ETP 2006 – Annette Beattie - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ETP 2006 – Annette Beattie


Design for Engineering Unit 3 Engineering Communication Annette Beattie June 9, 2006 Engineering Communication ETP 2006 Annette Beattie This material is based ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ETP 2006 – Annette Beattie

Design for EngineeringUnit 3 Engineering
Communication Annette BeattieJune 9,
2006Engineering Communication
  • ETP 2006 Annette Beattie
  • This material is based upon work supported by the
    National Science Foundation under Grant No.
    0402616. Any opinions, findings and conclusions
    or recommendations expressed in this material are
    those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
    reflect the view of the National Science
    Foundation (NSF).

Engineering Communication
  • Communicate - to send information so that it is
    satisfactorily received or understood.
  • Here is a recording from a training tape on how
    guided missiles locate themselves and get to the
    target. Listen to see if this information is
    communicated as well as it could be.

Engineering Communication
  • Engineers need to be able to communicate
    thoughts, ideas, and plans to many other
    specialists in many different fields.
  • Engineers work in teams with people from
    different backgrounds.
  • Therefore, it is necessary to have a variety of
    communication skills. (VCSU, 2006)

Communication Skills
  • Interpersonal -
  • Do you picture the engineer as the nerd in the
    corner with the pocket protector?
  • Those days have passed.
  • Engineering today means teamwork.
  • The Thomas Edison mythology would not work on
    problems like the Manhattan Project. (VCSU, 2006)

Communication Skills
  • Written
  • It may seem that engineering projects would be
    too technical to have much use for composition
  • However, in a survey of over 4000 practicing
    engineers, 99 listed composition courses as
    important for future engineers. (VCSU, 2006)

Communication Skills
  • Why?
  • Engineers write proposals. They need to convince
    people to spend money on their projects.
  • These shopping lists may be read by their
    immediate boss, the president of the company, a
    US Senator, the DOD (Department of Defense), etc.
  • Engineers also write reports when a design change
    is needed or to explain a failure. (VCSU, 2006)

Communication Skills
  • Oral and Electronic Presentation -
  • For the same reasons as listed for written
    skills, oral and electronic presentation skills
    are needed.
  • The use of presentation software and hardware can
    vastly improve the effectiveness of an engineers
  • This is especially important with regard to
    concurrent engineering. (VCSU, 2006)

Concurrent Engineering
  • Concurrent means occurring at the same time.
  • Concurrent engineering is the process in which
    all aspects of the design process happen at the
    same time.
  • Effective communication is critical.
  • All aspects of design, manufacturing and support
    have to be coordinated. (VCSU, 2006)

Concurrent Engineering
  • Development teams are used to complete projects.
    The team effort
  • Reduces development time
  • Produces a faster time to market which equals
    increased market share
  • Increases quality
  • Increases productivity
  • Eliminates costly and timely re-designs
  • Lowers implementation risks
  • (Berkeley, 1997)
  • (VCSU, 2006)

Mathematical Expression
  • Recall from Unit 1 the math requirements for an
    engineering major.
  • Math is an important tool that engineers use to
    determine design solutions.
  • Math is also a method to express design
    solutions. (VCSU, 2006)

Mathematical Expression
  • A mathematical expression can be written in the
    form of a statement that can be translated into a
    formula and then tested.
  • A simple example
  • d distance, v velocity, t time
  • vd/t
  • A train travels 50 miles in 30 minutes. What is
    the velocity of the train? (VCSU, 2006)

Mathematical Expression
  • A picture is worth a thousand words
  • Which is easier to interpret? The following table
    or graph?

Mathematical Expression
Mathematical Expression
  • The information is the same in both the table and
    the chart.
  • The chart clearly shows that during 1000 and
    200 the measurements increase.
  • This is a replica of a situation in which the
    machine operator was leaning against his CNC
    machine during coffee break throwing his
    machining out of tolerance.
  • The change in measurements were not associated
    with the change in time until it was put into
    chart format.

Mathematical Expression
  • As an engineer, it is critical to use the best
    expression of mathematics to clearly communicate
    with others.

2-Dimensional Drafting Sketching
  • Formerly referred to as drafting or engineering
    drafting (VCSU, 2006)
  • (OCIW, 2003)

2-Dimensional Drafting Sketching
  • This form of communication has been an area of
    skill to engineers and architects for hundreds of
    years. (VCSU, 2006)

2-Dimensional Drafting Sketching
  • A drafting course would teach students to
  • Print clearly and uniformly
  • Create accurate and uniform dimensions
  • Make object lines of uniform thickness to make
    center lines, dimension lines, hidden lines, etc.
    distinguishable. (VCSU, 2006)

2-Dimensional Drafting Sketching
  • The next objective was to represent objects with
    top, front, and side views.
  • This is called orthographic projection. (VCSU,

2-Dimensional Drafting Sketching
  • The next step was to teach isometric projection.

