Chapter 4 Motivation Lavallee et al. (2004) Sport - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 4 Motivation Lavallee et al. (2004) Sport


Chapter 4 Motivation Lavallee et al. (2004) Sport Psychology: Contemporary Themes (Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke) There has been a longstanding concern with ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 4 Motivation Lavallee et al. (2004) Sport

Lavallee et al. (2004) Sport Psychology
Contemporary Themes (Palgrave Macmillan,
Introduction, History and Development
  • There has been a longstanding concern with
    motivation in both psychology and sport
  • Theory and practice still dont always coincide
  • Motivation is commonly defined as Psychological
    processes that energise the individual and
    thereby influence behaviour.
  • Despite being an important topic it is a
    regrettable fact that motivation is a poorly
    understood phenomenon in the trenches.... nowhere
    is the concept of motivation more misunderstood
    than in sport. Roberts (1992, p.4)

Introduction, History and Development
  • Drive theory
  • Hull (1951) Spence (1956)
  • Need Achievement Theory
  • NAch (Ms MAF)(Ps x Is) Mext
  • McClelland (1961) and Atkinson (1964)
  • Sport Orientation Questionnaire
  • Gill, 1993

Introduction, History and Development
  • Weiners Attribution Theory (1985, 1986)
  • We explain success failure with reference to
    ability, effort, task and luck

Basic Attribution Categories
In Ones Control
Out of Ones Control
Introduction, History and Development
  • Two key questions
  • Why do we participate in sport?
  • Why do we withdraw from sport?

Introduction, History and Development
  • 1. Motivators of Participation
  • Fun enjoyment, pleasure, psychological benefits
  • Affiliation social experience, friendship,
    significant others
  • Competence personal challenge, skill
    acquisition/ improvement
  • Fitness health, weight loss, strength, improve
  • Success competition or personal accomplishment
  • Motivators can often change over time

Introduction, History and Development
  • 2. Demotivators of Participation
  • Other interests conflict of alternative
  • Lack of improvement in skill lack of progress
  • Lack of fun boredom, playing time
  • Time pressure increased time taken up by
    practice and competition
  • Excessive pressure from coach, parents and peers
  • Can be temporary or permanent
  • Can be at a particular level or total rejection

Introduction, History and Development
  • There have been great many descriptive studies
    into demotivation (who, what, where and how)
  • e.g. drop out and attrition rates in adolescence
  • Adherence to exercise programmes
  • There have been fewer theoretical investigations
  • e.g. how both psychological and structural
    variables interact to determine both
    participation and drop out

Theories and Models 1
  • Self-determination Theory or Cognitive Evaluation
  • (Deci,1971 Fredrick Ryan, 1995)
  • Individuals have the need to demonstrate
    competence and self-determination in life
    domains, including sport 
  • Central concepts intrinsic motivation, extrinsic
    motivation, amotivation
  • Intrinsic motivation influenced by degree of
    autonomy or self-determination
  • Self-determination operationalized as Locus of
    Causality (LoC)
  • Internal LoC - higher perceived control, enhanced
    intrinsic motivation
  • External LoC - low perceived control, decreased
    intrinsic motivation

Theories and Models 1
  • Vallerand Losier (1999) have represented
    self-determination theory in a hierarchical model
  • Social Factors (success, failure, competition,
    co-operation, coach behaviour and parental
    influence) exert their influence through
    perceptions of autonomy, competence and
  • The consequences of motivation can be
  • Affective (I feel)
  • Behavioural (I do)
  • Cognitive (I think)

Theories and Models 1
  • Continuum of Self-determination
  • Ext LoC Int LoC
  • Amotivation Extrinsic Mot Intrinsic Mot
  • (Deci Ryan, 1985)

Theories and Models 2
  • Perceived Competence Theory (Harter, 1978)
  • Motivation influenced by perceptions of
    competence and control
  • We are motivated to participate to display
    competence or mastery
  • An activity can be too easy/difficult or a
  • Easy and difficult tasks provide little
    information on ones mastery or skill and add
    little to perceptions of competence
  • The optimal challenge is difficult and demanding
    but attainable

Theories and Models 2
  • Mastery attempts are used to receive feedback on
    competence. This information then influences
  • Perceived competence
  • Perceived control
  • Affective responses
  • Future exertion/effort
  • Probability of continued participation

Theories and Models 2
Mastery Attempts
Theories and Models 2
  • Perceived success
  • can be defined either internally or externally
  • results in intrinsic pleasure and raises
  • increases achievement striving behaviour
  • Perceived failure
  • can be defined either internally or externally
  • results in dissatisfaction and perceived
  • encourages fewer mastery attempts

Theories and Models 2
  • Coaches, teachers, parents and peers can
    influence perceived competence
  • Females rely more on feedback from significant
  • Athletes who receive corrective information see
    it as reflecting lower ability
  • Athletes who receive praise see it as a
    reflection of high ability

