Title: Coping with Cancer
1Coping with Cancer
Concepts of Prevention and Cure for our
1 Cause of Death
2How Cancer Begins
Each minute millions of cells divide in our
bodies. Complex mechanisms call for exact
replication, but chemicals, radiation, viruses,
hormonal imbalances, or inherited mutations can
affect this process to produce a cell thats
different and not subject to body regulations. As
that cell multiplies, its offspring are also not
regulated and soon the result sooner or later is
a collection of cells we call cancer.
3Cancer Development
A persons immune system usually destroys these
newly altered cells, but sometimes a new cancer
cell isnt detected and it manages to grow
without check and form a mass or tumor. Cancer
cells can get in the blood stream and/or lymph
system and spread to other organs.
4It seems sudden, but it takes years!
These changes may occur long before the cancer is
diagnosed. Depending on the growth rate of the
cancer, it can take 10 years or more before
signs or symptoms requiring medical help.
5Most authorities agree on these factors
- Lifestyle reflected in foods
- Exercise and habits of sleep/rest
- Water or beverages
- Sunlight and air purity
- Chemical or radiation exposure
- Drug use (including prescriptions)
- Mental attitudes and stress
6Loss of cellular inhibition
- Viral infections
- ? oxygenation in clumping of red blood cells due
to free fats or alcohol increase ones risk of
developing cancer.
7From a medical perspective
We are losing the war against cancer, not
withstanding progress against several uncommon
forms of the disease, improvements in palliation
and extension of productive years. New England
Journal of Medicine
8Cancer Research
90 of the cures occur in 10 of the kinds of
cancer. There has been dis-appointingly little
progress in curative treatment for 50 years and
no reason to expect substantial progress
soon.Dr. Richard Peto, Cancer Researcher
9The Sad Truth is...
- Most research is not looking for a cure.
- Medical care would suffer serious economic
changes if they found one. - Administrators want cancer centers for us to come
and be treated.
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11Why should drug companies want to cure us when
they make more money from treatments for as
long as we dont die?
12Possible Signs of Cancer
- Change in a brown mole
- A sore that does not heal
- Persistent hoarseness
- Unexplained weight loss of 20 pounds
- Blood in sputum, urine, stool or post menses
- A lump in breast or lymph node
13- Macrophages are natural killer cells that
circulate throughout the body and ask each cell
they contact, Are you me? and Are you okay?
Cellular communication!
14Our immune system can be helped or impaired for
dietary reasonsanimalson a low protein diet
developed only one fourth as much liver cancer
as did those on a high protein diet.
Journal of Health Healing
15Rats fed a fat-free diet had fewer tumors and
the tumors regressed in half the rats, but
transferred to the high fat diet, there was
marked stimulation in tumor growth that continued
even after the rats were returned to a fat-free
diet. Nutrition and Cancer, Vol 3, 2, pg 207.
16Lung cancer is 1
- Smoke paralyzes bronchial cilia that sweep
impurities like tar away on a mucus layer. - With cilia paralyzed, a cough develops, but it
doesnt work as well. - After 40 pack-years, cancer can develop if the
person hasnt died of heart disease or emphysema
17Colon Cancer is 2
- Toxic waste is in contact with the colon for a
prolonged time in constipated people. - Wheat bran may protect against colon and breast
cancer. - Low fiber foods, low water intake and animal fat
and protein are risk factors. - The primary screening test checks for occult
blood in the stool. After three days of no red
meat, test tissue wipe for blood.
183400 years ahead of science?
Ye shall eat neither fat nor blood and for
obedience to those laws, Moses promised, the
Lord will take away from you all sickness. Lev
317 Deut 715.
19Breast Cancer is 3 (1 in women)
- Early menstruation
- Late menopause or giving birth later in life
- Family history or history of alcoholism
- Obesity, high fat or high sugar diet
- Fibrocystic breast disease (caused by caffeine)
and silicone breast implants - Birth control pills or hormone replacement
20Breast cancer takes a sharp decline!
