ModelDriven VideoBased Rendering for Vehicles - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ModelDriven VideoBased Rendering for Vehicles


'Model-Driven Video Based Rendering for Vehicles', I.O. Sebe, S. You, ... Computer Graphics and Interactive Technologies Laboratory. National Science Foundation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ModelDriven VideoBased Rendering for Vehicles

Model-Driven Video-Based Rendering for Vehicles
  • Ismail Oner Sebe
  • Suya You, Ulrich Neumann
  • Computer Graphics and Interactive Technologies

  • Model-Based 3D Modeling from image(s)
  • Camera Calibration
  • Texture Mapping
  • User interaction
  • Part-Based Model Modification
  • Video-Based Rendering
  • Model-Aided Tracking
  • Model-Aided Pose Estimation
  • Environment Modeling
  • Results and Discussion

Model-Based 3D Modeling
  • Model-Based Modeling
  • Architectural Structures Lie99, Hoe05
  • Humans Car03
  • Motivation for our modeling technique
  • Rapidly create high quality 3D model of objects
    (one object class at a time) from a single
    un-calibrated image
  • Rapid
  • High quality
  • Single image
  • Un-calibrated/unknown camera

Part-Based Generic Model
  • Prior knowledge an instance of class
  • Part-based generic model
  • Part San01
  • Unique
  • Bounded
  • Closed
  • Connected
  • Compact
  • For vehicles
  • Front/Middle/Back
  • Bottom/Middle/Top
  • Left/Center/Right

32 Parts
Camera Calibration
  • Vanishing Points Approach (architectural
  • Assumptions
  • Zero skew
  • Fixed aspect ratio
  • No radial distortion
  • Fixed camera center
  • 2 vanishing points (8 image clicks)
  • Arbitrary scaling
  • 3 Scaling points from tires (3 image clicks)
  • Total 11 image clicks for 3x4 projection matrix
  • 2D image with 3D model overlay

Texture Mapping
  • 3D Model ? 2D Image
  • Z-Depth buffering (visibility analysis)
  • Texture
  • Color estimation
  • Fill the gaps in the texture map
  • Assign to the parts without texture

User Interaction
2D Input
  • Click and Drag (in 2D)
  • CLICK User clicks to select a part (p)
  • DRAG Creates a vector, (v) (2D constraint)
  • A 3D vector, V, is estimated
  • Satisfy 2D constraint
  • Smallest 3D movement

Part-Based Modification I
  • Movement in 3D ? V
  • Connectedness and speed
  • Model modification
  • by part
  • by boundary
  • Parts can move in 4 ways
  • Interpolate Scattered Data Interpolation
  • Triangle Based SDI
  • Thin Plate SDI
  • Shepard Interpolator

Part-Based Modification II
Gray DoNotMove Red MoveSame Green
3D Modeling Results I
3D model with estimated color
3D model with Texture
Input 2D Image
3D Modeling Results II
3D model with estimated color
3D model with Texture
Input 2D Image
Part-Based 3D Modeling
Video-Based Rendering
  • Previous work
  • The Matrix (1999)
  • Eye Vision system in Superbowl XXXV (2001)
  • UC Berkeley Deb98
  • AVE Neu04
  • Our problem
  • Given the 3D model of the scene and the video,
    update the 3D model such that 2D/3D coupling is
  • Stationary background
  • Fixed camera
  • Single foreground vehicle
  • Planar move (2 translation and one rotation)

Model-Aided Pose Estimation
  • Stationary camera planar movement 3 unknowns
    (Ry, Tx and Ty)
  • Nonlinear minimization vs. Expectation
    Maximization (EM)
  • Starting point is close to correct solution
  • Small number of parameters to estimate
  • Filtering of both parameters and tracking points
  • Re-projection of tracking points via 3D/2D

Model-Aided Tracking
  • Tracking of 3D patches in 2D
  • Minimization of normalized correlation
  • Computationally equivalent to 2D motion search
  • More robust
  • Less drift

2D Patches
3D Patches
Environment Modeling
  • Simplistic world model
  • World is composed of walls and ground
  • Ground is inferred from tires
  • Walls are perpendicular to the ground
  • Smart subdivision of triangles

Free Viewpoint Video
  • World is textured with estimated background image
  • Car is textured with the method from IBR
  • Texture is filtered in time to prevent flicker in
  • Shadow is added later (optional)
  • Sun position is entered manually
  • User can control time and camera location at any
    point of the video/rendering

Video-Based Rendering
  • 3D Modeling System
  • Pros
  • Fast (1-2) minutes
  • High-quality 3D models
  • Single uncalibrated image
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Cons
  • Create generic model for every class
  • Such a model may not exist
  • Need at least one photo
  • Video Based Rendering
  • Pros
  • Almost automatic creation
  • Good quality in rendering
  • Fast
  • Cons
  • No outlier detection
  • Stationary camera
  • Restricted object movement
  • Single foreground object

Conclusion and Future work
  • We present a model-driven video based rendering
    system for vehicles
  • Our system is fast and doesnt require any
    information about camera
  • It is able to create photorealistic renderings in
    mere minutes
  • Current/Future Work
  • Automatic car modeling Detection of camera pose,
    detection of parts, etc.
  • Other object types Insects (joint work with SFSU
    Ilmi Yoon)
  • Multiple vehicle rendering scenarios Occlusion,
    texture atlas

  • Deb98 P. Debevec, G. Borshukov, and Y. You,
    Efficent video-Dependent Image-Based Rendering
    with Projective Texture-Mapping. In 9th
    Eurographics Rendering Workshop, Vienna, Austria,
    June 1998.
  • Neu04 U. Neumann, S. You, J. Hu, B. Jiang, I.O.
    Sebe, Visualizing Reality in an Augmented
    Virtual Environment. Presence Teleoperators and
    Virtual Environments Journal, pp. 222-233, April
  • Car03 J. Carranza, C. Theobalt. M. Magnor, H.P.
    Seidel, Free-Viewpoint Video of Human Actors.
    SIGGRAPH03, San Diego, CA, 2003.
  • Lie99 D. Liebowitz, A. Criminisi, A. Zisserman,
    Creating architectural models from images. In
    Eurographics 99, pages 39-50, 1999.
  • Hoe05 D. Hoeim, A.A. Efros, M. Hebert,
    Automatic Photo Pop-up.SIGGRAPH05, Los Angeles,
    CA, 2005.
  • San01 P.V. Sander, J. Snyder, S. Gortler, H.
    Hoppe. Texture Mapping Progressive Meshes.
    SIGGRAPH01,Los Angeles, CA, 2001.
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