Electrochemistry- study of interchange of chemical and electrical energy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Electrochemistry- study of interchange of chemical and electrical energy


Electrochemistry-study of interchange of chemical and electrical energy Generating electric current from spontaneous chemical reactions and use of current to produce ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Electrochemistry- study of interchange of chemical and electrical energy

Electrochemistry-study of interchange of
chemical and electrical energy
  • Generating electric current from spontaneous
    chemical reactions and use of current to produce
    chemical change
  • Labs
  • 31 The Thermodynamics of the Dissolution of
  • 33 Electrolytic Cells Avogadros Number
  • Chemical Equations
  • Chapter 12

Oxidation-Reduction Reactions (Redox Reactions)
  • Oxidation (LEO)
  • Loss of electrons-atoms or ions undergo increase
    in oxidation state (is oxidized)
  • Electrons given to another atom which is being
    reduced (reducing agent or reductant)
  • Reduction (goes GER)
  • Gain of electrons-atoms/ions undergo decrease in
    oxidation state (is reduced)
  • Takes electrons away from another atom which is
    being oxidized (oxidizing agent or oxidant)

  • Redox reaction can be written as two
    half-reactions (one reduction, one oxidation)
  • To generate current
  • Separate oxidizing agent from reducing agent
  • Electron transfer occurs through wire
  • Electron transfer directed through device to
    provide useful work
  • Reactants separated by salt bridge/porous
  • Each half-reaction has a potential, or voltage,
    associated with it
  • Given as reduction half-reactions
  • Read in reverse and change sign on voltage to get
    oxidation potentials

Electrochemical cellsdevice associated with
redox reaction (galvanic cells, electrolytic
  • Electrochemical process involves electron
    transfer at interface between electrode and
  • Species undergoing reduction receive electrons
    from cathode
  • Species in solution act as oxidizing agent
  • Species undergoing oxidation donate electrons to
  • Species in solution act as reducing agent

Galvanic Cell (voltaic cell)
  • Chemical energy ? electrical energy
  • Harnesses energy of spontaneous redox reactions
  • Physically separate chemicals in 2 half-reactions
  • Electrons generated by oxidation half-reaction
    flow through electrical conductor before being
    used in reduction half-reaction
  • Flow diverted through meters, motors, light bulbs
    to perform useful work before reaching
  • Current (defined by physicists as flow of
    positive charge) always in opposite direction
    from flow of electrons (always from anode to

  • Electrodes are metal strips
  • Sign of electrodes determined by
  • Since electrons flow out of anode and into
    external circuit, anode is negative
  • Since electrons flow from external circuit into
    cathode, cathode is positive
  • Opposite is true for electrolytic cells
  • Where reactions occur (The Red Cat ate An Ox)
  • Oxidation occurs at anode (AN OX)-on left
  • Reduction occurs at cathode (RED CAT)-on right

Porous barrier separate two compartments
  • Allows for migration of positive/negative ions
    between half-cells, completing electric circuit
  • Problem with porous barriers
  • Inside barriers, ionic solutions mix
  • Has effect on operation of cell

Galvanic cells with salt bridges
  • Inverted tube contains electrolyte
  • Gel (agar) added to provides
    firmness but permits ion flow
  • Prevents two reacting solutions from mixing
  • Ions dont react with other ions in cell or with
    electrode material
  • Maintains electrical neutrality in system
  • Provides - ions to equal ions created at anode
    (during oxidation) and ions to
    replace - ions being used up at
    cathode (during reduction)
  • Anions always migrate toward anode
  • Cations toward cathode

Electron Flow
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Cell Potential (Ecell) or Electromotive force
  • Force with which electrons flow from - electrode
    (anode on left) to electrode (cathode on right)
    through external wire
  • Due to PE difference of electrons before/after
  • In electrochemical cell, electric potential
    created between two dissimilar metals
  • Greater tendency or potential of two
    half-reactions to occur spontaneously, greater
    emf of cell
  • Measured in volts (V-why called cell voltage)
  • 1 V 1 J/coulomb (of charge transferred)
  • Measured with voltmeter which draws current
    through known resistance (heat is produced)

