Title: SUNDAY 27 JULY 0730
- SUNDAY 27 JULY 0730
- GUEST SPEAKER CW2 William Bill Smock
- Be seated with your tray by 0720
- All Are Welcomed To Attend - No RSVP Required
- Nicole.e.woodyard_at_us.army.mil
- We will also finalize the design on the WO Iraq
Coin, Buckle Order and Photo Op!!!
In 2005, the Department of the Army developed a
new definition to encompass all warrant officer
specialties and grades. "The Army WO is a
selfaware and adaptive technical expert, combat
leader, trainer, and advisor. Through progressive
levels of expertise in assignments, training, and
education, the WO administers, manages,
maintains, operates, and integrates Army systems
and equipment across the full spectrum of Army
operations. Warrant Officers are innovative
integrators of emerging technologies, dynamic
teachers, confident war fighters, and developers
of specialized teams of soldiers. They support a
wide range of Army missions throughout their
career. Warrant officers in the Army are accessed
with specific levels of technical ability. They
refine their technical expertise and develop
their leadership and management skills through
tiered progressive assignment and
education. Further clarification of the role of
a warrant officer is found in FM 6-22 Warrant
officers possess a high degree of specialization
in a particular field in contrast to the more
general assignment pattern of other commissioned
officers. Warrant officers command aircraft,
maritime vessels, special units, and task
organized operational elements. In a wide variety
of units and headquarters specialties, warrants
provide quality advice, counsel, and solutions to
support their unit or organization. They operate,
maintain, administer, and manage the Armys
equipment, support activities, and technical
systems. Warrant officers are competent and
confident warriors, innovative integrators of
emerging technologies, dynamic teachers, and
developers of specialized teams of Soldiers.
Their extensive professional experience and
technical knowledge qualifies warrant officers as
invaluable role models and mentors for junior
officers and NCOs. The Army Warrant
Officer Corps is comprised of over 25,000 men and
women of the active Army and reserve components.
Warrant officers are technical experts that
manage and maintain increasingly complex
battlefield systems. They enhance the Army's
ability to defend our national interests, and to
fight and win our nations wars. Candidates who
successfully complete Warrant Officer Candidate
School are appointed in the grade of Warrant
Officer One. When promoted to Chief Warrant
Officer Two, warrant officers are commissioned by
the President and have the same legal status as
their traditional commissioned officer
counterparts. However, warrant officers remain
single-specialty officers whose career track is
oriented towards progressing within their career
field rather than focusing on increased levels of
command and staff duty positions.
- CW2 William Bill Smock
- Nicole.e.woodyard_at_us.army.mil
- Supported by All The Warrant Officers Iraq
3CW2 Bill Smock . Joined the Indiana Army
National Guard 1 SEP 1971, close to 37 years
ago.. In the 37 years, 5 years were enlisted
reaching the rank of SPC 5, 28 years as an
officer reaching the rank of Lieutenant Colonel,
and the last 4 years as a CW2.. Bill has had
various job assignments 5 years as a Battery
Commander (3 years as a Firing Battery Commander
and 2 years as a Service Battery Commander), 4
years as the 38th Division Artillery S3, 2 and a
half years as the commander of the 1-163rd Field
Artillery, and the 38th Division Artillery
commander for 3 months until he hit his MRD
(Mandatory Retirement Date) as a LTC on 30 APR
. Bill is known for his military paintings in
Iraq from 2005. His paintings from Iraq hang at
the White House, Fort Leonard Wood, MO, and have
been in art shows at the University of
Indianapolis, the National Veterans Art Museum in
Chicago, Aurora Illinois Art Center, and are
currently displayed at the Veterans Museum in
Madison, WS. Bills paintings have been in
various magazines, newspapers, and on TV. Bills
paintings this deployment will be seen by many
soldiers and veterans.. In civilian live, Bill
has taught elementary art in Indianapolis, IN for
35 years. He is a father of 4 children (2
daughters and 2 sons, ages 30, 28, 27, and 24)..
Bill will be 60 years old in March of 2009. Then
he will retire from the Indiana Army National
Guard with 37 and a half years in the National
. On 26 APR 04 Bill resigned his commission as a
Lieutenant Colonel to become a CW2 (131A
Targeting/Radar WO) to stay in the National Guard
to deploy to Iraq in 2005.. In 2005 Bill was on
Radar Hill with two Q36 radar sections from the
139th Target Acquisition Battery Indiana National
Guard.. This is Bills last deployment in the
Indiana Guard with the 1-163rd Field Artillery
Bn, the Battalion he once commanded.. On Marez,
CW2 Smock works in the Army HAZMAT yard in the
mornings and at the Mayors Cell in the afternoon.