Teaching Writing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Teaching Writing


Teaching Writing Children with learning disabilities and writing (cont.) Some kids with learning problems often have an incomplete or fragmented knowledge base. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Teaching Writing

Teaching Writing
How are we doing teaching writing?
  • Still some work to do, according to the National
    Assessment of Educational Progress (The Nations
    Report Card)
  • Good news 1998-2002 showed some improvement of
    writing skills in grades 4-8
  • Bad news no improvement for grade 12

Serious consequences of poor writing
  • Writing is thinking with a pencil
  • Writing is a premier way in which children think
    and express their ideas
  • Writing is a way children express creativity,
    uniqueness, and indicate what they want
  • Writing well and succinctly is increasingly
    important as children get older

Is there a best way to teach writing?
  • No consensus
  • Process is important
  • Children need a time, place, and reason to write
  • Good instruction is crucial
  • The key to children learning to write well is
    good instruction.

Elements of good instruction
  • An environment that supports writing (with space
    for children to write and the tools to do so)
  • Teachers who read with a writers eye (so they
    can point out strategies that young writers used
  • Teachers who model good instruction (so children
    will see how one goes about writing)
  • Lots of opportunities to practice, accompanied by
    corrective feedback (praise the expressive aspect
    of the task, while helping the child form
    letters and write accurately and well)

Current challenges in the field
  • Schools of education need to offer pre-service
    teachers experience in learning what good
    writing is, how to teach writing, and knowledge
    about the genres of writing (e.g., expository vs.
    narrative writing )
  • Schools need a greater focus on evaluation, so we
    can identify good writing and support children
    as they develop their skills

Techniques teachers can use
  • Morning message
  • Talk about what is happening in the class,
    providing an opportunity for children to write
    about it
  • Say something really exciting or ask a
    thought-provoking question about a timely issue
    or event (e.g., the upcoming election)
  • Describe this
  • Children want to learn, they are knowledge
    seekers. Provide opportunities for children to
    absorb information and then write
  • Ask them to describe this and they will come up
    with wonderful language and ideas
  • Innovations
  • Take a favorite text like Brown Bear, Brown Bear,
    What Do You See? and create a new text using the
    same language model
  • Students integrate new words and make stories
    their own

Across the curriculum
  • Writing is important in every subject
  • In math, students can make their own math books
    and measure things
  • Field trips offer an opportunities to summarize
    and put words and pictures together in
    interesting ways
  • In science, even at the pre-K level, lab
    notebooks allow children to participate in an
    experiment and then write about what they
  • In all areas of the curriculum, give children
    the opportunity to realize that writing is an
    expressive, meaningful act that helps them learn
    about any subject.

Writing instruction before kindergarten
  • Example A journal by a four-year-old in which
    she writes just what
  • she wants to
  • The teacher captions each page with the childs
  • Over time, the child begins to see the difference
    between what she is writing and what the teacher
    is writing
  • This exercise provides the child with an
    opportunity to write, and also an opportunity to
    learn from corrections

Writing in early childhood
  • Early on, children want to use writing to
    communicate ideas
  • In the very early years, provide children every
    opportunity to write letters, recipes, lists,
  • The writing may be unconventional, but it will
    convey the idea that writing has a function and
    is very important

Writing is different than handwriting
  • Young children will dabble with a lot of
    interesting ways of writing
  • Its important to focus on the meaning, on what
    theyre trying to say
  • Composition and handwriting has a place in the
    early childhood curriculum, but sometimes hand
    muscles are not developed enough to write very
    small letters.
  • Be encouraging and supportive!

Children with learning disabilities and writing
  • Kids who struggle with writing often have a hard
    time learning informally or incidentally. For
    example, they dont learn as much about spelling
    correctly just through reading and/or writing.
    Explicit teaching is vital for these children
  • A lot of kids who have learning difficulties also
    have difficulties with self-regulation of their
    thoughts or behaviors. Skilled writing requires a
    lot of regulation planning, monitoring,
    evaluating, and revising

Children with learning disabilities and writing
  • Some kids with learning problems often have an
    incomplete or fragmented knowledge base. For
    example, if they dont have knowledge of the
    story genre, then they are at a disadvantage in
    constructing a good story
  • Another issue for kids with learning disabilities
    is motivation. If you struggle with writing, its
    easy to develop an intense dislike for it. And
    the longer that goes on, the more difficult it is
    to deal with
  • Often, all these things are interconnected.