Theories and Models 3
  • Achievement Goal Orientation (GO) Theory
  • (Nicholls, 1984)
  • Currently the most popular approach in motivation
    literature within sport psychology
  • Proposes that motivational affect, behaviour and
    cognition can be understood in terms of two goal
    perspectives ego and task
  • Goal Orientations are thought to be influenced by
    both situational and dispositional factors
  • Both goal orientations are independent e.g.
  • High Task, Low Ego - Low Task, High Ego
  • High Task, High Ego - Low Task, Low Ego

Theories and Models 3
  • Task Orientation
  • Self-referenced reasons for participation
  • skill development, skill mastery, affiliation,
  • Typical behaviours
  • persistence, optimal effort
  • work hard
  • choose challenging activities
  • seek feedback

Theories and Models 3
  • Ego Orientation
  • Normative referenced reasons for participation
  • Recognition, competition, social status
  • Typical behaviours
  • perception of high ability
  • careful selection of activities avoid failure
  • little effort during practice

NB Both orientations find competition meaningful
it is the meaning attached to competition that
distinguishes them
Theories and Models 3
  • Differences in Achievement GO (Nicholls, 1978
    Roberts Treasure, 1995 White Duda), 1994)
  • Children tend to be more task oriented
  • Children of 10 years could be ego oriented
  • Adolescents tend to be more ego oriented
  • Boys and men are more ego oriented than girls and
    women In the more competitive levels of sport,
    participants have a higher ego orientation
  • Task orientation does not vary with level of

Theories and Models 3
  • Significant Others and Achievement GO
  • (White et al., 98)
  • Parents emphasise different aspects of
    participation to their children depending on own
    orientation (team playing/ winning)
  • Children with a dominant orientation tend to view
    their parents in the same light
  • Both parents and children are poor at judging the
    others actual orientation
  • The perceived orientation of the parent will
    influence the childs attitude to participation
  • Similarly a coach or teacher can exert influence
    over the childs enjoyment and beliefs about

Theories and Models 3
  • Is a Task GO favourable? (Fox et al., 1994
    Hardy et al., 1996)
  • The literature tends to favour task orientation
  • This is limited as a person can have a certain
    degree of both orientations simultaneously
  • People with a high ego and task orientation are
    highly motivated in sport
  • A win attitude is needed in sport - an ego
    orientation can be used to sustain long-term

Theories and Models 4
  • Self-Efficacy Social Cognitive Theory
  • (Bandura, 1977)
  • Self-efficacy refers to person's judgement of
  • capability to perform (efficacy expectations)
  • outcome of performance (outcome expectations)
  • Bandura suggested 4 sources of information
    influence self-efficacy
  • Accomplishments
  • Vicarious experience
  • Physiological state
  • Verbal persuasion
  • Maddux (1995) later added
  • Emotional states
  • Imaginal experiences

Theories and Models
  • Self-efficacy has been shown to influence
  • Activity choice
  • Level of effort
  • Degree of persistence
  • Achievement
  • Measured along 3 dimensions
  • Level (expected attainments)
  • Strength (certainty of attainments)
  • Generality (number of domains)
  • As a psychological construct, self-efficacy plays
    a significant role in many theories of exercise

Theories and Models
  • Social Exchange Theory - Thibaut Kelley (1959)
  • Underpins many approaches including
  • Cognitive Affective Model (Smith 1986)
  • Motivational Model of Sport Withdrawal (Gould,
  • Integrated Model of Sport Participation and
    Withdrawal (Gould Petlichkoff, 1988)
  • Sport Commitment Model (Schmidt Stein, 1991)
  • Core constructs
  • Outcomes (rewards and costs)
  • Comparison Levels (CL)
  • Comparison Level of Alternatives (CL Alt)

Theories and Models
  • Model of Sport Confidence
  • Vealey (1986)
  • Health Belief Model
  • Becker et al. (1977)
  • Theory of Reasoned Action
  • Ajzen Fishbein (1970)
  • Theory of Planned Behaviour
  • Ajzen Madden (1986)
  • Transtheoretical Model of Behavioural Change
  • Prochaska Di Clemente (1983)

Methods and Measures
  • Key Participation Constructs
  • Psychological
  • Perceived competence
  • Perceived Self-Competence Scales (Harter)
  • Physical Self-perception Profile (Fox Corbin)
  • Physical Description Questionnaire (Marsh)
  • Self-efficacy
  • Goal orientation
  • Perception of Sport Questionnaire (Roberts et al)
  • Task and Ego Orientation Sports Questionnaire
  • Competitive orientation
  • Sport Orientation Questionnaire (Gill)
  • Affect / Mood state
  • Positive Affect negative Affect Schedule (Watson
    et al)
  • Enjoyment