  • Voltage of voltaic cells
  • All based on spontaneous chemical reactions
  • ?G must always be negative
  • Voltage of voltaic cell is always positive (EMF)
  • Subtract smaller reduction potential from larger
  • Same as EMF cathode anode
  • Under standard conditions, voltage of cell is
    same as total voltage of redox reaction
  • Standard emf of standard cell potential (E0cell)
  • Under nonstandard conditions, cell voltage
    computed by using Nernst equation
  • As galvanic cell operates
  • Redox reaction of cell approaches equilibrium
  • Capacity to deliver useful electrical energy
  • At equilibrium, cell ceases to function (dead

Standard Reduction Potentials
  • Cell potentials can be measured
  • Half-cell potential cannot

Measuring Potential
  • Galvanic cell under standard conditions made
    using arbitrary standard hydrogen electrode (SHE)
    and test half-cell w/different half reaction
  • Assigned standard electrode potential of exactly
    0.00 V
  • Half reaction always written as reduction
  • Eo values corresponding to reduction
    half-reactions with all solutes standard
    reduction potentials-Eocell ?

Under ideal conditions where ideal behavior is
Standard Reduction Potentials
  • All solutions are 1M, gases at 1 atm, T 25oC
  • Write oxidation/reduction half-reactions for cell
  • Look of reduction potential (Eoreduction) for
    reduction half-reaction in table
  • Half reaction w/higher reduction potential
  • Look of reduction potential for reverse of
    oxidation half-reaction and reverse sign
    (Eooxidation -Eoreduction)
  • Half reaction w/lower reduction potential/sign
  • Add potentials to get overall standard cell
  • Two half reactions are balanced for electrons
    exchanged but value of each Eo remains unchanged
    (intensive property-does not depend on how many
    times reaction occurs)
  • If sum positive, reaction is spontaneous/runs on
    own (always positive for electrochemical cells)
  • If sum negative, energy supplied to make reaction

  • Each half-reaction associated w/signed numerical
  • More positive it is, greater oxidizing power of
    redox half-reaction
  • More negative it is, greater reducing power of
    reverse redox half-reaction
  • Larger difference between Ered values, larger

(1 atm)
Line Notation
  • Anode written first on left/cathode on right
  • Reactants written 1st on each side
  • Vertical bar is boundary between two phases
  • If both substances in same phase, separated by
    comma, not vertical bar
  • Double line represents salt bridge or porous disk
  • When platinum electrode present, placed at left
    and/or right end of cell diagram

Using the table of standard reductions provided
write the equation for the reaction between the
following two half cells, and determine its
  • Au (s) Au 3 (aq) Cu 2 (aq) Cu (s)
  • Gold is higher on table and written as found on
  • Au 3 (aq) 3 e - ?Au (s) Eo 1.50 V
  • Copper is lower so it's written as oxidation
    (sign reversed)
  • Cu (s) ? Cu 2 (aq) 2 e- Eo -0.34 V
  • Equation balanced for exchange of electrons (each
    needs 6)
  • 2 Au 3 (aq) 6e - ? 2 Au (s) E 1.50 V
  • 3 Cu (s) ?3 Cu 2 (aq) 6e E -0.34 V
  • Size of values for Eo of reactions not
  • Add two half reactions and E0 values
  • 2 Au 3 (aq) 3 Cu (s) ? 2 Au (s) 3 Cu 2 (aq)
  • E 1.50 V ( - 0.34 V ) 1.16 V

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Place the following in order of increasing
strength as oxidizing agents
-0.44 0.954 2.87 0.22
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Describe a galvanic cell based on the two
half-reactions below
  • Read 17.1-17.2, pp.827-837
  • Q pp. 867-869, 14 a/b/c/f/i/k, 16 a/b/d/f, 26a,
    28 (a only), 30b, 32 (b only), 34a, 36b

