Title: Ani-mot-valise!
To create an ani-mot-valise, you need to choose
the name of two animals in French. The last
syllable of the first word must be the same as
the first syllable of the second word. Then you
put the two words together and this gives you a
new word. This is your very own new addition to
the French language!
2Look at the examples on the next three slides
last syllable
first syllable
last syllable
first syllable
last syllable
first syllable
6Now see how many ani-mot-valise you can create
using the next slide and a French dictionary to
help you?!!
Answers on your peach coloured worksheet from
class or on your own paper.
If you dont have a French dictionary, go online
to www.wordreference.com which is an excellent
dictionary for language learning. You will need
to select French for your chosen dictionary as
this is a multilingual dictionary. Then select
French or English depending on which language you
require your answer to be in.
7Petit dictionaire des animaux
A abeille - âne - anaconda - aigle - araignée - autruche - antilope -
B boeuf - bourdon - bison - baleine - bouledogue - brochet - boa - bouc - bouquetin - boxer - buse - blatte - brebis
C crocodile - chameau - chat - chien - caméléon - cheval - cochon - chèvre - crabe - cobra - colombe - crotale - couleuvre - cigogne - canard - cerf crapaud - cigale - corbeau - coccinelle - coucou - chenille - corneille - cafard - cachalot - cygne - criquet - crevette - coq
D dauphin - dalmatien - doberman - didon dragon - dromadaire - dinosaure - daim
E écureuil - éléphant - écrevisse
F fourmi - faucon - fauvette - faucheur - faisan - fennec - flamand - fouine - fourmilier - frelon - furet
G guenon - gorille - guépard - girafe - grenouille - gougeon - grillon - guêpe - gazelle - geai - gnou - grive - goéland - grifon - grue
H huître - hérisson - hyène - hamster - hippopotame - hirondelle - homard - hibou - héron - hippocampe - hanneton - hareng - hermine - husky - huppe
I ibis - impala - iguane
J jument - jaguar
K kangourou - koala - kakatoès
L lézard - lion - loup - labrador - licorne - léopard - lynx - limace - libélule - lama - lapin - langouste - lérot - lévrier - lièvre - loir - lombric - loutre - langoustine
M mouche - moustique - mouton - mammouth - moule - méduse - moineau - marmotte - mainate - morse - morue - murène - macaque - macareux - manchot - mandrille - maquereau - mante - marabout - marsouin - merle - merlan - mésange - morse - morue - mouette - mygale
N narval - nautil -
O otarie - orque - ours - oie - okapie - ouistiti
P perroquet - poule - putois - pie - pigeon - pieuvre - pitbul - pou - puce - perche - papillon - panda - python - paon - pélican - punaise - phasmes - pivert - pingouin - panthère - paon - perche - perroquet -
R rhinocéros - renard - rossignol - raie - requin - rat - rousse - rainette -
S scarabée - souris - siamois - sanglier - sauterelle
T tortue - tyranosaure - truite - tanche - truie - tigre
V vache - veau - velociraptor - vison - ver
W wapiti
Y yack
Z zèbre - zébu - zibeline