression . . . unable to live a normal,
fulfilling and vibrant life.
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
Its no different for the internet marketing
hypochondriac whose obsession with fear ends to a
debilitating end . . . he gives up on his dream
of freedom, his dream of living life on his own
terms, his dream of creating financial abundance
for his family.
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
He returns to the cubicle he hates . . . the
boss he detests . . . believing he was right all
along internet marketing is a scam.
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
The health hypochondriac is sometimes treated
with a cognitive technique called exposure with
response prevention . . . which takes an
obsession and confronts it directly. It requires
a person to move toward the fear, spend time
immersed in it until...ultimately the realization
is that it is just a fear, not reality.
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
The obsession the internet marketing
hypochondriac has with believing it is all a scam
can be also be treated in the same way . . . by
confronting it directly, spending time immersed
in training and masterminding with leaders, doing
what needs to be done no matter what
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
. . . until, in time the fear is vanquished and
the hypochondriac realizes that their fear was
not reality . . . it was an emotional belief that
held them back from success.
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
This is not to say there wont be setbacks and
failures in internet marketing . . . its part of
the journey to success and it happens to
everyone. Listen to the leaders and they will
tell of the countless failures they experienced
on their way to financial freedom.
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
When the health hypochondriac thinks their
physical symptom will lead to a diagnosis of a
serious illness, their continued obsessive
thoughts can make them quite ill.
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
When the internet marketing hypochondriac thinks
he cant achieve any success, that everyone is
out to get him, their continued obsessive
thoughts will make them fail.
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
It all comes down to one basic element . . . your
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
Thoughts turn into beliefs which turn into
actions. Whether you think you can or you
cant, youre right. Henry Ford
Internet Marketing Hypochondriac...The Cause And
The Cure
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
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