Cell Potential, Electrical Work, and Free Energy
Complete Description of a Galvanic Cell
  • Electrical energy delivered by galvanic cell
    equal to quantity of useful work obtained as
    result of cell operation
  • Work, w, measured in relation to amount of
    charge, q, transferred between anode/cathode of
  • This quantity, potential difference, E, is
    defined as E w/q.
  • SI unit is joule per coulomb or volt (V)
  • Cell potential (always positive for galvanic
  • Direction of electron flow (direction that yields
  • Designation of anode/cathode
  • Nature of each electrode/ions present in
  • Chemically inert conductor (such as Pt) required
    if only ions are present (no substance in
    reaction is conducting solid)

Electric work and cell potential
  • Free energy change occurring during chemical
    reaction is measure of maximum work that system
    can perform
  • Potential (E) -Work (w) / Charge (q)
  • So w -qE
  • Work leaving system has negative charge
  • Faraday (F) charge in coulombs per mole of
    electrons (96,485 C/mol e-)
  • Then q nF and w -nFE
  • n number of moles of electrons

  • ?G (Gibbs free energy) is measure of spontaneity
    of process occurring at constant T/P
  • emf, E, of redox reaction also indicates whether
    reaction is spontaneous
  • From thermodynamics we know that
  • ?G ?U T?S ?(PV) and U heat w
  • Therefore, at constant T/P ?G w
  • Therefore ?G -nFE and at standard state ?G0
    -nFE0 (relationship between emf/free energy
    changes )
  • ?Go Standard Gibbs free energy change (kJ/mol
    or Joules)
  • n moles of electrons exchanged in reaction
  • F Faradays constant, 96,485 coulombs/mole (1
    mole of electrons has a charge of 96,485
  • Eo Standard reaction potential (V or

  • Since both n/F are
  • value of E leads to value of ?G, which
    indicates spontaneous reaction
  • If ?G and E have opposite signs, E predicts
    direction of reaction
  • If Eo is positive, ?Go is negative (lt 0)-reaction
    spontaneous (has positive cell potentials)
  • If Eo is negative, ?Go is positive (gt 0)-reaction
    is nonspontaneous (but is spontaneous in reverse

Relationship between thermodynamics (push behind
electrons) and electrochemistry
  • Relationship between reaction potential and free
    energy for a redox reaction is given by
  • Emf potential difference (V) work (J)
  • charge (C)
  • Driving force (emf) is defined in terms of
    potential difference (in V) between two points in
  • One coulomb is amount of charge that moves past
    any given point in circuit when current of 1
    ampere (amp) is supplied for one second (1 ampere
    1 coulomb/sec)
  • Faradays law states that during electrolysis,
    passage of 1 faraday through circuit brings about
    oxidation of one equivalent weight of substance
    at one electrode (anode) and reduction of one
    equivalent weight at other electrode (cathode)

  • emf is not converted to work with 100 efficiency
  • Energy always lost as heat, but wmax useful for
    calculating efficiency of conversion
  • wmax -qEmax
  • Relationship to free energy (energy driving
    reaction due to movement of charged particles
    giving rise to potential difference)
  • wmax EG
  • EG -qEmax -nFEmax
  • EG -qEmax
  • EG0 -nFE0
  • When Ecell positive (spontaneous), EG will be
    negative (spontaneous), so there is agreement
  • Standard cell potential, Eocell, measured and
    standard electrode potential of test half-cell
    determined by using Eocell Eocathode - Eoanode
  • Eocathode-standard reduction potential for
    reaction occurring at cathode, represents
    tendency to remove es from electrode surface
  • Eoanode-standard reduction potential for reaction
    occurring at anode and represents its tendency to
    remove es from anode

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Dependence of Cell Potential on Concentration
  • Cell voltages at nonstandard concentrations (not
    1 M)

Nernst Equation-way to relate E0 at standard
conditions and E, potential at any real condition
  • Standard state impossible to achieve in reality
  • As soon as wire hooked to two half-cells,
    reaction proceeds and changes concentrations of
    all reactants and products
  • Heating or cooling makes reaction deviate from
    standard temperature

