Title: Plane Wave Equations Alan Murray Maxwell's Equations
1Plane Wave Equations
2Maxwell's Equations Completed!
Gauss (B)
Displacement current (L)
3What does this mean?
a changing magnetic field causes an electric
a changing electric field/flux causes an
magnetic field
Question If we put these together, can we get
electric and magnetic fields that, once created,
sustain one another?
4Cross-breed Ampere and Faraday!
5Cross-breed Ampere and Faraday!
Same equation as acquired for E
6Now some simplifications
EY EY0sin(?t-ßx)
E (0,EY,0) only
Align y-axis with electric field and the x-axis
with the direction of (wave) propagation.
7Travelling Waves
Take a time-varying electric field, E, at a point
EY EY0sin(?t)
Add a second one with a smallphase difference,
Now lets have a lot of them,with a sinusoidal
variationof phase with direction x.
EY EY0sin(?t-ßx)
8Plane Wave
We will also look for a plane wave solution
where the field EY is the same (at an instant in
time) across the entire zy plane.
Here is an animation to see what this means -
looking at the yz plane, down the direction of
9Cross-breed Ampere and Faraday!
And, as we have simplified down to E(0,Ey,0),
with EY constant in the zy plane, this reduces
10Cross-breed Ampere and Faraday!
(in 3D)
Becomes the 1D equation
- Plane wave equation for E
- describes the variation in time and space of an
electric plane wave - With a y-component only (we have aligned the
y-axis with E) - propagating in the x-direction.
- There is an exactly equivalent equation for H
- Eliminate E, not H, from the combination of
Ampere and Faraday. - rather a waste of our time in notes, but not
lectured. - We can, however, infer that whatever behaviour we
get for Ey will apply to H, although we do not
yet know the direction of H. - Watch this space
11What have we here?
12Start with an insulatorto make life easy (s0)
Where w and b depend upon m and e the
characteristics of the insulator
13Still dont know what it means
- Travelling wave of the form
In a vacuum, mm04px10-7, ee08.85x10-12
In (eg) glass, mm04px10-7, eere05x8.85x10-12
14This is why lenses work
15What is H up to?
Lookie here
And here
16Summary so far Insulator
- H and E both obey ej(wt-bx)
- H and E are in time-phase
- EZiH, Zi is the characteristic impedance
- Zi is real in an insulator
- Zi 377O in free space (air!)
- Zi 150O in glass
- Wave travels at a velocity vvme
- 3x108 m/s in free space
17Now a conductor
- Fields lead to currents
- Currents cause Joule heating (I2R)
- Leads to loss of energy
- Fields still oscillate, but they decay
- Multiply the solution we have already by a term
18Now a conductor sgt0
19Example Good Conductor
- Comments
- vltlt speed of light
- a 1.54x105 gtgt1 rapid attenuation via e-ax
- Lets have a look at e-ax
20Example Good Conductor
Amplitude falls by 0.361/e in 6mm i.e. the wave
doesnt get far in copper!
21Example Good Conductor,EZiH . Intrinsic
22Example Good Conductor,EZi H. Intrinsic
It looks like this
23Poynting Vector (introduction only)
- PExH is called the Poynting Vector
- direction of travel
- power
- Actually power/area
24Reflection at a Boundary
25Reflection at a Boundary