Title: Recommendations from NCERT on Language Learning Curriculum 2005
1Recommendations from NCERT on Language Learning
Curriculum 2005
The purpose of language learning is the
attainment of basic proficiency and the
development of language as an instrument for
basic interpersonal communication and later for
abstract thought and knowledge acquisition.
National Curriculum Framework2005
Language Learning
2A n English course today therefore.
- needs to lay stress on integrated teaching, in
which the - school subjects are combined into learning
areas and - taught thematically
- needs to focus on the competence demonstrated by
the - learners at the end of cross-curricular
learning rather than - expertise in individual subjects
- needs to connect the real-life experiences of a
child with - his school education effectively
English Course
3OXFORD INDIA presents..
An Integrated Course in English for primary and
middle schools
An honest attempt to present a well-crafted
course in English reaffirming the National
Curriculum Framework 2005 guidelines
4The Skyline series
- contain themes that conform to the core
components of the National Curriculum Framework,
2005 - Family and friends
- The Nation
- Neighbourhood and Community
- and Some emerging concerns like environmental
issues, conservation of resources, forestry,
animals and plants
Imbibes the duties and values laid down by the
Constitution of INDIA
5 Series Editor Paul Gunashekar
Course Components
- Primers A B, and Coursebooks 1 to 8
- Workbooks 1 to 8
- Literature Readers 1 to 8
- Teachers Kits for the nine levels, including
audio - cassettes, visual aids and teachers
6The Skyline Team
7Guideline 1 NCF 2005 recommends that ..
Language learning is essentially a matter of
acquiring the important skills of listening,
speaking, reading and writing in an integrated
manner, and harnessing these skills to the
performance of formal as well as informal
communication tasks.
8The speaking tasks provide ample opportunities
for real-life discussions
Listening and Speaking tasks in every chapter
9Writing Skills and Using the Dictionary
10Guideline 2 - NCF 2005 recommends that..
In language learning, stress should be on
language-across-the-curriculum approach that
breaks down barriers between English and other
languages and subject areas In classes I and II
focus should be on EVS components integrated with
language with further integration of key
environmental, social and arithmetical concepts
in the primary classes
- The Skyline series strongly endorses and
predominantly incorporates the following - A greater emphasis on English-across-the-curricul
um approach - Mathematical concepts in early books I and II
- Environmental links in terms of exercises and
texts in each of its - coursebook
11Integration of EVS with English language learning
has been emphasized clearly in the texts
EVS Component
12(No Transcript)
13Guideline 3 - NCF 2005 recommends that..
The learner should be able to develop sensitivity
towards their culture and heritage, aspects of
contemporary life and languages in and around
the classroom
- Skyline ensures that the textual content in
Coursebooks - In terms of themes and topics reflect cultural
sensitivity - Encourages the learners to recognize the
uniqueness of India multiculturalism
14The story of the unhappy Banyan Tree
developing sensitivity towards Indias culture
and heritage
15Guideline 4 - NCF 2005 recommends that..
Suitable focus to be given on discussions,
project work, activities that promote reading
with comprehension
- The Skyline series includes one project in every
coursebook for the following reasons - Projects lead to authentic integration of skills
and processing of information - from varied sources, mirroring real-life tasks
- Projects allow learners to work on their own, in
small groups, or as a class - to complete it, sharing ideas, resources and
expertise - Project work culminates in an end product
(poster or oral presentation) that - can be shared with the whole class giving a
sense of purpose to the work - Projects encourage team spirit and teach
learners the importance of - working together towards a common goal
16Encourages cross-curricular language
education One Project in every coursebook links
language environment effectively
17The National Curriculum Framework 2005
18More Skills in Skyline Coursebooks
19Linkage between the Coursebook and the Workbook
The lesson of the coursebooks are often
thematically linked to lessons in the workbooks
in the above case, both the stories discuss
Indias composite culture through festivals
Coursebook 6, pg 55, Unit 3 NCF link Indias
composite culture
Workbook 6, pg 29, Unit 3
20Skyline Workbooks
- Format of a unit
- Reading text
- Activities (complement to Coursebook)
- Learn to read
- Learn words
- Learn grammar
- Learn to write
- 2 Oral tests
- 2 Written tests (unit-based)
- 1 Examination paper
21Skills in the Skyline Workbook
22Skills in the Skyline Workbooks
Linkage with the Coursebook The activity book
complements the Coursebook. Lesson 1 in the
coursebook and Activity Sheet 1 form a complete
Learn to Read contains a short reading text,
often thematically similar to the corresponding
text in the coursebook.
23Evaluation in Skyline Workbooks
2 Oral tests 2 Written tests (unit-based) 1
Examination paper
Audio link
24The grammar items in the coursebook and the
workbook are linked together. In the example
given below, past tense is taught in the
Coursebook, lesson 3, and again in the Workbook,
lesson 3, the same concept is stressed upon
Linkage between the Coursebook and the Workbook
25Literature Readers are designed to sharpen
learners interpretative skills and to provide
them a valuable literary experience through a
range of literary genres like fiction, poetry,
drama and autobiography.
26Teachers Kit
- The Teachers Kit is designed to provide the
teacher with a reliable and practical tool in the
classroom. It contains the following - Teachers Book
- discusses objectives of teaching English
- Proposes effective methods and techniques of
teaching English - suggests strategies for using CB, WB and LR
- Provides guidelines for testing and evaluation
- includes notes on Communicative Language Teaching
- provides a key to exercises in CB, WB and LR
- includes listening transcripts
- Teaching aids Audio cassette
27Allocation of Time (classes 1 to 5)
- Academic Year 220 days
- Examinations co-curricular activities 60 days
- Actual teaching 160 days
- 1 period a day for English 160 periods
- Coursebook
- 5 periods per prose unit (6 x 11 66)
- 2 periods per poem (2 x 6 12)
- 78 periods
- Workbook
- 4 periods per worksheet 4 X11 44 ( 4)p
- Literature Reader
- 2 periods per LR unit 2 X 12 24 p
- Other activities like language games
supplementary reading - Total 160 periods
28Allocation of Time (classes 6 to 8)
- Academic Year 220 days
- Examinations co-curricular activities 40 days
- Actual teaching 180 days
- 1 period a day for English 180 periods
- Coursebook
- 16 periods per unit (16 x 7 112) 112 periods
- Workbook
- 5 periods per worksheet (5X735) 35 periods
- Literature Reader
- 3 periods per LR unit 3 X 11 33p
- Total 180 periods
29Teacher Training Support is available for
schools prescribing
the only
integrated English
course reaffirming the National
Curriculum Framework 2005 guidelines
Thank You!