Powerpoint Presentation Physical Geology, 10/e - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Powerpoint Presentation Physical Geology, 10/e


... Petroleum Reserves Petroleum Reserves As petroleum prices rise, alternate petroleum sources, such as heavy crude, oil shale and oil sand, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Powerpoint Presentation Physical Geology, 10/e

Geologic ResourcesChapter 21
Oil Field in Wyoming
Geologic Resources and Earths Systems
  • Geologic resources - valuable materials of
    geologic origin that can be extracted from the
  • Many geologic resources originate in the
  • Petroleum and coal come from organisms that lived
    and died in water
  • Halite (salt) and other evaporite minerals come
    from dry lake beds
  • Weathering interactions between geosphere,
    atmosphere and hydrosphere produce metal oxide
  • Humans (biosphere) interact directly with the
    geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere when
    extracting and utilizing geologic resources
  • Groundwater (hydrosphere) is a renewable geologic
  • If it cant be grown, it must be mined

Types of Geologic Resources
  • Geologic resources are grouped into three major
  • Energy resources - petroleum (oil and
    natural gas), coal, uranium, geothermal resources
  • Metals - iron, copper, aluminum, lead, zinc,
    gold, silver, platinum
  • Non-metallic resources - sand and gravel,
    limestone, building stone, salt, sulfur, gems,
    gypsum, phosphates, groundwater, etc.

Resources and Reserves
  • Resources - the total amount of a valuable
    geologic material in all deposits, discovered and
  • Reserves - discovered deposits of geologic
    resources that can be extracted economically and
    legally under present conditions
  • The short-term supply of a geologic materials

Energy Resources - Coal
  • Fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal) account
    for nearly 90 of U.S. energy
  • Coal is a sedimentary rock that forms from the
    compaction of plant material that has not
    completely decayed
  • Forms from shallow burial and compaction of peat

Energy Resources - Coal
  • Four varieties of coal
  • Lignite (brown coal) is soft and crumbly
  • Sub-bituminous and bituminous coal (soft coal)
  • black and dusty
  • burn with a smoky flame
  • commonly strip-mined
  • Anthracite (hard coal)
  • shiny and dust-free
  • burns with a smokeless flame
  • low-level metamorphic rock
  • Burning of high-sulfur coal can produce acid
    rain strip mines can scar landscape
  • U.S. coal reserves could last for centuries

Energy Resources -Petroleum
  • Petroleum - oil and natural gas - occurs in
    underground pools
  • Occurrence of oil pools requires
  • A source rock (rich in organic matter)
  • A reservoir rock in which it can be stored and
    transmitted (e.g., sandstone)
  • An oil trap (set of conditions holding rock in
    reservoir rock and preventing migration)
  • Deep enough burial (and sufficient time) to
    cook the oil and gas out of the organic matter

Structural Traps for Gas and Oil
2300 m 4600 m Oil formation 4600 m
Gas formation
Energy Resources - Petroleum
Eroded anticline forms trap in Landers oil field
in Wyoming.
Other Oil Traps in Geological Structures
Petroleum Recovery
  • Oil fields are regions underlain by one or more
    oil pools
  • Largest in U.S. are in Texas and Alaska
  • Oil and natural gas are removed through wells
    drilled down into an oil trap within a
    reservoir rock
  • Negative environmental effects resulting from oil
    recovery and transport include oil spills, brine
    contamination of surface water, and ground

Oil Peak, Oil Panic ? (Study by Amos Nur -
U.S., Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, UK,
are the biggest consumers of oil reserves
Oil Peaks 1960's
In the 1850's oil mainly used for kerosene lamps
remaining was burned or disgarded.
Current oil production rates peaked in 1960's but
U.S. consumption rates increase dramatically
above this. Don't panic! -Try to conserve
energy -Seek alternative energy sources
Petroleum Reserves
At current rate of use, worldwide oil reserves
should last 30-40 years, and natural gas reserves
somewhat longer (estimates from USGS)
Petroleum Reserves
  • As petroleum prices rise, alternate petroleum
    sources, such as heavy crude, oil shale and
    oil sand, will be increasingly exploited
  • Heavy crude is dense, viscous petroleum
  • Oil shale is black or brown shale with high solid
    organic matter content from which oil can be
    extracted by distillation
  • Oil sands (or tar sands) are asphalt-cemented
    sand or sandstone deposits

Jobs and Salaries in Geology
  • Starting salaries for petroleum geologists with
    0-2 yrs experience.
  • Mixture of B.S. and M.S. Degrees.

Jobs and Salaries in Geology
  • Geologists in Environmental (e.g. EPA,
    Geotechnical firms) and
  • Geologists in Government make 50 K 75 K
  • Geology Ph.D. faculty starting salaries in 2007
    (70 K 80 K)\

Metals and Ores
  • Metal ores - naturally occurring materials that
    can be profitably mined
  • Whether or not a mineral deposit is an ore
    depends on chemical composition, the percent
    extractable metal, and current market value of
    the metal
  • Metallic ore deposits originate from crystal
    settling in igneous intrusions, hydrothermal
    fluids cooling in pores and factures, chemical
    precipitation in water, or sedimentation in
    rivers (placers)

Mining and Metals
  • Mining can be done at Earths surface (strip
    mines, open-pit mines, and placer mines) or
  • Metals mined include iron, copper, aluminum,
    lead, zinc, silver, gold and many others
  • With care, negative environmental effects of
    mining, including unsightly tailings piles,
    surface scars, land subsidence, and acid mine
    drainage can be minimized

Non-metallic Resources
  • Non-metallic resources - not mined to extract a
    metal or an energy source
  • construction materials
  • sand, gravel, limestone, and gypsum
  • agriculture
  • phosphate, nitrate and potassium compounds)
  • industrial uses
  • rock salt, sulfur, asbestos)
  • gemstones
  • diamonds, rubies, etc.
  • household and business products
  • glass sand, fluorite, diatomite, graphite)
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