BLOOD SUPPLY OF BRAIN - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BLOOD SUPPLY OF BRAIN CEREBRO-VASCULAR DISEASE & STROKE CEREBRO-VASCULAR DISEASE & STROKE Stroke is the second commonest cause of death in developed countries. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: blood | brain | supply


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  • Stroke is the second commonest cause of death in
    developed countries.
  • Hypertension is the most treatable risk factor.
  • Thromboembolic infarction (80), cerebral and
    cerebellar haemorrhage (10) and subarachnoid
    haemorrhage (about 5) are the major
    cerebrovascular problems.
  • Stroke is defined as the clinical syndrome of
    rapid onset of cerebral deficit (usually focal)
    lasting more than 24 hours or leading to death,
    with no apparent cause other than a vascular one.
  • Completed stroke means the deficit has become
    maximal, usually within 6 hours.
  • Stroke-in-evolution describes progression during
    the first 24 hours.
  • Minor stroke. Patients recover without
    significant deficit, usually within a week.
  • Transient ischemic attack (TIA). This means a
    focal deficit, such as a weak limb, aphasia or
    loss of vision lasting from a few seconds to 24
    hours. There is complete recovery. The attack is
    usually sudden.
  • One of three mechanisms is usual
  • arterial embolism from a distant site
  • arterial thrombosis
  • haemorrhage into the brain (intracerebral or
  • Less commonly

  • Hypertension
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Pre-existing cerebral aneurysm
  • Anticoagulant and antiplatelet drug therapy
  • Symptoms
  • TIAs cause sudden loss of function, usually
    within seconds, and last for minutes or hours
    (but by definition lt24 hours). The site is often
    suggested by the type of attack.

Features of transient ischemic
attacks Anterior circulation
Posterior circulation Carotid system
Vertebrobasilar system Amaurosis fugax
Diplopia, vertigo, vomiting Aphasia
Choking and
dysarthria Hemiparesis
Ataxia Hemisensory loss
Hemisensory loss Hemianopic visual loss
Hemianopic visual loss 
Transient global amnesia 

Loss of consciousness (rare)
  • Clinical findings in TIA
  • It is unusual to witness an attack.
  • Consciousness is usually preserved in TIA.
  • There may be clinical evidence of a source of
    embolus, such as carotid arterial bruit
    (stenosis), atrial fibrillation or other
    dysrhythmia, valvular heart disease/endocarditis,
    recent myocardial infarction or difference
    between right and left brachial BP.
  • Un underlying condition may be evident
  • atheroma
  • hypertension
  • postural hypotension
  • bradycardia or low cardiac output
  • diabetes mellitus
  • rarely, arteritis, polycythaemia
  • antiphospholipid syndrome
  • Differential diagnosis
  • Mass lesion
  • Focal epilepsy
  • A focal prodrome of migraine
  • Prognosis Prospective studies show that 5 years
    after a single thromboembolic TIA

  • TYPICAL STROKE SYNDROMES Cerebral infarction
  • Clinical features
  • The most common stroke is caused by infarction in
    the internal capsule following thromboembolism in
    a middle cerebral artery branch. A similar
    picture is caused by internal carotid occlusion.
  • Limb weakness on the opposite side to the infarct
    develops over seconds, minutes or hours.
  • There is a contralateral hemiplegia or
    hemiparesis with facial weakness.
  • Aphasia is usual when the dominant hemisphere is
  • Weak limbs are at first flaccid and areflexic.
  • Headache is unusual. Consciousness is usually
  • After a variable interval, usually several days,
    reflexes return, becoming exaggerated. An
    extensor plantar response appears.