How parents can support writing
  • Help kids get their thoughts together and
    organize what they want to say
  • Plan an approach to the assignment
  • Dont just leave them to sit at the table and
    agonize if they seem stuck, help them get started

Mastering writing is a life-long process
  • Remember, writing is the most complicated
    language skill that any of us have to learn
  • Parents need to empathize with kids, knowing that
    they work very hard to accomplish their writing

Front load the process
  • Have the child talk about what theyre going to
    write about
  • Write down the words they want to use but dont
    know how to spell
  • Help them organize the main points that theyre
    writing about
  • Review the goal of the assignment know where
    youre going and how youre going to get there
  • Plan something fun for afterwards.
  • Give a time limit put the timer on and do the
    hard thing first

  • Invented Spelling
  • Mary T. Murphy Elementary School, Branford,
  • A first grade class makes a party list using
    invented spelling
  • The teacher works with students to see what their
    invented spelling tells her about the students
    knowledge of word structure, speech sounds, and
    how they use letters to represent those sounds
  • The teacher allows students to practice their
    phonemic awareness abilities, while providing
    teachable moments about accurate spelling

  • Too often seen as the poor relation of language
    arts instruction
  • Accurate spelling is a courtesy to the reader
  • Spelling knowledge is very closely associated
    with reading comprehension. Spelling is a way of
    being word conscious, which is associated with
    knowing word meaning and comprehension which
    results in better writing
  • Those who spell well are more likely to write
    longer and better structured compositions as they
    move into the higher levels of written expression

Invented spelling
  • Also called inventive spelling
  • Its a beneficial step for four- and
    five-year-olds who have not yet entered into
    formal instruction
  • From kindergarten on, kids will learn spelling
    better and faster if they are taught it

Phonemic awareness and invented spelling
  • The best kindergarten writers have teachers who
  • teach kids how to spell the highest-frequency
    words accurately rather than relying on invented
    spelling, and
  • study the structure of words from a phonological
    (sound) and orthographic (spelling) perspective

Invented spelling as diagnostic tool
  • If children can put together a logical
    representation for all of the sounds in a word,
    it is very likely that they have good word
    decoding skills.
  • Being able to segment the sounds in a word and
    correlate them with letters is key to both
    decoding and spelling.

Teach kids directly how to
  • form the letters
  • identify the speech sounds
  • spell high-frequency and pattern-based words
  • and they will write longer compositions with
    more detail
  • and structure

Automatic operations of writing
  • Writing is like juggling a lot of balls in the
  • If you have automatic mastery of some of the
    basics, you can focus more attention on the
    demanding complex reasoning skills

How to use invented spelling as a diagnostic tool
  • If a child writes the word bump as B U P
  • Thats pretty good inventive spelling for
    kindergarten. Leaving out the M is
    understandable, because linguistically the mmm
    sound disappears in the articulation of bump. A
    little more instruction is needed to get that
    point across
  • But, if the child wrote P E P for the word
    bump, that would indicate that that child was not
    segmenting the sounds in that word
  • A good inventive spelling of the word balloon
    might be B L U N
  • But, by first grade, wed want to see the student
    break it into sounds (ba ah la oo un)
    and know something about how each of those sounds
    is typically spelled

Moving from invented writing to standard writing
  • You need a sequence of lessons thats planned
    out. Dont leave it to chance
  •  A good writing program should encompass
  • Time to develop the component skills
  • A fostering of fluency and accuracy with the
    component skills
  • Application of those skills to inventive,
    expressive writing

Spelling supports reading
  • One of the most effective ways of teaching kids
    decoding is to teach it through spelling,
    through phoneme/grapheme correspondence
  • Through spelling, you can teach kids about word
  • Spelling and word meaning are connected
  • We want children to master the most commonly used
    words in the language at a level of automaticity

When do spelling errors denote a problem?
  • Individual aptitude for spelling varies. However,
    poor spelling is a hallmark of dyslexia. Watch
  • difficulty beginning to emerge from first grade
    on inability to spell the highest-frequency words
  • continued invented spelling even after good
    instruction and practice
  • spelling words in a dysphonetic way (with little
    correspondence between the sounds that are in a
    word and the spelling)
  • inability to remember a letter sequence and
    difficulty with speech sounds
  • lack of strategies for thinking about words
  • When spelling is a problem, it cant be allowed
    to interfere with learning to compose, which
    is a fundamental tool for academic success.

