Negotiation Getting to YES - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Negotiation Getting to YES


Negotiation Getting to YES RD 300 14 & 19 November 2001 Negotiation A process of communicating back and forth for the purpose of reaching a joint decision when you ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Negotiation Getting to YES

NegotiationGetting to YES
  • RD 300
  • 14 19 November 2001

  • A process of communicating back and forth for the
    purpose of reaching a joint decision when you and
    the other side have some interests that are
    shared and others that are opposed.
  • Hard versus soft negotiation styles.

Positional Bargaining
  • Most common negotiation style adopted
  • each side takes a position, argues for it and
    makes concessions to reach a compromise.
  • Problems
  • Locks people into their positions.
  • Ego becomes attached to your position.
  • Focus on positions means less attention is paid
    to the underlying concerns/issues of the parties.

Positional Bargaining
  • Problems (cont.)
  • Start with extreme positions try to hold onto
    them make only minor concessions to keep
    negotiation alive.
  • This requires a lot of time and effort.
  • Becomes a contest of wills.
  • Can strain and even shatter relationships.
  • The more parties the more difficult.

  • Hard
  • Participant as adversaries.
  • The goal is victory.
  • Demand concessions as a condition of
  • Be hard on the problem and the people.
  • Distrust others.
  • Dig in to your position.
  • Make threats.
  • Mislead as to your bottom line.
  • Demand one-sided gains as the price of agreement.
  • The single answer the one you will accept.
  • Insist on your position.
  • Try to win a contest of wills.
  • Apply pressure.
  • Soft
  • Participants are friends.
  • Goal is agreement
  • Make concessions to maintain relationship.
  • Be soft on the people and the problem.
  • Trust others.
  • Change your position easily.
  • Make offers.
  • Disclose your bottom line.
  • Accept one-sided losses to reach agreement.
  • The single answer the one they will accept.
  • Insist on agreement.
  • Try to avoid a contest of wills.
  • Yield to pressure.

Principled Negotiation
  • Characteristics
  • decide issues on their merits.
  • look for mutual gains.
  • where interests conflict, use fair standards to
    obtain a result.
  • can be used whether there is one issue or
  • two parties or many.
  • useful in prescribed or impromptu negotiations

Principled Negotiation
  • 4 Key Points
  • Separate the people from the problem.
  • Focus on interests, not positions.
  • Generate a variety of possibilities before
    deciding what to do. Invent options for mutual
  • Insist that the result be based on some objective
    standard or criteria.

Principled Negotiation
  • Three stages
  • Analysis stage diagnose the situation.
  • Planning stage generate ideas and decide
  • Discussion stage communication back and forth.

Deal with People Problems
  • A negotiator wants to reach an agreement that
  • satisfies his/her substantive interests and
  • preserves/fosters valued relationships.
  • Most negotiations take place in the context of an
    ongoing relationship.
  • In some cases the ongoing relationship may be
    more important than the outcome of any particular
    negotiation (e.g. family).

  • We tend to treat the people and the problem as
    one in the same.
  • Egos become involved in substantive positions.
  • People often draw unfounded inferences from
    comments on substance.

  • Deal with people problems directly dont try to
    solve them with substantive concessions.
  • Base the relationship on
  • accurate perceptions,
  • clear communication
  • appropriate emotions
  • a forward-looking outlook.

Types of People Problems
  • (1) Perception -
  • both parties may agree as to the facts but
    disagree on the preferred outcome.
  • we need to be able to see the situation as the
    other side sees it.
  • understanding their point of view is not the same
    as agreeing with it. You may however modify your
    own views as a result.

  • Dont
  • Even if blaming is justified, it is usually
  • Dont deduce their intentions from your fears.
    Tendency to put the worst interpretation on what
    the other side says or does.
  • Dont treat as unimportant those concerns of the
    other side that you perceive as not standing in
    the way of an agreement.

  • Do
  • Discuss each others perceptions.
  • Look for opportunities to act inconsistently with
    their preconceptions.
  • Involve the other side in the process of reaching
    an outcome. Agreement is much easier if both
    sides feel ownership of the ideas/solutions.
  • Involve the other side(s) early.