INVOLVED Hemiparesis or tetraparesis
Corticospinal tracts Sensory loss
Medial lemniscus and spinothalamic
tracts Diplopia
Oculomotor system Facial numbness
Fifth nerve nuclei Facial weakness (LMN)
Seventh nerve nucleus Nystagmus, vertigo
Vestibular connections Dysphagia, dysarthria
Ninth and tenth nerve nuclei Dysarthria,
ataxia, hiccups Brainstem and cerebellar
connections Horner's syndrome
Sympathetic fibres Altered consciousness
Reticular formation This causes complex signs
depending on the relationship of the infarct to
cranial nerve nuclei, long tracts and brainstem
  • The lateral medullary syndrome
  • The lateral medullary syndrome, also called
    posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA)
    thrombosis, or Wallenberg's syndrome, is a common
    example of brain-stem infarction presenting as
    acute vertigo with cerebellar and other signs. It
    follows thrombo-embolism in the PICA or its
    branches, vertebral artery thrombo-embolism or
    dissection. The clinical picture depends on the
    precise structure damaged.
  • Clinical picture of PICA occlusion
  • Ipsilateral
  • Facial numbness 5th
  • Diplopia 6th
  • Nystagmus
  • Ataxia (cerebellar)
  • Horners syndrome
  • 9th and 10th nerve lesion
  • Contralateral
  • Spinothalamic sensory loss
  • Hemiplegia (mild, unusual)
  • Lacunar infarction
  • Lacunes are small (lt1.5 cm3) infarcts seen on MRI
    or at autopsy. Hypertension is commonly present.
    Minor strokes (e.g. pure motor stroke, pure
    sensory stroke, sudden unilateral ataxia and
    sudden dysarthria with a clumsy hand) are
    syndromes caused typically by single lacunar
    infarcts. Lacunar infarction is also often
  • Hypertensive encephalopathy

  • Multi-infarct dementia (vascular dementia)
  • Multiple lacunes or larger infarcts cause
    generalized intellectual loss seen with advanced
    cerebrovascular disease. The condition tends to
    occur with a stepwise progression over months or
    years with each subsequent infarct. There is
    eventually dementia, pseudobulbar palsy and a
    shuffling gait with small steps (parkinsonism).
    Binswanger's disease is an imaging term
    describing low attenuation in cerebral white
    matter, with dementia, TIAs and stroke episodes
    in hypertensive patients.
  • Acute stroke immediate care, and thrombolysis
  • Paramedics and members of the public are
    encouraged to make the diagnosis of stroke on a
    simple history and examination
  • FAST
  • Face sudden weakness of the face
  • Arm sudden weakness of one or both arms
  • Speech difficulty speaking, slurred speech
  • Time the sooner treatment can be started, the
  • Dedicated units with multidisciplinary, organized
    teams deliver higher standards of care than a
    general hospital ward
  • Investigations
  • The purpose of investigations in both stroke and
  • TIA is
  • to confirm clinical diagnosis
  • to distinguish between haemorrhage and
    thromboembolic infarction
  • to look for underlying causes of disease and to
    direct therapy, either medical or surgical

  • Immediate management
  • Admit to multidisciplinary hospital stroke unit
    if possible.
  • General medical measures
  • Care of the unconscious patient, Oxygen by mask,
    Assessment of swallowing, Check BP and look for
    source of emboli.
  • Immediate brain imaging is essential.
  • Cerebral infarction If CT shows infarction,
    give aspirin (300 mg/day initially) antiplatelet
    therapy if no contraindications, give alteplase
    thrombolysis, which must be started within 3
    hours (aim for 90 min) of stroke informed
    consent is essential.
  • Cerebral haemorrhage If CT shows haemorrhage, do
    not give any therapy that may interfere with
    clotting. Neurosurgery may be required.
  • Further management
  • Appropriate drugs for hypertension, heart
    disease, diabetes, other medical conditions
  • Other antiplatelet agents, e.g. dipyridamole
  • Question of endarterectomy
  • Question of anticoagulation
  • Speech therapy, dysphagia care, physiotherapy,
    occupational therapy
  • Specific neurological issues, e.g. epilepsy,
    pain, incontinence
  • Preparations for future care
  • Long term management