Systematic assessment
  • Assessment is difficult because really good,
    widely used tools have not yet been developed.
  • Best practice is to
  • decide on a rubric
  • talk to kids
  • organize around explicit expectations

English language learners
  • Writing and spelling are even more complicated
    when there is an overlay of the first language on
    a second language
  • Sound-symbol constructions may carry over from
    first language to second (e.g., the difference
    between the pronunciation of the letter J in
    English and Spanish)
  • May learn to fill in the slots of a sentence
    with correct spelling without knowing what the
    words mean

Writing instruction for ELL students
  • Good instruction for ELLs should include
  • dialogue and vocabulary instruction
  • oral language modeling
  • oral language expression (saying sentences aloud)
  • talking about the words
  • interactive instruction

Differentiated writing instruction
  • Difficult, but it really makes a difference
  • Best to work from a common framework for the
    whole class, then adapt from this framework for
    individual students
  • Need the structure to make the adaptation possible

Teachers as writers
  • If teachers dont enjoy writing themselves, they
  • shy away from it
  • provide too few opportunities for students to do
  • not evaluate childrens writing carefully
  • not be able to teach children the characteristics
    of genre

Why genre is important
  • The story genre has
  • a beginning
  • challenges
  • events
  • a problem and a resolution
  • When children write a story, teachers should
    evaluate it against the conventions of that

The red pen
  • Marking all over the page can lead kids to think
    that writing is only about capitalization,
    punctuation, and spelling
  • Its important for teachers to provide feedback
    on content as well. Dig deeper than word count
    and grammar
  • Model good writing, so children can learn by
  • Focus on both the medium and the message. Discern
    where children are doing well or need additional

  • Writing Poems
  • Poe Elementary Houston, Texas
  • Using a Columbia University program called The
    Writers Workshop, second graders learn to become
    lifelong writers
  • The program connects literature and writing
  • It is a structured approach, in which the teacher
    explicitly teaches the processes of writing

Tools to encourage creativity
  • A pleasant environment where kids feel free to
    take risks
  • A clear connection between reading and writing
    (what you read can be a model for what you
  • Process the opportunity to plan, draft, revise,
    and edit
  • Opportunities to share writing with peers and

Encouraging young writers
  • Model the process. The work that goes into
    writing planning, drafting, revising, and
    editing all goes on inside the mind. Make it
    visible to students
  • Help make handwriting, spelling, and sentence
    construction routine (automatized, so students
    dont have to stop and think of each word)
  • Provide grammar and vocabulary instruction

Negative consequences of poor handwriting and
  • If you cant read the message, you cant get it
  • If the message is illegible (because of spelling
    miscues, for example) people will devalue what
    you say
  • Difficulties in this area interfere with other
    writing processes

Extra attention to the fundamentals pays off
  • As a students handwriting improves and their
    spelling improves, there is a carryover effect
  • improved sentence construction
  • increased amount of writing
  • increased quality of the writing

How to model sentence formation
  • Take small, kernel sentences
  • Show how to make those into more complex
  • Have kids work with you to do the same thing,
    then work with each other
  • Have them apply the practice in their own writing

Mechanics versus content
  • Often interrelated. For example, if you struggle
    writing the words youre going to produce less
  • If a kid struggles with mechanics, provide
    focused instruction in letter formation and
    spelling to help kids move past that point. Look
    for alternatives to help the student keep up
    (e.g., word processing software, speech synthesis
  • If a kid struggles with content, sometimes its a
    structure issue or a knowledge issue.
    Instruction should center on how to get ideas and
    ways to organize ideas