Calculating Nernst Equation
  • From thermodynamics, recall G Go RTlnQ
  • If we divide everything by nF
  • since ?G nFE, or E ?G/(nF)
  • Ecell cell potential at non-standard conditions
  • E0cell standard reduction potential
  • R 8.314 J/molK (the gas constant)
  • F 96485 coul/mol (Faraday's constant)
  • T absolute temperature
  • n number of moles of electrons transferred in
    balanced equation
  • Q reaction quotient for reaction aA bB ? cC
  • Expressed in terms of base 10 rather than ln
    (standard conditions of 298K)
  • Can be used to find cell potential at any set of
  • Cells spontaneously discharge until they achieve
    equilibrium (at equilibrium, cell is dead)

Consider the Daniell Cell at 25 CZn(s)
Cu2(aq) Cu(s) Zn2(aq)
  • Find cell potential at following conditions when
    Cu2 1.00 M, Zn2 1.0109 M and when
    Cu2 0.10 M, Zn2 0.90 M.
  • Recall that standard potential for Daniell cell
    is Eo 1.10 V
  • Nernst equation used to find potentials at
    nonstandard conditions

When Cu2 1.00 M, Zn2 1.0109 M
When Cu2 0.10 M, Zn2 0.90 M
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Depiction of concentration cell
  • Cell in which current flows due only to
    difference in concentration of ion in 2 different
    compartments of cell
  • Le Châteliers principle used to determine effect
    on potential
  • Shift to left reduces potential
  • Shift to right increases potential
  • If concentrations are different, stress is put on
    system that will be equalized by electron flow to
    allow reduction and oxidation to occur
  • Voltages typically small
  • When concentrations in half-cells become equal,
    E0cell 0 and system is at equilibrium

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Calculate the EMF of the cell Zn(s) Zn2 (0.024
M) Zn2 (2.4 M) Zn(s)
  • Zn2 (2.4 M) 2 e Zn Reduction
  • Zn Zn2 (0.024 M) 2 e Oxidation
  • Zn2 (2.4 M) Zn2 (0.024 M), DE 0.00
  • Using Nernst equation
  • (0.024) DE 0.00 - 0.0592/2 log (0.024/(2.4)
  • (-0.296)(-2.0)
  • 0.0592 V

Show that voltage of electric cell is unaffected
by multiplying reaction equation by positive
  • Mg Mg2 Ag Ag
  • Mg 2 Ag Mg2 2 Ag
  • DE DEo 0.0592/2 log Mg2/Ag2
  • 2 Mg 4 Ag 2 Mg2 4 Ag
  • DE DEo 0.0592/4 log Mg22/Ag4
  • Simplified to the 1st equation, showing cell
    potential DE not affected

Calculation of Equilibrium Constants for Redox
  • The standard reaction potential is related to the
    equilibrium constant
  • At equilibrium, Ecell 0 and Q K
  • As cells discharge, concentration changes, Ecell
  • For a cell at concentrations and conditions other
    than standard, a potential can be calculated
    using the Nernst equation
  • If Eo is positive, then K gt 1 and forward
    reaction favored
  • If Eo is negative, then K lt 1 and reverse
    reaction is favored

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The standard cell potential dE for the reaction
Fe Zn2 Zn Fe2 is -0.353 V. If a piece of
iron is placed in a 1 M Zn2 solution, what is
the equilibrium concentration of Fe2?
  • Equilibrium constant K may be calculated using K
    10(n DE)/0.0592
  • 10-11.93
  • 1.2x10-12
  • Fe2/Zn2. Since Zn2 1 M, it is
    evident that Fe2 1.2-12 M

  • Read 17.3-17.4, pp. 837-846
  • Q pp. 869-871, 38, 40, 46, 48, 54, 60, 66, 70

  • Portable, self-contained electrochemical power
    source (DC) consisting of one or more voltaic
    cells, connected in series
  • Greater voltages achieved by using multiple
    voltaic cells in single battery (12V)
  • When connected in series, battery produces
    voltage that is sum of emfs of individual cells
  • Higher emfs achieved by using multiple batteries
    in series
  • Electrodes marked (cathode) and (anode)

