Title: Highlights Section A, Handouts
1Welcome to Orientation for New Faculty and Staff
2Penn State Structure
- Board of Trustees
- President and Presidents Council
- Colleges and Deans
- Administrative Units
3Penn State Structure
Board of Trustees
- Governing and decision-making body of the
University - 32 members
- Current president Edward P. Junker, III
- Meets six times a year
- Traditionally, one of the trustees is a
University student
4Penn State Structure
Presidents Council
- Advisory council
- Keeps the President in touch with the many
aspects of the University - Represents both academic and administrative
5Penn State Structure
Academic Colleges
- University Park (11 colleges)
- Graduate School
- Four year campuses
- Penn State Erie, The Behrend College
- Penn State Capital College
- The Abington College
- The Altoona College
- The Berks-Lehigh Valley College
6Penn State Structure
Academic Colleges
- Special mission colleges
- The Commonwealth College (12 locations)
- The Pennsylvania College of Technology
- The College of Medicine at The Milton S. Hershey
Medical Center - The Dickinson School of Law
7Penn State Structure
Academic Support Units
- University Libraries
- Research and Graduate School
- Computer Information Systems
- Undergraduate Education
- Enrollment Management
- Educational Equity
8Penn State Structure
Academic Support Units
- Student Affairs
- Development and Alumni Relations
- University Relations
- Presidents Office
- Finance and Business
- Intercollegiate Athletics
9Penn State Structure
Employee Classifications
- Exempt staff - employees who are not compensated
for more than 40 hrs./wk. - Non-exempt staff - employees who are compensated
for more than 40 hrs./wk. - Technical Service staff - skilled craftspeople,
technical and service employees
10Penn State Structure
Types of Appointments
- Standing - pre-determined start date,
- no ending date is specified
- Fixed-term - pre-determined start and end date
set at the discretion of the work unit
11Penn State Strategic Framework
- Vision statement - where the university is going
and what it hopes to achieve - Mission statement - why the university is here
and who it serves - Values statement - description of the desired
environment of the university - Strategic goals - milestones to be accomplished
to reach the vision
12Penn State Strategic Framework
Vision Statement
- Penn State will be one of the nations finest
universities and lead others in the integration
of teaching, research and service.
13Penn State Strategic Framework
Mission Statement
- Penn State is a multi-campus land-grant
university that improves the lives of people in
Pennsylvania, the nation and the world through
integrated, high-quality programs in teaching,
research and service.
14Penn State Strategic Framework
Penn State Fayettes Vision Statement
- Penn State Fayette seeks to be the best teaching
and learning enterprise in southwestern PA, and
we are committed to empowering our faculty and
staff to serve the students and our community.
Penn State Fayette will integrate teaching,
research, and service to improve the quality of
life for the people of southwestern Pennsylvania.
15Penn State Strategic Framework
Penn State Fayettes Mission Statement
- Penn State Fayette seeks to provide students
with a quality education, to encourage lifelong
learning, and to support an inclusive learning
16Penn State Strategic Framework
Values Statement
- We seek a learning community in which...
- the intellectual life is central faculty, staff
and students work together to achieve excellence
in teaching, learning and advancement of
knowledge. - the dignity of all individuals is affirmed and
equality of opportunity is pursued. - freedom of expression is protected civility is
encouraged and valued.
17Penn State Strategic Framework
Values Statement
- We seek a learning community in which...
- individuals accept their obligations to the
group shared governance guides behavior for the
common good. - the well-being of each member is supported and
service to others is encouraged. - our heritage is celebrated and change is embraced.
18Penn State Strategic Framework
Strategic Goals
- To achieve excellence in scholarship, education
and university life - To fulfill with distinction the Universitys
- commitment to the people of the
- Commonwealth
- To foster a caring University community
- that provides leadership for constructive
participation in a diverse, multicultural world
19Penn State Strategic Framework
Penn State Fayette Firsts
- Leads the Commonwealth College in percentage of
enrollment increase (20 since 1998) - Has the highest percentage of baccalaureate
freshmen with a PGPA of 2.5 or higher (60.7) - Has the highest baccalaureate freshman retention
rate in the Commonwealth College (73) -
20Penn State Strategic Framework
Penn State Fayette Firsts
- Assign the most writing assignments to students
in the Commonwealth College - 5 pages or longer. - Awarded more degrees in Spring 2000 than any
other Commonwealth College Campus (124). - Is 1 in student raised money for THON
21Penn State Strategic Framework
Student Satisfaction Surveys Indicate
- Over 50 of the students work 16 hours per week.
- 65 of students miss 0 classes per week
- Fayette has the most approachable faculty in the
Commonwealth College - Fayette has the easiest registration process
- Fayette has the best food service in the
Commonwealth College
22Penn State Strategic Framework
Economic Impact
- Penn State Fayette has 168 employees
- Penn state Fayettes economic impact to the
regional economy is 8,500,000. - Fayette has the most successful capital campaign
in the Commonwealth College (145 of 9,000,000)
23Organizational Culture
- Quality at Penn State...
- has embraced the philosophy and
tools of continuous quality
improvement. - is committed to continuous process improvement
through incremental change and re-engineering. - empowers you to make change.
24Organizational Culture
- Diversity at Penn State...
- values the diversity of all members of the Penn
State community. - strives to create an environment where people
utilize the diversity of their backgrounds to
enhance the overall organizational effectiveness
of the organization.
25Excellence in Leadership and Management
Creating our future through people and
26Excellence in Leadership and Management
Mastering SuperVision
The Penn State Leader
- Enhance Organizational Personal Effectiveness
- Refine Supervisory Skills
- Identify and Enhance Personal Leadership
Styles - Emphasizes Penn State Values
27Selected Human Resources Policies
- Vacation (staff)
- Sick leave (staff)
- Holidays
- Pay periods
- Probationary period
- (staff)
- Smoking policy
- Parking policy
28Selected Human Resources Policies
- Exempt staff - two days accrued each month
- Non-exempt and Technical Service staff- one and
one-half days accrued each month
29Selected Human Resources Policies
Sick Leave
- (for exempt, non-exempt and
- Technical Service staff)
- One sick day a month
- For information regarding extended sick leave,
see your HR Representative
30Selected Human Resources Policies
- New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day,
Labor Day, Thanksgiving, December 25th and five
additional days in December - One Personal Holiday each year
- If you are required to work on a University
holiday, you will be compensated
according to policy ( see the Office of Finance
and Business Services).
31Selected Human Resources Policies
Pay Periods
- Faculty and Staff - last
working day of the month - Technical Service staff - bi-weekly
- Direct Deposit is required for all employees
employees must submit a Salary Deposit Request
form to the Payroll Department on or before the
15th of the month.
32Selected Human Resources Policies
Probationary Period
- Employee cannot use the staff general grievance
procedure and may be terminated without recourse
to the procedure - Exempt and Non-exempt staff - six months
- Technical Service staff - three months
33Selected Human Resources Policies
Smoking Policy
- Smoking is prohibited in any University facility
or vehicle at all locations.
34Selected Human Resources Policies
Parking Policy
- Parking permits are required to park anywhere on
the campus. - Employees must park in the lot(s) to which they
are assigned. - Abuse of parking privileges results in the
revocation of a parking permit.
35Selected Human Resources Policies
- Penn States Policy Manual is
- available on-line at
- http//guru.sp.psu.edu
36Opportunities for Employees
- Professional Development Programs
- - Human Resource Development Center (HRDC)
- Discounted Computer Equipment
- - Microcomputer Order Center
- Tickets for Athletic Events and Performing Artist
Series - Faculty/Staff Organizations and Associations