Writing difficulties
  • Many children first show difficulties with text
    transcription (e.g.,
    handwriting and spelling)
  • Some kids have self-regulation difficulties which
    make it hard to plan, organize, monitor, and
    evaluate their own writing process
  • Many kids have trouble with both
  • Overlaying transcription and/or self-regulation
    issues can be motivation problems and a
    persistent reluctance to write

Explicit instruction
  • Explicit Instruction helps all students those
    with and without learning disabilities
  • Instruction should be explicit about
  • Process planning, revising, and helping kids
    learn to monitor what theyre doing
  • Goals why kids are being asked to do the
    writing assignment and what they intend to give
    the reader

How technology can be motivational
  • The ease with which one can move text
  • The abatement of transcription difficulties
  • In searching for ideas for writing

Other effective strategies
  • Explicitly teach children how to form sentences
  • Use reading as a model for writing
  • Have kids do research and ask questions to get
    ideas for writing
  • But nothing beats a well-prepared,
    knowledgeable, dedicated teacher in helping kids
    become good writers.

Advice for teachers
  • Teachers will have to self-teach themselves in
    many aspects of
  • writing instruction. Some ways to do this
  • Take time to write
  • Join with peers and create a regular time to
    write and talk about writing
  • Talk with colleagues and share effective
    strategies and ideas
  • Provide time every day to have children write

Is there a specific sequence of skills children
should master?
  • No fully developed, specific scope and sequence
    of writing skills for all K-12 students exists
    yet. Each state has its own, and even districts
    can differ within a state
  • Teachers will need to create a sequence for their
    own classrooms. It is critical for teachers to
    develop a sequence and plan for how to teach
  •  Look at basal readers for ideas

Writing on paper versus writing on the computer
  • Some kids approach the word processor much like
    they approach their written text Im going to
    change a little something here Ill try to get
    this spelling error there. In these cases,
    writing on a computer is very much like writing
    on a piece of paper
  • Some kids come at word processing with big
    ideas. They make many more revisions upfront
    and during drafting, than kids who are writing
    by hand

Does text messaging have a deleterious impact?
  • Yes, in a way. It is essentially a different form
    of language and communication
  • It cant replace academic writing skills
  • Some teachers are using text messaging and the
    enthusiasm students have for it as a starting
    point for writing, then working with the ideas to
    transform the writing into something more formal.
    This strategy demonstrates how to switch codes
    from very informal to formal

From product to process
  • Educators originally thought of writing as a
    product, and good writing equaled a lot of text
    on the paper
  • Educators then switched to thinking of writing as
    a process, focusing on thinking, planning,
    revising, and editing
  • Now is the time for a balanced approach, so that
    the wonderful process of childrens writing
    eventually results in correct form and good
    final product

Automaticity is vital
  • The automatic operations of writing (spelling,
    grammar, structure) dont restrict creativity
    they actually enhance it. 
  • The key to developing automaticity is a complete
    program of instruction. For example, in a
    40-minute writing lesson, devote the first 15 or
    20 minutes to skill development and then the next
    half to the more creative aspects of writing (of
    any kind expository, narrative, poetic,
    sentence manipulations)
  • But we must get away from dichotomous thinking
    that skills inhibit creativity. They do not.

Writing is not solely creative
  • Inevitably, good writing also is informational in
  • Description and accuracy are important and need
    to be emphasized

Reading and writing are connected
  • The National Reading Panel (NRP) brought a sharp
    focus to reading and as a result, reading
    instruction has improved
  • Separating reading and writing in the NRP report
    was a mistake. We need to bring them back
    together and help educators understand the unity
    of these language functions, their
    interrelationships, and common denominators

Writing is all about writing
  • It is not enough for teachers to post explain
    expect (P.E.E dont do it in the classroom).
  • Rather, teachers must present and model writing
    with students. Bring students to mastery so they
    can write well by themselves
  • Children have to write in order learn to write.
    At every grade level, writing narrative text,
    expository text, or on topics of their own
    choosing, we want them to be excited about writing

Thank you!
  • Visit our website for recommended readings,
  • discussion questions, and more about this topic
  • www.readingrockets.org/webcasts/ondemand/2008
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