  • Allow all parties to save-face. A potentially
    acceptable solution may be rejected if a party is
    forced to lose face in the process.
  • Face-saving reflects a persons need to reconcile
    the stand he or she takes in a negotiation or an
    agreement with their principles and their past
    words and deeds.

  • (2) Emotion -
  • Emotions often run high from the start.
  • Emotions can create an impasse.
  • Recognize your emotions and those of the other
  • Dont
  • Dont treat negotiators who represent
    organizations as mouthpieces without emotions.
  • Dont react to emotional outbursts.
  • Dont stop people from expressing their emotions
    or dismiss their emotions.

  • Do
  • Make emotions explicit and acknowledge them as
    legitimate. Recognize theirs and yours.
  • Continue listening when the other side is letting
    off steam.
  • Interact with the other side away from the
    bargaining table (e.g. dinner).
  • Make an apology if it is warranted.

  • (3) Communication
  • Potential problems
  • Negotiators may not be talking to one another but
    to other parties. Playing to the gallery.
  • Negotiators are not really listening to the other
    side. Thinking about their next argument.
  • The other side misinterprets the communication
    (e.g. language - the word average).

  • Do
  • Engage in active listening. Demonstrate that you
    have been listening - positive paraphrasing.
    Understanding is not agreeing.
  • Think before you speak.
  • Dont
  • Blame the other side for the problem name-call
    or raise your voice.
  • Allow poor body language.

Communication Issues
  • Confidentiality (the press, third parties,
  • Size of group meetings.
  • Communication away from the table.
  • Ability of negotiator to make decisions on behalf
    of their constituents.

  • Negotiations are about relationships.
  • A working relationship can be very beneficial -
    less chance for miscommunication more openness
    more trust.
  • Hard to separate the relationship from the
    substantive problem.
  • Side-by-side joint problem solving.

Focussing on Interests
  • Many impasses are due to our tendency to think
    about our positions not our interests.
  • Interests - each sides needs, desires, concerns
    and fears.
  • Our interests underpin our positions.

  • In a negotiation the interests of the respective
    parties may be
  • the same (i.e. shared)
  • different but compatible (e.g. Ugli oranges) or
  • irreconcilable.
  • We often conclude too quickly that our interests
    are irreconcilable.

  • Examining each sides interests instead of their
    positions can make solutions easier to find.
  • For every interest there usually exist several
    possible options that could satisfy it.
  • Shared and compatible interests may lie behind
    opposing positions.

  • Differing but complimentary interests can also
    form the basis for a mutually acceptable
  • The interests underlying a persons position are
    often not clear. They may be unexpressed or
    inconsistent with their clearly stated position.
  • Try to discover the underlying interests of the
    other side.

  • In most negotiations, each side will have
    multiple interests, not just one.
  • Every negotiator has a constituency to whose
    interests he/she is sensitive. It may be a
    constituency of one (e.g. themselves) or of many
    (e.g. an organization or coalition).
  • Within a constituency there may exist a variety
    of interests.

  • The most powerful interests are basic human
  • security
  • economic well-being
  • a sense of belonging
  • recognition
  • control over ones life
  • Make your interests clear. Dont let them get
    lost in the rhetoric. Be specific.

  • if you want the other side to appreciate your
    interests, begin by demonstrating that you
    appreciate theirs.
  • Paraphrase their interests. Active listening.
  • Encourage them to listen to you by Stating your
    interests and reasoning first and your
    conclusions/proposals later.

  • Shared interests
  • may not be immediately obvious
  • are opportunities to build upon and
  • can make negotiations smoother and more amicable
    (in it together).
  • Differences (e.g. interests, beliefs, valued
    items) can lead to agreements.
  • Dovetailing - looking for items of low cost to
    you but high benefit for them, and vice versa.

  • Focus on where you are going, rather than arguing
    about the past.
  • Try to bring to the negotiation several options
    that could meet your interests.
  • While pressing your substantive issues, keep an
    open mind to modifying your list of options.

Successful negotiators invent options for mutual
Obstacles that Inhibit the Inventing of Multiple
  • premature judgment
  • searching for the single answer
  • the assumption of a fixed pie and
  • thinking that solving their problem is their

  • Inventing options does not come naturally. Not
    inventing is the normal state of affairs.
  • Sometimes we fear that by inventing options we
    will disclose some piece of information that will
    jeopardize our bargaining position.

