Title: Indian Radial Tyre Market Outlook to 2015
1Indian Radial Tyre Market Outlook to 2015
- Bharat Book Bureauwww.bharatbook.com
- India has emerged as one of the worlds most
competitive tyre markets due to vast availability
of raw material (natural rubber) and ultramodern
production facilities. The focus of leading
industry players has shifted towards brand
establishment and strengthening distribution
network, which have resulted into an improvement
in their market share. - According to our research report Indian
Radial Tyre Market Outlook to 2015, the Indian
radial tyre market has attracted global
manufacturers on account of encouraging growth
figures. These manufacturers are expected to
invest huge amounts into the industry over the
next few years, with a major proportion of this
investment directed towards the Truck Bus (TB)
radial tyre capacity expansion.
3Table of Contents
- 1. Analyst View 2. Research Methodology 3.
India Radial Tyre Industry in Global Context 4.
Tyre Industry Overview 4.1 Production 4.1.1 By
Segment 5. Market Drivers Trends 5.1 Higher
ROI Driving the Demand for Radialization 5.2
India Becoming Hub for International Radial Tyre
Manufacturers 5.3 Replacement Demand Boosting
Radial Tyre Industry 6. Industry Performance and
Outlook by FY 2015 6.1 Passenger Cars 6.2 Light
Commercial Vehicles 6.3 Mid-Heavy Commercial
Vehicles 7. Trade Analysis
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