Title: Spatial data structures –kd-trees
1Spatial data structures kd-trees
- Jianping Fan
- Department of Computer Science
- UNC-Charlotte
- This lecture introduces multi-dimensional queries
in databases, as well as addresses how we can
query and represent multi-dimensional data
- A reasonable man adapts himself to his
environment. An unreasonable man persists in
attempting to adapt his environment to suit
himself Therefore, all progress depends on
unreasonable man - George Bernard Shaw
- Definitions
- Basic operations and construction
- Range queries on multi-attributes
- Variants
- Applications
- Rendering
- Surface reconstruction
- Collision detection
- Vision and machine learning
- Intel Interactive technology
5KD tree definition
- A recursive space partitioning tree.
- Partition along x and y axis in an alternating
fashion. - Each internal node stores the splitting node
along x (or y).
6K-d tree
- Used for point location and multiple database
quesries, k number of the attributes to perform
the search - Geometric interpretation to perform search in
2D space 2-d tree - Search components (x,y) interchange!
7K-d tree example
8Kd tree example
93D kd tree
- The canonical method of kd-tree construction is
the following - As one moves down the tree, one cycles through
the axes used to select the splitting planes.
(For example, the root would have an x-aligned
plane, the root's children would both have
y-aligned planes, the root's grandchildren would
all have z-aligned planes, the next level would
have an x-aligned plane, and so on.) - Points are inserted by selecting the median of
the points being put into the subtree, with
respect to their coordinates in the axis being
used to create the splitting plane. (Note the
assumption that we feed the entire set of points
into the algorithm up-front.)
- This method leads to a balanced kd-tree, in which
each leaf node is about the same distance from
the root. However, balanced trees are not
necessarily optimal for all applications. - Note also that it is not required to select the
median point. In that case, the result is simply
that there is no guarantee that the tree will be
balanced. A simple heuristic to avoid coding a
complex linear-time median-finding algorithm or
using an O(n log n) sort is to use sort to find
the median of a fixed number of randomly selected
points to serve as the cut line
12Kd tree mean vs median
kd-tree partitions of a uniform set of data
points, using the mean (left image) and the
median (right image) thresholding options.
Median The middle value of a set of values.
Mean The arithmetic average. (Andrea Vivaldi and
Brian Fulkersson) http//www.vlfeat.org/overview/k
13Example of using Median
- One adds a new point to a kd-tree in the same way
as one adds an element to any other search tree. - First, traverse the tree, starting from the root
and moving to either the left or the right child
depending on whether the point to be inserted is
on the "left" or "right" side of the splitting
plane. - Once you get to the node under which the child
should be located, add the new point as either
the left or right child of the leaf node, again
depending on which side of the node's splitting
plane contains the new node. - Adding points in this manner can cause the tree
to become unbalanced, leading to decreased tree
- To remove a point from an existing kd-tree,
without breaking the invariant, the easiest way
is to form the set of all nodes and leaves from
the children of the target node, and recreate
that part of the tree. - Another approach is to find a replacement for the
point removed. First, find the node R that
contains the point to be removed. For the base
case where R is a leaf node, no replacement is
required. For the general case, find a
replacement point, say p, from the sub-tree
rooted at R. Replace the point stored at R with
p. Then, recursively remove p.
- Balancing a kd-tree requires care. Because
kd-trees are sorted in multiple dimensions, the
tree rotation technique cannot be used to balance
them this may break the invariant. - Several variants of balanced kd-tree exists. They
include divided kd-tree, pseudo kd-tree,
K-D-B-tree, hB-tree and Bkd-tree. Many of these
variants are adaptive k-d tree.
- Kdtree query uses a best-bin first search
heuristic. This is a branch-and-bound technique
that maintains an estimate of the smallest
distance from the query point to any of the data
points down all of the open paths. - Kdtree query supports two important operations
nearest-neighbor search and k-nearest neighbor
search. The first returns nearest-neighbor to a
query point, the latter can be used to return the
k nearest neighbors to a given query point Q. For
18Nearest-neighbor search
- Starting with the root node, the algorithm moves
down the tree recursively (i.e. it goes right or
left depending on whether the point is greater or
less than the current node in the split
dimension). - Once the algorithm reaches a leaf node, it saves
that node point as the "current best" - The algorithm unwinds the recursion of the tree,
performing the following steps at each node
19Recursion step
- If the current node is closer than the current
best, then it becomes the current best. - The algorithm checks whether there could be any
points on the other side of the splitting plane
that are closer to the search point than the
current best. In concept, this is done by
intersecting the splitting hyperplane with a
hypersphere around the search point that has a
radius equal to the current nearest distance. - If the hypersphere crosses the plane, there could
be nearer points on the other side of the plane,
so the algorithm must move down the other branch
of the tree from the current node looking for
closer points, following the same recursive
process as the entire search. - If the hypersphere doesn't intersect the
splitting plane, then the algorithm continues
walking up the tree, and the entire branch on the
other side of that node is eliminated.
