Dent 633 Dental Amalgam - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dent 633 Dental Amalgam


Dent 633 Dental Amalgam William A. Brantley (PhD) Professor and Director Graduate Program in Dental Materials Science Section of Restorative and Prosthetic Dentistry – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dent 633 Dental Amalgam

Dent 633Dental Amalgam
  • William A. Brantley (PhD)
  • Professor and Director
  • Graduate Program in Dental Materials Science
  • Section of Restorative and Prosthetic Dentistry
  • College of Dentistry, The Ohio State University
  • Postle Hall Room 3005-L
  • E-mail

Textbook References
  • OBrien WJ (editor). Dental Materials and Their
    Selection (3rd ed). Chicago Quintessence, 2002.
    Chapter 12.
  • Powers JM, Sakaguchi RL (editors).
  • Craigs Restorative Dental Materials (12th ed).
  • Mosby, 2006. Chapter 11.
  • Anusavice, KJ (editor). Phillips Science of
    Dental Materials (11th ed). Saunders/Elsevier,
    2003. Chapter 17.

Advantages of Dental Amalgam as Restorative
  • Relatively inexpensive compared to gold alloy
  • Easily prepared direct restorative material
  • Margin-sealing capability (decreased marginal
    microleakage with time) corrosion products
  • Over 100 years of successful clinical history
    (dating from GV Black dental amalgam)

Concerns about Dental Amalgam as Restorative
  • Poor esthetics compared to resin composites
  • Weakening of tooth from removal of tooth
  • Recurrent caries
  • No adhesive bonding unless bonded restoration
  • Sensitivity of properties to manipulation
  • Brittle nature of material
  • Biocompatibility not generally considered
    problem for patients (supported by recent JAMA
  • Wastewater pollution with mercury

General Setting Reaction for Dental Amalgam
  • Alloy (for dental amalgam) Hg ? Dental amalgam
    Components in two compartments of capsule
  • Mercury/alloy ratio - approximately 0.5 and
    depends upon particular commercial product
  • Modern precapsulated products contain
    approximately 42 to 45 Hg by weight
  • Factors for setting process composition, shape
    and size of alloy particles (based on handling
    characteristics desired by manufacturer)

Alloy for Dental Amalgam(Particles Mixed with
  • ANSI/ADA specification no. 1 does not require
    specific percentages of elements
  • Major element is Ag, Sn has second-largest
    amount, Cu about 2 to nearly 30, Zn from 0 to
    about 1
  • Other elements if manufacturer submits results of
    clinical and biological testing (e.g., In and Pd)
  • Particles have complex structure with three
    phases ? (Ag3Sn), ß (Ag-Sn) and e (Cu3Sn)

Classification of Products by Particle Shape and
  • Filing or lathe-cut (machined from cast ingot)
  • Spherical (molten alloy blown through nozzle)
  • All particles with same composition
  • Blend or admixture of particles with different
  • Spherical particles range from 50 µm diameter to
    over order of magnitude smaller also wide range
    in sizes of lathe-cut particles
  • Intentionally done for optimum condensation

Importance of Particle ShapeSpherical vs.
Lathe-Cut Products
  • Spherical particles are wetted with lower
    mercuryalloy ratio than lathe-cut particles
  • Spherical particles resist forces of condensation
    less than lathe-cut particles

Microstructures of Lathe-Cut (?100), Spherical
(?300), and Admixed (?500) Alloys for Dental
AmalgamFigures from Anusavice (11th ed), Chapter
Classification of Products by Alloy Composition
  • High-copper vs. low-copper high-copper products
    contain gt12 Cu in alloy particles
  • High-copper products should be selected greater
    clinical longevity of restorations and much lower
    creep values measured in laboratory
  • Zinc-containing vs. zinc-free (lt 0.01 wt Zn)
    not economically feasible to eliminate Zn
  • Zinc considered to facilitate machining lathe-cut
    particles (more brittle) and improves corrosion
    resistance of amalgam, but less plastic mix
  • No concern with Zn-free alloys about moisture
    contamination during trituration or condensation

Frequent Letter Codes for Dental Amalgam Products
in Books and Articles
  • LCL, LCS (low-copper alloy, lathe-cut or
    spherical particles)
  • HCSS (high-copper alloy, spherical particles of
    single composition)
  • HCB (high-copper alloy, blend of two different
    types of particles shape and/or composition)

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Composition Details for Two ProductsValiant PhD
() formerly used in CollegePermite C ()
currently used in College
Heat Treatment of Alloy for Dental Amalgam by
  • Eliminates compositional nonuniformity that
    exists in ingot before lathe-cutting (machining)
    or in spherical alloy particles due to rapid
  • Relieves stresses in alloy particles (both
    lathe-cut and spherical)
  • Provide manufacturer control of setting time
    great clinical importance

General Form of Setting Reaction
  • ? (starting alloy particles) Hg (liquid) ?
    reaction phases (matrix) unreacted alloy
    particles (core)
  • Incompletely consumed alloy particles in set
    dental amalgam microstructure
  • Bricks (alloy particles) and mortar (reaction
    phases) analogy for structure and strength of set
  • No free mercury after setting reaction Hg found
    in reaction phases
  • Microstructure will contain some porosity from
    incomplete condensation