Methods and Measures
  • Key Participation Constructs
  • Contextual
  • Significant others
  • Parents, peers, coaches/teachers, family,
    friends, work colleagues, health professionals
  • Health fitness
  • Activity choice
  • Boys more likely to choose competitive, team
  • Structural barriers
  • Personal (psychological)
  • External (resources, opportunities, other

Practical Issues and Interventions
  • Many intervention programmes do not have strong
    theoretical support
  • Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour (Cardinal,
  • TARGET Strategy (Harwood Biddle, 2002)
  • Goal Setting (Locke Latham, 1994)
  • Worlds of work and sport are miles apart, hence
    goal setting may not always translate

Practical Issues and Interventions
  • Several integrated models have emerged to bring
    together disparate research findings.
  • Integrated Model of Sport Participation and
    Withdrawal (Gould and Petlichkoff, 1988)
  • Sport Commitment Model (Schmidt and Stein, 1991)
  • Sport Commitment Model (Scanlan et al., 1993)
  • Integrated Model of Sport Participation (Weiss
    and Chaumeton, 1992)
  • Youth Physical Activity Promotion Model (Welk,
  • Integrated Theory of Intrinsic and Extrinsic
    Motivation in Sport (Vallerand Losier, 1999)
  • Cognitive-Behavioural Process Model of
    Participation Motivation (Kremer Busby, 1998
    Lowry, 2002)

Original Process Model (Kremer and Busby, 1998)

Revised Model (Lowry Kremer, 2002)

Case Study
  • From an early age it was obvious that Paul was
    likely to excel in sport. At primary school he
    was on an automatic choice on every team, he
    played soccer for a local youth side, and ran in
    the county cross country championships which he
    won easily. His sport came easily to him and he
    enjoyed trying out new activities and meeting
    friends. Both his parents were very supportive.
    His mother had been a county hockey player and
    his father had played rugby and was president of
    the local rugby club. At his secondary school
    Paul was encouraged to play soccer, and scouts
    from several professional clubs came to watch him
    play. One offered him the opportunity of an
    apprenticeship but his parents were keen for him
    to continue his education and go on to university
    if possible. The school principal was an ardent
    soccer fan and coached the First XI himself. His
    father was involved with mini rugby at his club
    and Paul would play rugby in the morning before
    playing soccer in the afternoon. On occasions
    where there was a school soccer game then he had
    to miss mini-rugby which his father accepted but
    he never went to watch him play. His PE teacher
    was a keen athletics coach and Paul would still
    compete although he did not have time for
    specific training. His natural talent and fitness
    ensured that he continued to show great promise.
    At the age of 15 Paul began to find that his
    enthusiasm for his sport was waning. He began to
    miss matches because of injury and on one
    occasion was late for the bus and was left
    behind. His father could not persuade him to go
    to rugby and showed his obvious displeasure. Paul
    began to spend more time playing on his Play

Case Study
  • With reference to the Theories and Models section
    in the chapter, how would you interpret what is
    happening in this case study?
  • With reference to Methods and Measures, what
    techniques would you employ to help understand
    and quantify the issues?
  • With reference to Practical Issues and
    Interventions, how would you deal with this

Study Questions
  • 1. Compare and contract cognitive evaluation
    theory, perceived competence theory and
    achievement goal theory.
  • 2. Review the evidence suggesting that
    self-efficacy can predict participation in
    physical activity.
  • 3. Consider the contextual variables that have
    been shown to influence the initiation,
    continuation and discontinuation of sport and
    exercise, with particular reference to the
    measures commonly associated with these
  • 4. What are some of the limitations of goal
    setting as a psychological intervention?
  • 5. Outline and evaluate some of the integrative
    models that have been developed in relation to
    participation in sport and exercise.

Further Reading
  • Duda, J.L. Hall, H. (2001) Achievement goal
    theory in sport Recent extensions and future
    directions, in R.N. Singer, H.A. Hausenblas and
    C. Janelle (eds.), Handbook of Sport Psychology
    (pp. 417-443). New York Wiley.
  • Harwood, C. and Biddle, S. (2002) The
    Application of Achievement Goal Theory in Youth
    Sport, in I. Cockerill (ed.) Solutions in sport
    psychology (pp. 58-73). London Thomson.
  • Marcus, B. and Forsyth, L.H. (2003) Motivating
    People to be Physically Active. Champaign, IL
    Human Kinetics.
  • Roberts, G. C. (2001) (ed) Advances in Motivation
    in Sport and Exercise. Champaign, IL Human
  • Vallerand, R.J. and Fortier, M.S. (1998)
    Measures of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
    in Sport and Physical Activity A Review and
    Critique, J.L. Duda (ed.), Advances in Sport and
    Exercise Psychology Measurement (pp. 81-101).
    Morgantown, WV Fitness Information Technology.
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