Title: 1st Bde (Sep) 101st Abn Div
11st Bde (Sep) 101st Abn Div
- Random views of a unit, chiefly B/2-327th (Abn)
Inf, its activities, areas of operation, and most
importantly, its soldiers. Included as well are
glimpses of a people and country we were trying
to help.
- This collection of photos may give the viewer the
impression that 1st Bde troopers spent
considerable care-free time in base camp,
stand-down, at the beach, with tents, cold
drinks, clean uniforms, normal personal hygiene
and hot meals. - This incorrect impression results from the
virtual impossibility of taking photographs while
engaged in ground combat.
- The photographs generally follow the progress of
the 1st Brigade northward from Phan Rang, through
middle and northern areas of operation in the
Central Highlands to southern I Corps. By
Christmas of 1967 the Brigade had returned south
to Bao Loc west of Phan Rang. The photos record
selected events occurring from January 1967 to
early January 1968.
5We were a world awayand so were you.
6Map of SE Asia
7Map of Indochina
Phan Rang
8Central Highlands AO (Southern)
Phan Rang
Bao Loc
92nd Bn (Airborne) 327th Inf
102/327th Cmdr LTC Don Rosenblum surveys AO
11CPT Dick Schonberger, Cmdr. HHC
12LTG Beach presents Silver Star to CPT Tom
Furgesonfor action while he commanded Alpha
13Co A/2-327, May 1967 L-R Bn Cmd SGM, 1SGT
Benson, LTC D. Rosenblum. 1SGT Benson died in a
helicopter crash shortly after this birthday
photo was taken.
14Joe Rafferty, Opns Officer and Don Rosenblum
sort out business on the ground with Fred
Hillyard, CO of Co. C/2-327th
15While the Cat (Thunderball ) was awaythe mice
16Three Grads of Washington University in St. Louis
L-R Harry Cole, MD. Rip Porter MD, Ray Millard,
171Lt Bob Crosby
18John Lawton does his laundry
19Bravo Company
20Co B prepares to travel National Route 1
21 - Bravo Companys recon element Spider 6 Bravo as
seen in March 1967 standing L-RJim Wilson, Doc
Whitteken, Kenny Claypoole, Paul Ludtke, George
Young and John Sherwood. - Kneeling L-R Co. Supply Clk, Co. Clk, Joe
Long, SP/4 Wright
22Typical market scene in coastal Vietnam
23Lt Larry Boecklen, B Co. XO, chats with local
24Central Highlands AO (Middle)
Tuy Hoa
Khanh Duong
Cam Ranh Bay
25 Administering first aid and interrogating VC
near Khanh Doung
26Gen. Matt inspects VC equipment captured by Co. B
near Khanh Doung
27VC weapons liberated by Bravo Co. near Khanh Doung
28Montagnard Village east of Khanh Doung
29Minority (Montagnard) kids living in a war zone
30R. Millard, Vietnamese interpreter, S.
31Pollution free urban transport
32Typical Central Highland Forest
33Quang Ngai Coastline
34Central Highlands AO (North)
Quang Ngai 75 Km North
Duc Pho
Khanh Duong
35(No Transcript)
36LTC Ed Abood, CO 2-327th contemplates the
situation while flying over the Duc Pho AO
37Duc Pho coastline
38Co B moves to Duc Pho
39B/2-327th change of command May 23, 1967 near Duc
Pho. L-R R. Millard, E. Abood, R. Davis, Bn Cmd
40Bravo Co Officers L-R Wm. Hughes, C. Boswell, R.
Millard, Wm. Oberli, L. Boecklen, C. Beltran
41Larry Boecklen, Co. B XO
42SFC Parsons, R. Millard, Cork Boswell
43Bill Hughes relaxes during stand down in Duc Pho
44Children selling warm pop at base camp
45Doctor Porter making house calls to Co. B., L.
Boecklen on left.
46 John Cong, Co. B Vietnamese language interpreter.
47One of our comrades from the 42nd Scout Dog
48Paul Ludtke, Bravo Co. COs RTO performs his
duties faithfully despite monsoon weather
49Bravo Co. troopers fill canteens for fellow
50L. Boecklen preparing supper
51Lt. Chico Beltran, WIHA Duc Pho July 17, 1967
52Ray Millard, Rip Porter
53I Corps Area of Opns
AO UDEN Oct 1967
Tam Ky
54B/2-327 Inf, PZ-LZ Oct 27, 1967 Operation
Wheeler, AO UDEN, 22 Km northwest of Tam Ky
Landing Zone
Pickup Zone
55Bravo Company takes another LZ
56Enjoying a refreshing break during resupply,
L-R L. Boecklen, R. Millard, D. Coglin, FO
2/320 Arty
57Lt. Bill Hughes Fox and SSG Sigler Big Daddy
and the 4th Plat. hump their 60mm mortar and a
whole bunch of 60mm ammo
58 SSG Sigler Big Daddy gives a show and tell
to the 4th Plat on 60mm mortar management
59 4th Platoon gets the 60 ready to talk
60Discussing the next move during Operation
Wheeler, L-R R. Millard, LTC R. Yerks Bn Cmdr,
B. Jagears, and 2-327th Bn CSM
61Spooky (AC130 Gunship) during long night of Oct
62Bill Porter, COs Company RTO, WIHA, Operation
Wheeler, West of Tam Ky, Oct 27, 1967
63Bill Hughes silhouetted at sunset near Tam Ky
64Bravo Co. CO relaxing after a long night
65Dustoff Helo at the ready at Chu Lai
66LTC Yerks presents Purple Heart at Chu Lai
hospital to Lt. Mike Mc Dermott
67Jess Myers and Rip Porter share some quite time
at Chu Lai base camp
68B/2-327th Change of Command Nov 11, 1967, near
Tam Ky, L-R J. Miller, R. Millard
692-327 officers prepare for LOOM gathering in Bao
Loc, Dec. 1967. L-R L. Boecklen,J. Miller,J.
Finnucan,R. Porter,A. Jonsen, Wm. Hughes (holding
60mm Mortar) R. Millard,Wm. Oberli, kneeling H.
Franklin, Wm. Lopez
70 - Bravo Company in rare formation
71Christmas 1967, Bao Loc
73No Slack, Sir !