Lead-acid storage battery
  • As battery discharged, uses up sulfate
    ions/electrodes become coated w/lead sulfate
  • Reverse reactions regenerate sulfate ion in
    solution/reduce amount of lead sulfate
    contaminating electrode surfaces
  • Each pair produces 2 volts (6 pairs of
    electrodes used in 12-volt car battery)
  • When jump starting car, connect ground cable on
    dead car to metallic contact away from battery.
    Otherwise, could explode
  • Causes electrolysis of water/production of H2/O2
    which could ignite

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Common Dry Cell Battery(acid version)
  • Zinc-anode
  • Carbon rod in contact with moist paste-cathode

Alkaline dry cell
  • NH4Cl replaced w/KOH or NaOH
  • Last longer than acid cells because zinc (anode)
    corrodes more slowly in basic environment
  • Cathode (graphite rod) inserted into paste made
    of manganese dioxide, water and potassium
  • Zn(s) 2OH-(aq) ? ZnO(s) H2O 2e- (anode)
  • 2MnO2(s) H2O 2e- ? Mn2O3(s) 2OH-(aq)
  • Total voltage is 1.54 volts
  • Not rechargeable

Mercury Battery
  • Fuel Cells
  • Galvanic cells where reactants continuously
  • Energy normally lost as heat is captured and used
    to produce an electric current
  • Redox reaction
  • Hydrogen oxidized at anode and oxygen reduced at
    cathode to form water and electricity
  • 2x as effective as gas, oil or coal-powered
    generators in converting chemical energy into

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Corrosionoxidation of metal
  • Oxidation of most metals by oxygen is spontaneous
    redox reactions
  • Many metals develop thin coating of metal oxide
    on outside that prevents further oxidation
  • Some metals, such as copper, gold, silver and
    platinum (noble metals), are relatively difficult
    to oxidize

Corrosion of Iron
  • Anodic regions
  • Regions of steel alloy where iron is more easily
  • Fe ? Fe2 2e-
  • Cathodic regions
  • Areas resistant to oxidation
  • Electrons flow from anodic regions react
  • O2 2H2O 4e- ? ?4OH-
  • Presence of water essential to iron corrosion
  • Presence of salt accelerates corrosion by
    increasing electron conduction from anodic to
    cathodic regions

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Prevention of Corrosion
  • Coating w/metal that forms oxide coat to protect
    metal that would not develop protective coat
  • Galvanizing
  • Place sacrificial of more easily oxidized metal
    on top of metal to protect
  • Zinc over iron
  • Alloying
  • Addition of metals that change steels reduction
  • Nickel and chromium alloyed to iron

  • Cathodic Protection
  • Connection of easily oxidized metals (an anode)
    to less easily oxidized metals keeps less from
    experiencing corrosion
  • Anode corrodes-must be replaced periodically
  • Magnesium as anode to iron pipe
  • Titanium as anode to steel ships hull

  • Decomposition of substance by electric current

Electrolytic cells
  • Nonspontaneous reactions
  • Electrical energy required to induce reaction
  • Two electrodes immersed in electrically
    conductive sample
  • Electrical voltage (gt1.10 V) applied to them
  • Voltage increased until electrons flow in
    opposite direction (electrolytic)
  • At cathode-reduction occurs (RED CAT)
  • At anode-oxidation occurs (AN OX)
  • Electrical energy is converted into chemical
  • Electrolytic cells are used for electroplating

  • (a) Standard galvanic cell based on spontaneous
  • Zn Cu2 ? Zn2 Cu
  • (b) Standard electrolytic cell Power source
    forces opposite reaction
  • Cu Zn2 ? Cu2 Zn

What voltage is necessary to force the following
electrolysis reaction to occur?
  • 2I-(aq) Cu2(aq)? I2(s) Cu(s)
  • Which process would occur at the anode? Cathode?
    Assuming the iodine oxidation takes place at a
    platinum electrode, what is the direction of
    electron flow in this cell?

