Title: Anton Kopytov, Partner Invention at Mindshare Russia
1Effective PowerPoint presentation
- Anton Kopytov, Partner Invention at Mindshare
2Eventually it happens to everyone
- Planning
- Developing
- Delivering
3Although PPT is de facto standard it is not
always necessary
4Define objective of presentation...
6STEP 1Grazing
7Step 1
The method
The outcome
8STEP 2 Looking for Meaning
9Create Links and Connections
10The links are not always so obvious
11STEP 3Drop it
- Put it as far from your mind as possible
- Take a break
- Get away from it
12STEP 4 Distil and Adopt
13STEP 5 Writing the Presentation
- Graze
- Look for Meaning
- Drop It
- Distil and Adopt
- Write
16WHY do we make presentations?
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20Our routine
- Breathing and living media
- Create presentations to communicate our ideas,
strategies, results...
21lt15 of time for advertising lt5 of time for
22Winning and preferred team is not only...
- ...cleverest
- ...best buying
- ...nicest
23But the team that the client best understands
24Tips for effective PowerPoint
- Tell emotional story
- Simple and short
- A visual medium
- Keep it visible
- Make it impactful
25Presentation is a Story
26Break your story into sections
- A section is a slightly different topic
- It allows the audience to follow you much better
27Show me the money slide first
28If you put your conclusions first, people are
more likely to stay with you until the end
29So what?
- So, what of it?
- Why am I writing this?
30Presentation is a VISUAL mediumnot a reading
31Make each page worth looking at
32Stick to the rule of THREE
- Catchy title for a slide with one idea
- Top 3 things to explain the details
- What you talk during the slide can be much more
than your top three bullets
33Make numbers meaningful
12 GB of music in iPod
enough to listen to your music if you travel to
Moon and back
34Keep it simple
35Limit the amount of information on each slide
- Slides should be a visual aid...
- ...not a detailed account of all information
36Readable and simple tables
Attitude towards advertising
Source MMI, Russia, 2009
37PowerPoint allows to annotate slides with notes
38Slides are not cue cards
39Keep it short
40Keep it visible and impactful
41Do not go into small fonts
42Content must be readable to the person seated
furthest from the screen
43Use formatted transitions with care
Whizzing swirlings are great if done
and really annoying if they are not
44If you dont want your audience to read your
point ahead of a time
45Avoid using images supplied with PowerPoint
- Most people in your audience have seen them
already - Use http//www.corbis.com, http//flickr.com,
46Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse
47Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse
- The previous Friday first walk-through
- Monday morning walk-through w. full scripts
- Tuesday afternoon dress rehearsal
- Wednesday morning final dress rehearsal
48Remember of time limit
- You should cover all the points and allow time
for QA - Your audience should be allowed to ask questions
without fear of being cut off
50Ignite Your Enthusiasm
Engage your listeners passion by tapping into
your own
51Were going to make history together
today... Today were introducing revolutionary
products... We are so excited about this. Its
incredible... Weve got amazing stuff to show
you this morning...
52Strike these from your speech
- Maybe
- I think
- Well you know
- Uh, um, ah
- Optimized, synergy
53Navigate the Way
Present your theme as a mantra to help your
listeners remember it easily
54Today Apple is going to reinvent the phone
55Outline your Presentation
- Articulate vision
- Describe the structure
- Open and close each section with clear transitions
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57Sell the Benefit
Explain the real-world problem, then offer your
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59Engage and speak to your AUDIENCE
60Make and hold eye contact with everyone
61Speak loudly
62Read the audience, keep a good pace
63The next slide if you feel restlessness
64Be an actor - learn how to excite
65Use body language to dramatize points
66Use two levels of communication
Way of delivery
67Make sure the message coheres with the non-verbal
68Be quick fingered
69Be ready and prepared
- What if the projector breaks?
- What is your laptop crashes?
- Can you pick up where you left off?
70Have at least one hard copy and paper at hand
71Acknowledge point of view of a hostile audience
- That at least might get them to listen
72Test technical details beforehand
73Technical difficulties during presentation are
74Get off the internet
- Ignite enthusiasm
- Navigate the way
- Sell the benefit
- Know PowerPoint
- Be an actor
- Get off the internet
76Turn off the projector when you are not using it
77Thank youAnton.Kopytov_at_MindshareWorld.com