Title: Meth and BIA Special Law Enforcement Commissions
1Meth and BIA Special Law Enforcement Commissions
- Tribal and State Justice Summit
- Burlingame, California
- November 13, 2006
2American Indians and Crime Report (2004)
- The rate of violent crime against American
Indians is TWICE the national average (101 per
1,000 as compared to 41 per 1,000 annually) - 1 out of 10 American Indians (12 and older)
become victims of violent crime annually
3DOJ Violent Victimization and Race Report (2001)
- Only 46 of violent crimes against American
Indians are reported to police
- Fueling homicides, sex offenses, aggravated
assaults, child abuse/neglect, domestic violence,
etc. - Many tribal leaders across the US are saying this
is the Number One public safety problem on their
5Coeur dAlene Meth Summit
- Sponsored by Attorney Generals Advisory
Committee Native American Issues Subcommittee. - US Attorneys, federal law enforcement, and 30
tribes attended. - Concurrence 1) there is a meth epidemic in IC,
and 2) interjurisdictional cooperation is key.
6What BIA OLES is Doing
- Information Gathering
- Training and Education
- Improvements to Corrections
- Increased Funding
- Interjurisdictional Cooperation
- Special Law Enforcement Commissions
7Meth Survey
- 74 of IC law enforcement identified meth as the
greatest drug threat - High availability powder meth 43 crystal
meth 46 - Increases in crime domestic violence 64
assault/battery 64, burglary 57 child
neglect/abuse 48 - 90 need drug investigation training
8Training and Education
- Mobile Meth Lab with DHS Federal Law
Enforcement Training Center. - Methamphetamine train the trainer program
(increase meth awareness in tribal communities). - Being done in partnership with DOJ COPS office
who is assisting with costs.
9Improvements to Corrections
- Recruited and development professional
corrections management team. - Coordinating repairs/replacement of facilities
with BIA OFMC. - Hiring initiative across Indian country.
10Improvements to Corrections
- Closed 7 old jails, including in 2006 Crow
Creek, Hopi, and Uintah Ouray Ute - 14 new jails opened, including in 2006 Colville,
Jicarilla Apache, and Zuni - 8 more new jails on the way
- Improved correctional services will help
communities to provide viable sentencing options
for suspects convicted in tribal courts.,
11Increased Funding
- FY 06 distributed over 5.5 million to IC law
enforcement programs to fight meth and other
purposes on 25 reservations. - Included hard hit communities such as Oglala
Sioux, Northern Cheyenne, and San Carlos Apache. - Included communities suffering from drug
smuggling including Tohono Oodham and St. Regis
12Increased Funding
- FY 07 budget request 201,620,000 (4.1
increase over FY 06 enacted). -
- FY 07 - Includes increase 1,786,000 to address
growing violent crime and drug problems. - FY 08 planning stages.
13Operation EAGLE
- Enhanced Anti-Drug Goals in Law Enforcement
(EAGLE). - National Drug Control Coordinator - serves as
liaison to White House ONDCP, DEA, FBI, DHS, etc.
and runs program. - Expand and encourage interjurisdictional
cooperative efforts. - Coordinate training for tribal law enforcement.
- Expand from 8 drug agents to 280 drug trained
law enforcement officers.
14Special Law Enforcement Commissions (SLECs)
- BIA OLES working with tribal police departments
to provide federal Special Law Enforcement
Commissions. - Tribal can then enforce federal laws including
the federal drug offenses set forth in Title 21
of the US Code.
15Special Law Enforcement Commissions Authority
- Indian Law Enforcement Reform Act
- of 1990
- 25 United States Code sec. 2801 2809
- Policy published at 69 Federal Register 6321
(February 20, 2004)
16Special Law Enforcement Commissions - Policy
- The Federal Government has an interest in
promoting strong tribal governments with the
ability to protect the health and welfare of
their members. Inherent in this relationship is
strong and effective law enforcement in Indian
17Special Law Enforcement Commissions - Policy
- Another issuehas been lack of jurisdictional
clarity, making state and local officials
reluctant to either arrest or prosecute in Indian
country. This lack of prosecution in Indian
country has compounded the problem.
18Special Law Enforcement Commissions - Benefits
- Standardization of appearance, equipment,
vehicles, etc. - Authority for tribal police and county sheriffs
to enforce federal crimes comitted within Indian
country. - Brings federal law enforcement authority to
reservations with limited BIA/FBI presence due to
Public Law 280.
19SLEC Procedure Step One
- Tribal Law Enforcement Contact BIA District III
Special Agent in Charge Selanhongva McDonald at
(602) 379-6958. - State/Local Law Enforcement obtain concurrence
from Tribe and then contact District III SAC.
20SLEC Procedure Step Two
- The requesting agency must enter into Special Law
Enforcement Commission with the BIA. - There is a model SLEC agreement specifically for
Public Law 280 jurisdictions.
21SLEC Procedure Step Three
- Once the agreement is executed by both parties,
then the requesting agency may submit
applications for individual officers. - Each individual officers qualifications are
considered separately.
22SLEC Procedure Step Four
- Tribal Law Enforcement if approved, individual
SLECs are issued to the tribal Police Chief for
distribution and the local Sheriffs office is
notified. - State/Local Law Enforcement if approved,
individual SLECs are issued to the Sheriff for
distribution and tribal officials are notified.
23SLEC Qualifications
- Must be a graduate of the BIA Indian Police
Academy, OR - Must be a graduate of the state police academy
AND have taken the 2 ½ day Indian country
jurisdiction course. - Note the Indian country jurisdiction course can
be conducted locally.
24SLEC Qualifications
- Must be full-time law enforcement employee.
- Must pass FBI criminal history check.
- Must have firearms certification.
25What laws can officers with BIA SLECs enforce?
- Violations of federal law which occur within
Indian country. - Examples embezzlement and theft from tribal
government, theft from casino, bribery of tribal
official, failure to report child abuse,
cross-boundary domestic violence, and firearms
26What laws can officers with BIA SLECs enforce?
- Federal drug crimes committed within Indian
country including - Possession of Controlled Substances
- Manufacture of Controlled Substances
- Distribution of Controlled Substances
27Interjurisdictional Cooperation
- Wind River Meth Rings (2005)
- Broke up two meth rings
- multi-reservation business plan
- 29 defendants
- BIA OJS, DEA, Fremont County Sheriff, etc.
28Interjurisdictional Cooperation
- Wind River Meth Part Two (2006)
- Broke up regional meth ring
- 53 defendants, 20 firearms, 100,000 cash, 20
pounds meth - BIA OJS, DEA, Fremont County Sheriff, etc.
29Interjurisdictional Cooperation
- Chickasaw Nation Meth Ring
- broke up regional meth ring
- 102 defendants, 49 weapons, 161,000 cash, 15
pounds of meth - - BIA OJS, Chickasaw Nation Lighthorse Police,
DEA, ATF, state/local agencies.
30The Future
- Drug abuse public awareness.
- Budget focused on obtaining adequate resources
for law enforcement, tribal courts, and
corrections. - Tribal drug courts.
32Chris ChaneyDeputy Bureau DirectorBureau of
Indian Affairs
- Office of Justice Services
- U.S. Department of the Interior
- 1849 C Street, N.W., MS-4551
- Washington, DC 20240
- (202) 208-5787
- Fax (202) 208-6170