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Calculating Quantity of Substance Produced or
  • To determine quantity of substance either
    produced or consumed during electrolysis given
    time known current flowed
  • Write balanced half-reactions involved
  • Calculate number of moles of electrons that were
  • Calculate number of moles of substance that was
    produced/consumed at electrode
  • Convert moles of substance to desired units of

A 40.0 amp current flowed through molten
iron(III) chloride for 10.0 hours (36,000 s). 
Determine the mass of iron and the volume of
chlorine gas (measured at 25oC and 1 atm) that is
produced during this time.
  • Write half-reactions that take place at
  • anode (oxidation)  2 Cl-  Cl2(g) 2 e
  • cathode (reduction)  Fe3 3 e-   Fe(s)
  • Calculate number of moles of electrons
  • Calculate moles of iron/chlorine produced using
    number of moles of electrons calculated and
    stoichiometries from balanced half-reactions.  (3
    moles electrons produce 1 mole of Fe/2 moles of
    electrons produce 1 mole of chlorine gas)
  • Calculate mass of iron using molar mass and
    calculate volume of chlorine gas using ideal gas
    law (PV nRT).

Calculating Time Required
  • To determine quantity of time required to produce
    known quantity of substance given amount of
    current that flowed
  • Find quantity of substance produced/consumed in
  • Write balanced half-reaction involved
  • Calculate number of moles of electrons required
  • Convert moles of electrons into coulombs
  • Calculate time required

How long must a 20.0 amp current flow through a
solution of ZnSO4 in order to produce 25.00 g of
Zn metal
  • Convert mass of Zn produced into moles using
    molar mass of Zn
  • Write the half-reaction for the production of Zn
    at the cathode Zn2(aq) 2 e-  Zn(s)
  • Calculate moles of e- required to produce moles
    of Zn using stoichiometry of the balanced
    half-reaction (2 moles of electrons produce 1
    mole of zinc)
  • Convert moles of electrons into coulombs of
    charge using Faraday's constant
  • Calculate time using current and coulombs of

Calculating Current Required
  • To determine amount of current necessary to
    produce known quantity of substance in given
    amount of time
  • Find quantity of substance produced/or consumed
    in moles
  • Write equation for half-reaction taking place
  • Calculate number of moles of electrons required
  • Convert moles of electrons into coulombs of
  • Calculate current required

What current is required to produce 400.0 L of
hydrogen gas, measured at STP, from the
electrolysis of water in 1 hour (3600 s)?
  • Calculate number of moles of H2
  • Write equation for half-reaction that takes
    place. Hydrogen produced during reduction of
    water at cathode.  Equation for this
    half-reaction is 4 e- 4 H2O(l)  2 H2(g) 4
  • Calculate number of moles of electrons (4 mole of
    e- required to produce 2 moles of hydrogen gas,
    or 2 moles of e-'s for every one mole of hydrogen
  • Convert moles of electrons into coulombs of
  • Calculate current required

How many grams of copper can be reduced by
applying a 3.00 A current for 16.2 min to a
solution containing Cu2 ions?
  • Time ? current ? Coulombs ? moles e- ? moles Cu ?
    g Cu
  • 16.2 min 60 sec 3 C 1 mol e- 1 mol Cu
    63.54 g Cu
  • 1 min 1 sec 96,486 C 2
    mol e- 1 mol Cu
  • 0.96 g Cu

Electrolysis can be used to separate mixture of
ions, if reduction potentials are fairly far apart
  • Remember, metal ion with highest reduction
    potential is easiest to reduce
  • Predict order of reduction and which of following
    ions will reduce first at cathode of electrolytic
    cell Ag, Zn2, IO3-

  • Deposit neutral metal atoms on electrode by
    reducing metal ions in solution
  • One metal coated with another
  • Presence of active electrode that takes part in
    electrolysis reaction
  • Anode-piece of plating metal
  • Cathode-object to be plated
  • Plating solution is NiSO4 because SO42- ion does
    not participate in plating reaction

How long must a current of 5.00 A be applied to a
solution of Ag to produce 10.5 g silver metal?
  • 10.5 g Ag 1 mol Ag 1 mol e- 96,485 C 1
    sec 1 min
  • 107.868 g Ag 1 mol Ag 1 mol e-
    5 C 60 sec
  • 31.3 min