Perspective Drawing
  • 1 point perspective
  • 2 point perspective
  • 3 point perspective
  • (Anime-by-Example,1998).

2 Point Perspective
  • (Anime-by-Example,1998).

3 Point Perspective
  • (Anime-by-Example,1998).

2-Dimensional Drafting Sketching
  • The idea behind teaching these skills (that is
    still valid today) is that many great inventions
    and products are first put down on paper on a
    napkin or the back of an envelope.
  • Engineers are required to keep dated logbooks,
    including sketches to document who created an
    invention first.
  • The award of patents are often dependant on these
    logs. (VCSU, 2006).

2-Dimensional Drafting Sketching
  • Even in 1987, engineering students at NDSU had to
    take a minimum of 2 quarters of engineering
    drafting producing drawings like the ones just
    shown with front, top, side and isometric views.
  • The drafting course was one of the most
    challenging and often seen as a test of
    engineering determination - referred to as the
    weed out class. (VCSU, 2006).

3 Dimensional Modeling
  • Today (2006) the class offered at NDSU is
    Fundamentals of Visual Communications for
    Engineers A visual communications for design and
    manufacturing, computer-aided drawing and design,
    three-dimensional modeling and orthographic
    projections, geometric dimensioning and
    tolerancing (NDSU, n.d.)

3 Dimensional Modeling
  • 3-D modeling software is more productive at
    communicating a design concept.
  • Technology has drastically changed the way we can
    communicate design ideas.
  • Not everyone that engineers are selling their
    idea to can read a mechanical drawing. (VCSU,

3 Dimensional Modeling Characteristics
  • Modeling provides a means of visually and
    virtually representing ideas.
  • The term computer model describes a
    computer-generated perspective drawing. They are
    not physical models, but their realism allows
    them to play similar roles. (VCSU, 2006).

3 Dimensional Modeling Characteristics
  • Model building is a skill and process to
    translate designs into a visual form to be used
    for discussion, analysis, development, and
    testing. (VCSU, 2006).

3 Dimensional Modeling Characteristics
  • By creating a model on the computer, companies
    can save a great amount of time and money in
    development and redesign phases.
  • The model can be designed, modeled, and tested on
    the computer before the first one is
    manufactured. This speeds up production. (VCSU,

3 Dimensional Modeling Characteristics
  • After a model is created virtually, an actual
    physical model can be made through a computer
    controlled process called stereolithography.
  • This uses lasers to trace out a part from a
    liquid polymer. Where the lasers intersect, the
    polymer hardens and forms the solid part of the
  • Another process that sprays on layers of polymer
    is called Rapid Deposition Modeling (RDM). (VCSU,

Activity Sample
  • Hand out Unit 3 Activity
  • For your assignment, you will be in teams of two.
  • Put together a power point presentation that you
    will give to the class per the handout provided.
  • A sample of what you will put together is as

Activity Sample1 point perspective
  • Perspective is the geometrical technique in
    drawing that creates the illusion of
    three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional
    plane (your paper). It is a technique that uses
    overlapping, objects receding in space, horizon
    lines and vanishing points to create a feeling of

Activity Sample1 point perspective
  • There is 1 point perspective, 2 point, 3 point,
    multi point, and no point.
  • 1 point perspective has all lines converging on
    one vanishing point.

Activity Sample1 point perspective
  • The following is an example of an artists drawing
    from one point perspective that gives the
    feeling of looking into another room. It was
    painted by Santa Maria Novella circa 1428 and
    titled Trinity.

(No Transcript)
  • Anime-by-Example. (1998). Retrieved June 9, 2006
    from the website http//
  • Berkeley. (1997). Retrieved June 9, 2006 from the
    website http//
  • North Dakota State University. (n.d.). Retrieved
    June 9, 2006 from the website http//www.ndsu.nod
  • Observatories of the Carnegie Institution of
    Washington. (2003). Retrieved June 9, 2006 from
    the website http//
  • Valley City State University. (2006). Technology
    education 660 design for engineering unit 3
    reading assignment. Retrieved April 15, 2006 from
    the website http//

  • Standard 8 Students will develop an
    understanding of the attributes of design.
  • 8.H The design process includes defining a
    problem, brainstorming, researching and
    generating ideas, identifying criteria and
    specifying constraints, exploring possibilities,
    selecting an approach, developing a design
    proposal, making a model or prototype, testing
    and evaluating the design using specifications,
    refining the design, creating or making it, and
    communicating processes and results.
  • Standard 12 Students will develop an
    understanding of and be able to select and use
    information and communication technologies.
  • 12.L Document processes and procedures and
    communicate them to different audiences using
    appropriate oral and written techniques.
  • 12.P Use computers and calculators to access,
    retrieve, organize, process, maintain, interpret,
    and evaluate date and information in order to
  • Standard 17 Students will develop abilities to
    use and maintain technological products and
  • 17.P There are many ways to communicate
    information, such as graphic and electronic means.
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