  • Negotiations often appear to be fixed-sum games
    (e.g. buying a car 100 more for you, means 100
    less for me).
  • Ask yourself whether your proposed solution meets
    the self-interest of all parties.
  • We are too often unwilling to help the other
    party(ies) find solutions that meet their needs
    (e.g. history of bad blood).

To invent creative options
  • Separate the act of inventing options from the
    act of judging them.
  • Broaden the options on the table rather than look
    for a single answer.
  • Search for mutual gains.
  • Invent ways of making their decision easy.

  • Try to think laterally to generate more options
    that might lead to a solution(s)
  • Small group activities (build on each others
  • Use a third party to help you overcome the
    tendency for groupthink.
  • Generate variations on your original set of
  • Dont throw away flawed options too quickly.
    They might provide the seed for a good
  • Create an environment conducive to this task.

  • The above could be done by each party (among
    themselves) or between the negotiating parties.
  • Examine your problem from the perspective of
    different professions and disciplines.
  • If you cannot agree on substance, you may be able
    to agree on procedure.
  • At a minimum agree on where you disagree.

  • A perfect win-win solution may not be possible
    at the time of the negotiation.
  • Negotiations sometimes result in provisional or
    contingent agreements or partial solutions.
  • Remember the context of most negotiations is
    dynamic and will continue to be so after the
  • Can the subject matter be enlarged so as to
    sweeten the pot?

  • Successful partial solutions can form the basis
    for more comprehensive solutions later.
  • Make it easy for the other side to accept your
  • Are there useful precedents to draw upon?

Insist on Using Objective Criteria
  • Sometimes, despite your best efforts, interests
    will conflict.
  • The temptation is to resort to positional
    bargaining in such cases.
  • The alternative is to make a decision on the
    basis of objective criteria.

  • The more you bring standards of fairness,
    efficiency, or scientific merit to bear on your
    problem, the more likely is a final outcome that
    is wise, fair and stable.
  • Example, the Law of the Sea conference MIT model
    for the economics of deep-seabed mining.
  • Allowed all parties to save face.

How do you develop objective criteria?
  • Plan in advance.
  • Typically more than one objective criterion is
    available. Example car insurance claim. What is
    the cars value?
  • Are the criteria legitimate and practical?

Examples of Types of Objective Criteria
  • Market value
  • Precedent
  • Scientific judgment
  • Professional standards
  • Efficiency
  • What a court would decide
  • Moral standards
  • Tradition

To produce an outcome independent of will, you
can use either fair standards for the substantive
question or fair procedures for resolving the
Negotiating with objective criteria
  • Frame each issue as a joint search for objective
  • Reason and be open to reason as to which
    standards are most appropriate and how they
    should be applied.
  • Never yield to pressure, only to principle.

  • Its a matter of principle.
  • Its company policy.
  • A principled negotiator is open to reasoned
    persuasion on the merits.

What is your BATNA?
What are the costs and benefits associated with
having a bottom line?
Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement
  • What is the difference between a bottom line
    and your BATNA? Example selling your home.
  • Why should we know our BATNA?

Your BATNA is the standard against which any
proposed agreement should be measured.
  • Negotiating without determining your BATNA is
    negotiating with your eyes closed.
  • Too optimistic or too desperate.
  • Trip wires provides you with some margin in

  • The better your BATNA, the greater your power.
  • How attractive to each party is the option of not
    reaching agreement?
  • Power balance.

Develop Your BATNA
  • Invent a list of actions you might take if no
    agreement is reached
  • Improve some of the more promising ideas and
    convert them into practical alternatives and
  • Select, tentatively, the one alternative that
    seems best.

  • Knowing your BATNA gives you additional
    confidence in the negotiating process.
  • It is easier to break off negotiations if you
    know where you are going should the negotiation

Should you reveal your BATNA to the other side?
Consider the other sides BATNA
If both sides have attractive BATNAs, the best
outcome of the negotiation, for both parties, may
well be not to reach agreement.
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