Boaz and Ruth - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Boaz and Ruth


Firm Foundations The Wedding How it all Came Out And They All Lived Happily Ever After! The Rest of the Story Ruth 4: 16 Then Naomi took the child, laid him in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Boaz and Ruth

Boaz and Ruth
  • Firm Foundations

Lesson Titles
  • Sunday Family Affairs
  • Monday Devotion of Ruth
  • Tuesday Boaz
  • Wednesday The Proposal
  • Thursday Redemption
  • Friday The Hand of God in History

Lesson Emphasis
  • Week at a Glance
  • In Boaz and Ruth we can see many features that
    make a good foundation for a successful marriage
    and for a faithful life in general.
  • Summary
  • Despite some aspects of their situation not
    being ideal for marriage, Boaz and Ruth had the
    essential qualities for a solid relationship.
    Both demonstrated a spirit of caring and sharing,
    and both were deeply committed to God.

Background and History
  • When did all this happen?
  • In our Bibles Ruth is a separate book. In the LXX
    (one of the oldest Bibles) it is a sort of
    appendix to the Book of Judges.
  • Rameses the Great Egypt
  • 59 sons
  • 60 daughters

Palamedes invented dice
  • Started with Lot and his daughters (Gen. 19 36,
  • Kinship with the Israelites.
  • Religion
  • The chief deity of Moab was Chemosh (kemosh),
    frequently mentioned in the Old Testament .
  • He was the national god of Moab, and it is pretty
    certain that he was propitiated by human
    sacrifices (2 Kings 327).
  • In Numbers 25, where it is also clear that their
    idolatrous worship was corrupt.

  • Deut 233-6
  • Ammonites or Moabites may not join the assembly
    of the Lord. Not one descendant of theirs may
    join the assembly of the Lord for ten
  • They cannot join because they didn't greet you
    with food and water on your trip from Egypt. They
    even hired Balaam, son of Beor, . . . to curse
    you. . . .
  • Never offer them peace or friendship as long as
    you live. (Gods Word Version)

Customs in the Story
  • Widows and mothers-in-law.
  • The law of levirate marriage.
  • Land redemption laws and customs.

Ruth and Naomi
Sunday This must have been some kind of family
a Hebrew mother-in-law to two pagan
daughters-in-law wouldnt, on the surface, seem
to form a great relationship. It had all the
earmarks for disaster. And yet, the dedication
to each others well-being is phenomenal. We
dont know all that went on in their homes, but
they obviously had something many homes certainly
could use.
Monday Ruths Devotion
  • Ruth 114,15
  • Then Orpah kissed her mother-in-law goodbye, but
    Ruth held on to her tightly.
  • Naomi said, Look, your sister-in-law has gone
    back to her people and to her gods. Go back with
    your sister-in-law. Gods Word version).

Monday Ruths Devotion
Paulinus of Nola an Early Church Father But
the broad road seduces many, and those who glide
on the easy downward course are snatched off
headlong by sin that cannot be revoked. (Poems
  • Deut 233-6
  • Ammonites or Moabites may not join the assembly
    of the Lord. Not one descendant of theirs may
    join the assembly of the Lord for ten
  • They cannot join because they didn't greet you
    with food and water on your trip from Egypt. They
    even hired Balaam, son of Beor, . . . to curse
    you. . . .
  • Never offer them peace or friendship as long as
    you live. (Gods Word Version)

Monday Ruths Devotion
  • Ruth 116-18
  • But Ruth answered, Don't force me to leave you.
    Don't make me turn back from following you.
    Wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you
    stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people,
    and your God will be my God.
  • Wherever you die, I will die, and I will be
    buried there with you. May the Lord strike me
    down if anything but death separates you and
  • When Naomi saw that Ruth was determined to go
    with her, she ended the conversation (Gods Word

Becoming a Jew A Contemporary Comment
  • The Jewish people do not seek proselytes. Our
    Torah tells us that when a would-be proselyte
    wishes to become a Jew, it is our duty to point
    out to him or her all the difficulties this would
    entail, as well as the burden of responsibility
    that rest upon the Jew in his obligation to
    fulfill the Torah and its commandments. We are to
    show him that he is choosing a very difficult
    path, and a life that is not popular with the
    rest of the world.
  • If, despite all these considerations and
    warnings, the person still persists in his or her
    desire to embrace Judaism, then indeed we can be
    proud to accept such a man or woman into our
    fold, for they will surely become devout and
    sincere Jews. (

