Title: Embedded Streaming Media with GStreamer and BeagleBoard
1Embedded Streaming Media with GStreamerand
- ESC-228
- Presented by Santiago Nunez
- santiago.nunez (at) ridgerun.com
- Introduction to BeagleBoard multimedia
architecture features. - GStreamer concepts
- OMAP GStreamer hands on exercises
- DMAI and GStreamer
- Questions
- Primary objective for this class is to introduce
audience to GStreamer on OMAP3 with hands on
exercises - This doesnt class won't cover extensively the
APIs available and assumes basic knowledge on C
programming, Linux and computer graphics.
4BeagleBoard and OMAP3architecture
- Provides architecture with several multimedia
features - Cortex A8 with Neon
- C64x DSP
- Video accelerators
- How to utilize the hardware features with the
software stack?
5BeagleBoard and OMAP3architecture
- Provides architecture with several multimedia
features - Cortex A8 with Neon
- C64x DSP
- Video accelerators
- How to utilize the hardware features with the
software stack?
6BeagleBoard and OMAP3architecture
- Provides architecture with several multimedia
features - Cortex A8 with Neon
- C64x DSP
- Video accelerators
- How to utilize the hardware features with the
software stack?
- Streaming media framework audio and video
- Close to 200 plug-ins available
- Higher level than just input / filters / output
- Networking, audio/video mixed streams, auto data
handling - Various options utilizing hardware accelerators
8GStreamer Overview
- Elements
- Sources, filters, sinks
- Bins and Pipelines
- Containers, pipeline is the overall bin
- Pads
- Element source / sink connection points
- Caps
- Capabilities organized by stream type with a set
of properties
9GStreamer Overview
- Elements
- Sources, filters, sinks
- Bins and Pipelines
- Containers, pipeline is the overall bin
- Pads
- Element source / sink connection points
- Caps
- Capabilities organized by stream type with a set
of properties
- Plugin
- Collection of elements
10Simple MP3 Player
- Create dynamically using gst-launch
- Source element reads from a file
- Filter element converts MP3 to PWM
- Sink element passes to ALSA output
gst-launch filesrc locationa.mp3 ! mad ! alsasink
11Hands On Exercise 0
- Start up Windowing environment with two terminals
- cd gst
- . s
Period character to source the file named 's'
12Hands On Exercise 0
- Play audio file
- a2
- Actual command
- gst-launch filesrc locationbbb.flac ! flacdec
!alsasink - You can see the contents of the script
- cat a2
- There are lots of audio scripts to try
- a1, a2, a3
13Simple Audio PlayerSource Code
- Create pipeline, source, filter, sink
- Set element properties
- Build into pipeline
- Connect src and sink pads
- Setup pipeline event handler
- End of stream
- Set pipeline state to play
- Run
14Simple PA System
- Create dynamically using gst-launch
- Source element ALSA audio in
- No filters
- Sink element passes to ALSA output
gst-launch alsasrc num-buffers100 ! alsasink
15Keeping Plug-ins Organized
- Each known plug-in is added to registry
- Most aspects of plug-in are tracked in the
registry - Registry support run-in pipeline creation and
dynamic filter selection - Use gst-inspect to list plug-ins
gst-inspect lessgst-inspect filesrc
16Hands On Exercise 1
- Using gst-inspect, list
- All plug-ins
- All video plug-ins
- Element properties for filesrc plug-in
17Hands On Exercise 2
- GStreamer video pipelines
- v1 script shown below
- gst-launch videotestsrc ! ffmpegcolorspace !
fbdevsink - Other video scripts
- v1, v2, v3, v4
- Idea is the same
- source data, filter data, send data to sink
18PerformanceData Passing
- Stream held in buffers with data, timestamp,
other info - When possible, buffer memory allocated by sink
pad - Use hardware when data copy is necessary
19PerformanceData Transformation
- Cortex A8 compiler optimization
- Single Instruction Multiple Data
- C64
- Video accelerator
- DMA and other data movers
20Davinci Multimedia Application Interface
21DMAI and GStreamer
- Davinci Multimedia Application Interface
- Exposes OMAP/Davinci hardware using high level of
abstraction - Stream audio / video
- Graphics display
- Hardware optimized frame/data copy
22OMAP3 Codec Engine
- Isolates users for audio/video codecs from those
implementing the codecs - Codec can run in several places without the
calling application being aware - Cortex A8, NEON, C64, hardware accelerator
- Uses DSPLink and DSPBios conventions to support
DSP based algorithms dynamically
23Video Phone
- Vision video phone application can create audio
and video GStreamer pipelines for capture /
rendering - DMAI, Codec engine, DSPLink, C64 algorithms
perform heavy lifting - OMAP3 hardware capabilities utilized
- Video phone application focused on call
management, not streaming data manipulation
24GStreamer in3 Layers