- After a stable pattern for years, 7 drop in the
last year is a surprise. - Scientists say its due to the news that hormone
replacement therapy was a factor and many women
quit taking hormones after menopause. CBS Evening
News, Dec 14, 2006
21Underarm deodorant chemicals found in breast
cancer tissue
- Dr Philippa Darbre and colleagues at the
University of Reading carried out tests on
samples of 20 different human breast tumors. - Writing in the Journal of Applied Toxicology,
they say they found traces of parabens in every
22- Their detection in human breast tumors is of
concern since parabens have been shown to be able
to mimic the action of the female hormone
estrogen," Dr. Darbre said. - Estrogen can drive the growth of human breast
tumors. It would therefore seem especially
prudent to consider whether parabens should
continue to be used in such a wide range of
cosmetics applied to the breast area including
23Beer, wine or liquorone drink a day
increasesthe risk of breast cancer 103 drinks
increases risk to 30 ABC and NBC News, 9-27-07.
Alcohol increases estrogen. Estrogen increases
cancer risk.
Wine is a mocker. Strong drink is
raging,whoever is deceived thereby is not wise.
Proverb 201
24Sunbathing Cuts Breast Cancer Risk in Half
A study of 4,000 women (3579) found those with a
light skin color with high sun exposure had half
the risk of advanced breast cancer (spread beyond
the breast).
90 of Vitamin D comes from sunlight.Am.
Journal Epidemiology, Oct 12, 2007
25Breast Cancer Prevention
- Isoflavones in soy may be why Japan and China
have one-fifth the breast cancer of Western women
(Stoll, 1997). - The average intake of soy protein in SE Asia
ranges from 10-50g per day in contrast to 1-3g
per day consumed by Americans (Barnes et al.,
26Pile on the Produce
- The cabbage family prevent cancer with two
nutrients, indoles and isothiocyanates.
Broccoli, kale, cauliflower, brussel sprouts
- Parsley has Vit C and the flavonoid, apigenin
- Go for garlic and onions. A Penn State study
- found garlic and selenium prevented cancer in
animals exposed to a powerful carcinogen.
27Dietary fat is an important determinant of both
breast cancer risk and probability of survival
after surgery. Findings (sup-port) breast cancer
development is related to a diet rich in meat,
fat and sugar.
28We saw 20 min of this DVD, andwell see 20 min
more after a break, but thats still less than
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This DVD was 15 when I paid a friend for a
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29I have lived a healthier, happier, better life
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30Heres my book it has 100 topics from aging
and abscesses to vaccinations,
vomitingalphabetical for easyfinding. It also
has 10 pages on eating habits and food
combinationsIt costs 15 on internet, but you
can have auto- graphed copy for 10
31We saw that sunlight cuts the risk of advanced
breast cancer in half.
- But too much sunlight can be a risk for melanoma.
Most skin cancers are not likely to cause death,
but melanoma can. - Do we recall the sign, a change in a brown
32Can you distinguish this normal brownmole from
malignant ones?
Normal moles are evenly colored, brown or flesh
colored, flat or raised, round or oval, usually
less than the size of a pencil eraser.
33Melanoma asymmetry
Half the spot doesnt match the other half.
34Melanoma Border irregularity
Uneven or notched border
35Melanoma Uneven color
May have an irregular pattern of color
36Melanoma larger size
Maybe small, but often gt 1/4 inch.
37Melanoma a change in the mole
A change in size, color or shape
38Risk factors for Melanoma
- Fair skin that freckles or easily sunburns
- Red or blond hair
- History of sunburn when young
- Relative with melanoma
- Diet high in polyunsaturated trans fats
39Cancer of the Pancreas is 4
- The lead article in the New England Journal of
Medicine reported a study some years ago showing
a strong association between coffee-drinking and
cancer of the pancreas.
40Alcohol is also a factor in Chronic
Pancreatitis. This common association of these
beverages raises question of their relationship.
The Russian scientist, Pavlov, called Coffee
bad habit glue because it glues our bad habits
together. We can abuse ourselves with stress and
lack of sleep, but wake up with more coffee.
41Flavonols may cut risk of pancreatic cancer 25
kaempferol provided the largest drop in risk, 22
American Jour. Epidemiology 10/15/07
- Type of Flavonol
- Quercetin
- Kaempferol
- Myricetin
- Food Source
- Onions, apples
- Spinach, cabbage
- Red onions, berries
42Prostate problems
- Difficulty starting and stopping urine flow,
urinary frequency, espec. night. - A normal PSA helps rule out cancer.