Boaz Ruth 2 1-12
  • Ruth 2 1
  • Naomi had a relative. He was from Elimelech's
    side of the family. He was a man of outstanding
    character named Boaz. (GW)

What Did Boaz Know?
  • Ruth 2 11, 12
  • People have told me about everything you have
    done for your mother-in-law after your husband
    died. They told me how you left your father and
    mother and the country where you were born. They
    also told me how you came to people that you
    didn't know before.
  • May the Lord reward you for what you have done!
    May you receive a rich reward from the Lord God
    of Israel, under whose protection you have come
    for shelter. (GW).

Deut . Never offer them peace or friendship as
long as you live.
Tuesday - What Did Boaz Do?
  1. He gave Ruth full encouragement to glean in his
  • He provided for her peace of mind by informing
    her that the men had been instructed not to
    bother her.
  • He provided for her further needs by making his
    drinking water available to her.
  • He gave her spiritual encouragement.

Wednesday The Proposal
  • The kinsman-redeemer.
  • The law of levirate marriage.

Wednesday The Proposal
  • The kinsman-redeemer.
  • Lev 2523-25 - Land must never be sold
    permanently, because the land is mine the Lord.
    To me you are strangers without permanent homes.
  • People must always have the right to buy their
    property back.
  • If your brother becomes poor and sells some of
    his property, then the one who can assume
    responsibility, his nearest relative, must buy
    back what he sold. (GW version)

Wednesday The Proposal
  • The Lord bless him! Naomi The
  • said to her daughter-in-law. He has not stopped
    showing his kindness to the living and the dead.
    She added, That man Boaz is our close
    relative he is one of our kinsman-redeemers.

Wednesday The Proposal
  • Lev. 25 47-50 If an alien or a temporary
    resident among you becomes rich and one of your
    countrymen becomes poor and sells himself to the
    alien living among you or to a member of the
    aliens clan, he retains the right of redemption
    after he has sold himself. One of his relatives
    may redeem him An uncle or a cousin or any blood
    relative in his clan may redeem him. Or if he
    prospers, he may redeem himself. (NIV)

Theological Implications
  • Jer. 314- Return, faithless people, declares
    the Lord, for I am your husband (NIV)
  • Ruth 413-15 So Boaz took Ruth and she became
    his wife. Then he went to her, and the Lord
    enabled her to conceive, and she gave birth to a
    son. The women said to Naomi Praise be to the
    Lord, who this day has not left you without a
    kinsman-redeemer. May he become famous throughout
    Israel! He will renew your life and sustain you
    in your old age. For your daughter-in-law, who
    loves you and who is better to you than seven
    sons, has given him birth (NIV).

Theological Implications
  • Praise be to the Lord, who this day has not left
    you without a kinsman-redeemer.
  • Heb 1113-16 - All these people died having
    faith. They didn't receive the things that God
    had promised them, but they saw these things
    coming in the distant future and rejoiced. They
    acknowledged that they were living as strangers
    with no permanent home on earth. Those who say
    such things make it clear that they are looking
    for their own country. If they had been thinking
    about the country that they had left, they could
    have found a way to go back. Instead, these men
    were longing for a better countrya heavenly
    country. That is why God is not ashamed to be
    called their God. He has prepared a city for
    them. (GW)

Theological Implications
  • Eph 111-14 In him we were also chosen,
  • having been predestined according to the plan of
    him who works out everything in conformity with
    the purpose of his will,
  • in order that we, who were the first to hope in
    Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.
  • And you also were included in Christ when you
    heard the word of truth, the gospel of your
    salvation. Having believed, you were marked in
    him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,
  • who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance
    until the redemption of those who are Gods
    possessionto the praise of his glory. (NIV)

Theological Implications
  • Isa. 62 4, 5 and your land Gods people
    will be married. As a young man marries a maiden,
    so will your sons marry you as a bridegroom
    rejoices over his bride. so will your God rejoice
    over you. (NIV).
  • Isa. 545 - For your Maker is your husband the
    Lord Almighty is his name (NIV)

Thursday - Redemption
  • Lev. 2525 - If your brother becomes poor and
    sells some of his property, then the one who can
    assume responsibility, his nearest relative, must
    buy back what he sold.

