Title: Charting a Course: Setting Goals with Intention Presented by
1Charting a CourseSetting Goals with Intention
- Presented by Sharon Kuehn
- Wellness Recovery Educator
- Contra Costa County Office for Consumer
2Wellness is unique to every individual!
How do you define wellness?
3Wellness includes
- Physical Health
- Relationships
- Friendships/Community
- Family/Supporters
- Significant Other
- Communication Skills
- Self-Expression/Creativity
- Spirituality/Purpose
- Self-Mastery
- Self-Esteem/Self-Love
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Care
- Career/Financial Security
- Education
- Housing/Environment
4Make a Choice,Commit to the Course...
- Listen to your hearts desire and choose one
area of your life in which you will set a goal
during our process today - An area which is very important to you
- An area that has been neglected
- An area in which you know you need support
5Wellness Goal Areas
1. Where will you start your journey?
- Physical Health
- Relationships
- Friendships/Community
- Family/Supporters
- Significant Other
- Communication Skills
- Self-Expression/Creativity
- Spirituality/Purpose
- Self-Mastery
- Self-Esteem/Self-Love
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Care
- Career/Financial Security
- Education
- Housing/Environment
6Dream, then Choose
- 2. Allow yourself to dream
- Forget about barriers and imagine what you want
- Let your intuition guide you
- State a specific goal to yourself.
- If you feel you can put your full intention on
meeting this goal, you are ready to refine it. - 3. Repeat this step until you are satisfied
with your idea.
7Envision this goal with all the details you can
- What you think, you become. -Mohandas Gandhi
- 4. Get a clear mental picture of the goal already
accomplished. - Include details!
- Make the mental image crystal clear, vivid in
your mind's eye. Play that picture over and over
in your mind.
8The Law of Mind-Action
- After choosing your
- goal, state the goal in
- positive terms!
- Affirm what you wish to attract
- Leave dont and wont out of this process!
- For example, I will do 45 minutes of yoga or
take a walk every evening instead of Watch less
TV and stop being a couch potato.
95. Write the goal!
The difference between a goal and a dream is the
written word. -Gene Donohue
- Once it goes into
- writing it becomes
- substantial and
- starts etching itself into your subconscious.
10Exploring the Territory
- Have I clearly and decisively set my intention on
- manifesting this goal?
- What skills do I need to achieve this?
- What information and knowledge do
- I need?
- What help, assistance, or collaboration
- do I need?
- What resources do I need?
- Am I making any assumptions?
- What can block my progress?
- How can I address that?
11Charting the Course Objectives
- 6. Identify the steps or markers along the path
- Where you are now in relation to the goal?
- Create 3 8 objectives or signposts to indicate
that you are moving toward your goal - Write these steps on your worksheet
12While defining the steps, Remember the Serenity
- Base your objectives on what you can do to move
toward your goal - Recognize and accept factors that you cannot
13Use Deadlines to Stay On Track
- How long will you need
- to complete the goal?
- Create a timeframe
- What can you achieve in
- one afternoon?
- one week?
- one month?
- one year?
- 7. Set timelines on your objectives.
14Gather Assistance, Bypass Resistance
- 8. Share your goals with select supporters
- You do not need to discuss your personal goals
with those who will disempower you with negative
159. Use a Daily Planning ToolWellness Recovery
Action Plan
Using the WRAP allows me to notice how well I am
taking care of myself and to consciously change
my routines and activities so that I am creating
the lifestyle of my choice. Im no longer passive
in situations that I dont want or choose I can
respond instead of reacting. -Sharon
16Celebrate Intention!
- 10. Back your plan with PERSISTENCE and resolve.
Never give up, even when you hit setbacks. - Use setbacks as reminders to review and revise
your objectives! - Reward yourself for the completion of each step!
- Create an affirmation which states your intention
and expresses gratitude as if your desired
outcome is already present.
17Goal Setting Review
- Choose the general area.
- Dream, let your intuition lead.
- Make the goal specific.
- Envision the goal with all the details.
- Write the goal.
- Identify objectives, stepping stones toward the
larger goal. - Set a time frame.
- Gather support and assistance.
- Build the goals into your daily plan.
- Persist! Be well! Celebrate your successes!
18Contact Information
- Sharon Kuehn
- Wellness Recovery Educator
- Contra Costa County Office
- for Consumer Empowerment
- (925) 957-5143
- sharonkuehn_at_sbcglobal.net