Internal carotid artery aneurysm
  • Etiology
  • Intracerebral haemorrhage causes around 10 of
  • Haemorrhage is usually massive, often fatal and
    occurs in chronic hypertension and at
    well-defined sites - basal ganglia, pons,
    cerebellum and subcortical white matter.
  • Recognition
  • At the bedside, there is no entirely reliable way
    of distinguishing between intracerebral
    haemorrhage and thromboembolic infarction. Both
    produce stroke. Intracerebral haemorrhage,
    however, tends to be dramatic with severe
    headache. It is more likely to lead to coma than
    thromboembolic stroke.
  • Brain haemorrhage is seen on CT imaging
    immediately - as intracerebral, intraventricular,
    or subarachnoid blood. MR imaging may not
    identify an acute haemorrhage correctly in the
    first few hours. Thereafter T2 weighted MR is
    very reliable.
  • Managing hemorrhagic stroke
  • The principles are those for cerebral infarction.
    The immediate prognosis is less good.
  • Antiplatelet drugs and, of course, anticoagulants
    are contraindicated.
  • Control of hypertension is vital.
  • Urgent neurosurgical clot evacuation is sometimes
    considered when there is deepening coma and
    coning (particularly in cerebellar haemorrhage).
  • The outlook is usually poor.
  • Cerebellar hemorrhage
  • There is headache and rapid reduction of
    consciousness with signs of brainstem origin
    (e.g. nystagmus, ocular palsies).
  • Gaze deviates towards the haemorrhage.

  • Investigations
  • CT imaging is the initial investigation of
    choice. Subarachnoid or intraventricular blood is
    usually seen.
  • Lumbar puncture is not necessary if SAH is
    confirmed by CT, but should be performed if doubt
    remains. The CSF becomes yellow (xanthochromic)
    several hours after SAH. Visual inspection of the
    supernatant CSF is usually sufficiently reliable
    for diagnosis, but there is a move to use
    spectrophotometry to estimate bilirubin released
    from lysed cells to define with certainty SAH in
    doubtful cases.
  • MR angiography is usually performed in all
    potentially fit for surgery, i.e. generally below
    65 years and not in coma. In some cases, no
    aneurysm is found despite a definite SAH.

A-V malformation
  • Complications
  • Blood in the subarachnoid space can lead to
    obstruction of CSF flow and hydrocephalus. This
    can be asymptomatic but may cause deteriorating
    consciousness after SAH. Diagnosis is by CT.
    Shunting may be required.
  • Severe arterial spasm (visible on cerebral
    angiography and a cause of coma or stroke)
    sometimes complicates SAH. It is a poor
    prognostic sign.
  • Management
  • Immediate treatment of SAH is bed rest and
    supportive measures.
  • Hypertension should be controlled.
  • Dexamethasone to reduce cerebral oedema and to
    stabilize the blood-brain barrier.
  • Nimodipine, a calcium-channel blocking agent,
    reduces mortality.
  • When angiography demonstrates aneurysm, a direct
    neurosurgical approach to clip the neck of the
    aneurysm is carried out.
  • Invasive radiological techniques, such as
    inserting a fine wire coil into an aneurysm are
    also used.
  • Direct surgery, microembolism and focal
    radiotherapy ('gamma knife') are used in AVM.
  • Subdural hematoma
  • SDH means accumulation of blood in the subdural
    space following rupture of a vein. It usually
    follows a head injury, which may be trivial. The
    interval between injury and symptoms may be days,
    weeks or months. Chronic, unsuspected or
    spontaneous SDH is common in the elderly and in
    alcohol abuse.
  • Headache, drowsiness and confusion are common
    symptoms are indolent and often fluctuate. Focal
    deficits such as hemiparesis or sensory loss
    develop. Epilepsy occasionally occurs. Stupor,
    coma and coning may follow, but there is a
    tendency for SDH to resolve spontaneously.
  • Extradural hemorrhage
  • This follows a linear skull vault fracture
    tearing a branch of the middle meningeal artery.
    Blood accumulates rapidly over minutes/hours in
    the extradural space. The most characteristic
    picture is of a head injury with a brief duration
    of unconsciousness followed by a lucid interval
    of recovery. The patient then develops a
    progressive hemiparesis and stupor, and rapid
    transtentorial coning, with first an ipsilateral
    dilated pupil, followed by bilateral fixed
    dilated pupils, tetraplegia and respiratory
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