- Saw palmetto is an herb that may help, often with
other health supplements. - If natural means fail, Avodart (drug) or
Trans-Urethral Resection (TURP).
43Cancer of the Prostate is 5
- 2 Cancer in men
- Worse if contracted when younger
- A high fat diet is a risk factor
- Lycopene, a flavonoid found in tomatoes, is
thought to be protective. - Men eating 3 cloves garlicdaily had half as much
prostate cancer. Journal NCI
44Soy helps prevent prostate cancer
- US researchers found a molecule produced in the
intestine when soy is digested stops a hormone
that fuels prostate growth. - This explains why Japanese men who eat more soy,
rarely have prostate cancer. Biology of
45Brain Cancer and Cell Phones
Brain tumors have increased 40 in Europe and
U.K. over the past 20 years. Brain cancer
surpasses leukemia as the 1 cancer killer in
children. Exposure to electromagnetic fields and
radiation from mobile phones is thought to be
46Lymphoma is 6
- Blood cancer in cattle resembles lymphoma in
humans. - 85 viruses are known to cause cancer in animals.
Of 31 viruses isolated from man, 12 are known to
cause cancer in animals. - Rural residents showed much lower cancer
mortality than urban residents.
47Leukemia is 7
- Cattle and dairy farmers show excess deaths from
- Herpes viruses are known to be present in raw
milk. - Of 63 patients with leukemia or lymphoma, 58
drank raw milk. - Some cancer producing viruses have been shown to
resist Pasteurization
49Leukemia in chickens accounts for annual losses
to the U.S. poultry industry, estimated in
hundreds of millions of dollars.
50Children have double the risk of leukemia if
exposed to a sick or dying cat (1,400 cases).
51One third of trout raised in artificial fish
hatcheries have been found with cancer of the
liver. Aflatoxin from moldy food has been a
52Eating Guidelines from American Institute for
Cancer Research
- Limit consumption of "energy-dense foods," foods
that are high in calories, fat and sugar. Avoid
sugary drinks. - Eat mostly foods of plant origin, including
fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans - Limit intake of red meat avoid processed meat
- Limit salt. Avoid moldy grains or legumes
- Aim to meet nutritional needs through diet alone,
without dietary supplement
53Makers of US Feed Fail to Heed Rules on Mad Cow
Large numbers of companies involved in
manufacturing animal feed are not complying
with regulations to prevent the emergence and
spread of mad cow disease in the U.S., the FDA
says. NY Times, Jan 11, 2001.
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56A Meat Cutters View of Hazards
Slaughtering methods fail to bleed adequately.
Powerful tenderizers are injected into the
animals. Inspection of diseased animals is
inadequate cancers are often spread throughout
the carcass.
57Federal laws and slaughterhouse policy allows
the removal of diseased or cancerous parts to be
sold as pet food, and the carcass is ok for
human consumption.
58Abuse Of Sick Cows (wnd, 2-1-08) USDA
Investigates if "Downer Cows" May Have Ended Up
In School Lunches
(CBS)Â Undercover video shows sickened cows, too
weak to walk, being jabbed with forklift blades,
kicked, shocked and even sprayed in the face with
powerful jets of water by workers at the Hallmark
Meat Packing Company in Chino, Calif.
59Knowing what you eat
- Advanced meat recovery means that ground beef
used to make hamburgers could come from anywhere,
because of this process. - Most meat processors inject their products with
salt, and lots of it. - Most commercial beef is full of hormones,
antibiotics and preservatives.
60Diet Increases Cancer Risk 10-Fold
Diet appears to be associated with most human
cancers and is the most important environmental
risk factor. Most people probably have enough
mutant cells from environmental factors to cause
cancer. Their risk of developing cancer can be
increased by as much as 10 times, depending on
their diet
61To minimize the risk of cancer, fresh fruits and
vegetables and whole grains should be stressed
the use of animal products should be
de-emphasized. Dr. Colin Campbell, Cornell
U.National Academy of Sciences expert panel on
diet and cancer
62People are continually eating flesh that is
filled with tuberculous and cancerous germs.
Tuberculosis, cancer and other fatal diseases are
thus communicated. Health Happiness, 217
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