Law of Levirate Marriage
  • Deut 255-10 When brothers live together and
    one of them dies without having a son, his widow
    must not marry outside the family.
  • Her husband's brother must marry her and sleep
    with her. He must do his duty as her
  • Then the first son she has will carry the dead
    brother's name so that his name won't die out in
  • But if the man doesn't want to marry his
    brother's widow, she must go to the leaders of
    the city at the city gate. She must say, 'My
    brother-in-law refuses to let his brother's name
    continue in Israel. He doesn't want to do his
    duty as my brother-in-law. Then the leaders of
    the city must summon him and talk to him.
  • If he persists in saying that he doesn't want to
    marry her, his brother's widow must go up to him
    in the presence of the leaders. She must take off
    one of his sandals and spit in his face. She must
    make this formal statement This is what happens
    to a man who refuses to continue his brother's
    family line.
  • Then in Israel his family will be called the
    Family of the Man Without a Sandal. (GW)

Law of Levirate Marriage
  • The most famous Bible story about this law is in
    Genesis 38 the story of Tamar and Judah.
  • It is kind of twisted up, but the motivation
    behind what Tamar did is the law of levirate

Ruth 4 - Redemption
  • Ruth 33,4 Then go down to the threshing
    floor, but dont let him know you are there until
    he has finished eating and drinking.
  • When he lies down, note the place where he is
    lying. Then go and uncover his feet and lie down.
    He will tell you what to do. (NIV).

The Redemption (Digging a Little Deeper!)
  • Ruth 33 Wash and perfume yourself, and put on
    your best clothes. Then go down to the threshing
    floor, but dont let him know you are there until
    he has finished eating and drinking. (NIV)

The Redemption (Digging a Little Deeper!)
  • Chrysostom (Early church Father and golden
    tongued orator).
  • Agree or Disagree?
  • Thus the church was not made lovable to her
    spouse before she had forsaken her prior customs.

Boaz Confronts the Other Kinsman
  • Ruth 41-8 Boaz went to the city gate and sat
    there. Just then, the relative about whom he had
    spoken was passing by. Boaz said, Please come
    over here and sit, my friend. So the man came
    over and sat down. . . .
  • The man said, I'll buy back the property
  • Boaz continued, When you buy the field from
    Naomi, you will also assume responsibility for
    the Moabite Ruth, the dead man's widow. This
    keeps the inheritance in the dead man's name.
  • The man replied, In that case I cannot assume
    responsibility for her. If I did, I would ruin my
    inheritance. Take all my rights to buy back the
    property for yourself, because I cannot assume
    that responsibility.
  • (This is the way it used to be in Israel
    concerning buying back property and exchanging
    goods In order to make every matter legal, a man
    would take off his sandal and give it to the
    other man. This was the way a contract was
    publicly approved in Israel.)
  • So when the man said to Boaz, Buy it for
    yourself, he took off his sandal. (GW)

The Wedding
How it all Came Out
  • And They All Lived Happily Ever After!

The Rest of the Story
  • Ruth 4 16 Then Naomi took the child, laid him
    in her lap and cared for him. The women living
    there said, Naomi has a son. And they named him
    Obed. He was the father of Jesse, the father of
    David. (NIV)

The Rest of the Story
  • Ruth 4 18-22 This, then, is the family line
    of Perez (Tamar and Judahs son)
  • Perez was the father of Hezron, Hezron the father
    of Ram, Ram the father of Amminadab, Amminadab
    the father of Nahshon, Nahshon the father of
    Salmon (The man Rahab married), Salmon the father
    of Boaz, Boaz the father of Obed (Ruths son),
    Obed the father of Jesse, and Jesse the father of
    David. (NIV)
  • Which leads to Jesus The Son of David.
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