Electrolysis of Water
  • Requires soluble salt/dilute acid to serve as
  • Anode
  • 2H2O(l) ? O2(g) 4H(aq) 4e- Eoox -1.23 V
  • Cathode
  • 2H2O(l) ? H2(g) 2OH-(aq) Eored -0.83 V
  • Overall reaction
  • 6H2O(l) ? 2 H2(g) O2(g) 4H(aq) 4e-
    Eocell -2.06 V
  • If in single container, H/OH- combine to yield 4
    additional water molecules

What volume of H2(g) and O2(g) is produced by
electrolyzing water at a current of 4.00 A for
12.0 minutes (assuming ideal conditions)?
  • 2H2O(l) ? ?2H2(g) O2(g)
  • Actual ratio is not exactly 21 for a variety of
    reasons including oxygen solubility.
  • 12 min 60 sec 4 C 1 mol e- 1 mol H2
    22.4 L
  • 1 min 1 sec 96,486 C 2 mol e-
    1 mol H2
  • 0.334 L H2 ? 0.167 L O2

Electrolysis of molten salts
  • NaCl
  • Good conductor as liquid
  • Melting salt frees ions
  • Makes it electrically conductive
  • Ions of opposite charge migrate to these
    electrodes and react

Electrolysis of aqueous solutions
  • Aqueous solutions of salts are electrically
    conductive and can be electrolyzed
  • For solutions, two possible reactions occur
    (water can be both oxidized and reduced)
  • At cathode
  • If metal ion is very active metal, water will be
    reduced (2H2O 2e- ? H2 2OH-)
  • If metal ion is inactive or active metal, metal
    ion will be reduced
  • At anode
  • Oxidation of salts anion or (?)
  • Oxidation of water (2H2O ? O2 4H 4e-)

  • To determine which will occur at anode
  • If anion is polyatomic ion, it generally will not
    be oxidized
  • SO42-/NO3-/ClO4- not oxidized in aqueous solution
  • Cl-/Br-/l- will be oxidized in aqueous solution
  • If anion in one salt is oxidized in aqueous
    electrolysis, that same anion in any other salt
    will also be oxidized
  • If solution of NaBr results in Br- being oxidized
    to Br2, predict that solutions of KBr, CaBr2,
    NH4Br and AlBr3 will all produce Br2 at anode

Commercial Electrolytic Processes
  • Abundance of elements on earth
  • 1st Oxygen
  • 2nd Silicon
  • 3rd Aluminum (very active metal so difficult and
    expensive originally to purify)
  • Since metals are easily oxidized, most found as
    ores, mixtures of ionic compounds. Au, Ag, and
    Pt are more difficult to oxidize, so often found
    as pure metals.

Production of aluminum from molten-salt
electrolysis (purification of aluminum from
bauxite ore)
Hall-Heroult process
  • Electrorefining (purifying) metals
  • Copper ore is refined by roasting
  • Impure copper is anode
  • Small strip pure copper is cathode
  • During electrolysis, copper is oxidized to Cu2
    at anode and then reduced to copper metal again
    at cathode
  • Impurities such as silver and gold drop to bottom
    as sludge which is then salvaged

  • Metal Plating
  • Electroplating thin layers of decorative metal on
    less expensive metal (silver and gold onto iron,
    chromium on to car parts for decoration and
    resistance to corrosion)

Electrolysis of concentrated aqueous sodium
chloride solutions (brine) produces hydrogen and
hydroxide ions at cathode and chlorine gas at
  • If electrodes separated by porous membrane, H2,
    NaOH, and Cl2 produced
  • If solution stirred, chlorine gas reacts with
    sodium hydroxide to form sodium hypochlorite
    (NaOCl) solution (bleach)
  • Electrolysis of molten NaCl produces sodium metal
    and chlorine gas (Downs cell)

  • Read 17.5-17.8, pp. 846-866
  • Q pp. 871-872, 74, 76, 78, 80, 84, 88 a (dont
    forget water)
  • Do 1 additional exercise and 1 challenge problem
  • Submit quizzes by email to me
  • http//www.cengage.com/chemistry/book_content/0547
  • http//www.cengage.com/chemistry/book_content/0547
  • http//www.cengage.com/chemistry/book_content/0547
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