20Nearest-neighbor search
- kd-trees are not suitable for efficiently finding
the nearest neighbour in high dimensional spaces. - In very high dimensional spaces, the curse of
dimensionality causes the algorithm to need to
visit many more branches than in lower
dimensional spaces. In particular, when the
number of points is only slightly higher than the
number of dimensions, the algorithm is only
slightly better than a linear search of all of
the points. - The algorithm can be improved. It can provide the
k-Nearest Neighbors to a point by maintaining k
current bests instead of just one. Branches are
only eliminated when they can't have points
closer than any of the k current bests.
21Range search
- Kd tree provide convenient tool for range search
query in databases with more than one key. The
search might go down the root in both directions
(left and right), but can be limited by strict
inequality on key value at each tree level. - Kd tree is the only data structure that allows
easy multi-key search.
22Kd tree
- Building a static kd-tree from n points takes O(n
log 2 n) time if an O(n log n) sort is used to
compute the median at each level. - The complexity is O(n log n) if a linear
median-finding algorithm such as the one
described in Cormen et al. is used. - Inserting a new point into a balanced kd-tree
takes O(log n) time. - Removing a point from a balanced kd-tree takes
O(log n) time. - Querying an axis-parallel range in a balanced
kd-tree takes O(n1-1/k m) time, where m is the
number of the reported points, and k the
dimension of the kd-tree.
24Kd tree of rectangles
- Instead of points, a kd-tree can also contain
rectangles. - A 2D rectangle is considered a 4D object (xlow,
xhigh, ylow, yhigh). - Thus range search becomes the problem of
returning all rectangles intersecting the search
rectangle. - The tree is constructed the usual way with all
the rectangles at the leaves. In an orthogonal
range search, the opposite coordinate is used
when comparing against the median. For example,
if the current level is split along xhigh, we
check the xlow coordinate of the search
rectangle. If the median is less than the xlow
coordinate of the search rectangle, then no
rectangle in the left branch can ever intersect
with the search rectangle and so can be pruned.
Otherwise both branches should be traversed. - Note that interval tree is a 1-dimensional
special case.
- Query processing in sensor networks
- Nearest-neighbor searchers
- Optimization
- Ray tracing
- Database search by multiple keys
26Examples of applications
27Progressive Meshes
Developed by Hugues Hoppe, Microsoft Research
Inc. Published first in SIGGRAPH 1996.
28Terrain visualization applications
29Geometric subdivision
Problems with Geometric Subdivisions
30ROAM principle
The basic operating principle of ROAM
31Quad-tree and Bin-tree for ROAM (real-time
adaptive mesh)
32Review questions
- Define kd tree
- What is the difference from B tree? R tree? Quad
tree? Grid file? Interval tree? - Define complexity of basic operations
- What is the difference between mean and median kd
tree? - List typical queries nearest-neighbor, k
nearest neighbors - Provide examples of kd tree applciations
- In-line references to current research in the
area and variety of research papers and web
sources and applications.
34Decision Tree
- Database indexing structure is built for decision
making and tries to make the decision as fast as
Color Green?
Size Big?
Color Yellow?
Shape Round?
Size small?
Size Medium?
Size Big?
Taste sweet?
35Decision Tree
- How to obtain decision for a database?
- Obtain a set of labeled training data set from
the database. - Calculate the entropy impurity
c. Classifier is built by
- By treating query as a decision making procedure,
we can use decision to build more effective
database indexing!
Database root node
Salary gt 75000?
Age gt 60?
Data table
Age gt 60?
- Each inter-node, only one attribute is used!
- It is not balance! Search from different node may
have different I/O cost! - It can support multiple attribute database
indexing like R-tree! - It has integrated decision making and database
Tree levels N Leaf nodes M Number of data
entries for leaf node K The inter-nodes for
kd-tree at the same level are stored on the same
- Equal query N M
- Range query N M
- Insert N M 1
- Delete N M 1
39Storage Management for High-Dimensional Indexing
We want to put the similar data in the same page
or neighboring pages!
Index entries
direct search for
data entries
Index entries
direct search for
data entries
Data entries
Data entries
(Index File)
Data entries
Data entries
(Data file)
(Index File)
(Data file)
Data Records
Data Records
Data Records
Data Records
40Storage Management for High-Dimensional Indexing
It is very hard to do multi-dimensional data
Hilbert Curve scale multi-dimensional data into
one dimension.
00 01 10 11
41Storage Management for High-Dimensional Indexing
From multi-dimensional indexing to
one-dimensional storage in disk!