Setting Reaction ProductsThree Types of Dental
  • Low-copper dental amalgams ?1 (Ag2Hg3) and ?2
  • High-copper dental amalgams ?1 and ?? (Cu6Sn5)
  • Note that high-copper dental amalgams are ?2-free

Setting Reaction for Dispersalloy-Type Dental
  • Alloy particles are admixture or blend of
    low-copper lathe-cut particles and spherical
    Ag-Cu particles (72 wt Ag, 28 wt Cu)
  • First step of setting reaction identical to
    low-copper dental amalgams
  • Second step of setting reaction is disappearance
    of ?2 phase and formation of ?? phase
  • Slower setting reaction than for HCSS products

Dimensional Changes During Setting of Dental
  • Total dimensional change after 24 hr lt 20 µm/cm
    (0.20) is ANSI/ADA Specification no. 1 limit
    and cannot detect by unaided eye or explorer
  • Most modern dental amalgam products undergo an
    overall contraction of the setting mass
  • Clinical problems would occur with excessive
    setting expansion (loss of anatomy and
    postoperative pain) or excessive setting
    contraction (microleakage)

Setting Dimensional ChangesA HCB, B HCSS and
C LCL From Anusavice (11th ed), Fig. 17-10
Nature of Setting Dimensional Changes
  • Setting process is combination of solution and
    crystallization (precipitation)
  • Initial contraction from absorption of Hg
    (diffusion) by amalgam alloy particles
  • Subsequent formation and growth of ?1, ?2 and
    Cu-Sn phases (matrix)
  • Final absorption of mercury by remaining amalgam
    alloy particles
  • No free mercury in final set dental amalgam

Microstructure of LCL Dental Amalgam Original
Magnification ?1000From Anusavice (11th ed),
Fig. 17-5
Microstructure of HCB Dental Amalgam Original
Magnification ?1000Mercury-rich droplets from
polishing specimen From Anusavice (11th ed),
Fig. 17-7
Microstructure of HCSS Dental Amalgam Relief
polish with original magnification ?560 From
Anusavice (11th ed), Fig. 17-8
Characteristics of Microstructural Phases in
Dental Amalgams
  • Strongest phase incompletely consumed starting
    alloy particles (?)
  • Weakest phase ?2 in low-copper amalgams (most
    corrosion prone)
  • Completely interconnected nature of ?2 can result
    in bulk corrosion of low-copper dental amalgam
  • High-copper amalgams Cu6Sn5 (??) is corroding
    phase that provide margin-sealing because ??
    is not interconnected, corrosion limited to
    marginal regions without bulk corrosion

Types of Corrosion in Dental Amalgams
  • Galvanic corrosion at interproximal contacts with
    gold alloys
  • Electrochemical corrosion because multiple phases
  • Crevice corrosion at margins
  • At unpolished scratches or secondary anatomy
    lower pH and oxygen concentration of saliva
  • Corrosion under retained plaque because of lower
    oxygen concentration
  • Chemical corrosion from reaction with sulfide
    ions at occlusal surface

Corrosion of Dental Amalgam Restorations
  • Limited corrosion is beneficial because reduction
    in microleakage ?2 in low-copper amalgams and
    Cu6Sn5 (??) in high-copper amalgams
  • Tin-containing and copper-containing phases have
    been identified as corrosion products
  • Corrosion minimized by polishing amalgam
    restoration scratches and pits trap debris,
    enhancing corrosion because lower oxygen
    concentration under deposit
  • Clinical trials suggest that Zn-containing
    amalgam restorations have superior marginal
    integrity and longevity preferential Zn
    corrosion may occur

Mechanical Properties of Dental Amalgams
  • Brittle material for normal rates of loading (CS
    TS) and need dentinal support to resist forces
    of mastication
  • Poor edge strength fracture of ledge on poorly
    finished restoration readily occurs (low tensile
    strength leads to fracture in bending)
  • Insufficient strength of set dental amalgam would
    also increase amount of marginal breakdown

Change in Mechanical Properties of Dental
Amalgams with Time
  • ANSI/ADA specification no. 1 requires specific
    compressive strength after 1 hr has practical
  • Rate of strength increase is dependent upon
    particular product ? HCSS has most rapid setting
  • Much greater difference in strength for wide
    range of products after 1 hr compared to 1 day
  • Final strength considered after 1 week nearly
    same strength after 1 day
  • Mechanical properties measured in laboratory are
    dependent upon rate of loading creep at
    constant load)

Typical Strength for Dental Amalgams (24 hr)
  • Compressive strength gt about 350 MPa
  • Tensile strength lt about 70 MPa
  • High ratio for CS divided by TS ? brittle material

Laboratory Creep Test forDental Amalgams
  • Cylindrical specimen stored 1 wk (37º C),
    compress at 36 MPa (37º C), measure length change
    for 1 - 4 hr
  • Maximum creep limit in ANSI/ADA specification no.
  • High-copper amalgams generally have low creep
  • Creep is only mechanical property correlated with
    clinical marginal fracture of low-copper amalgam
    restorations (not high-copper which have low
  • Creep mechanism is grain boundary sliding of ?1
    phase (blocked by ?? in high-copper amalgams)

Values of Strength and CreepRepresentative
Dental Amalgams Anusavice (11th ed), Table 17-2
Effects of Manipulative VariablesSetting
Expansion of Dental Amalgams(Increased with more
setting reaction phases)
  • Excessive mercury content increases SE
  • Increased tritutation time decreases SE
  • Increased condensation pressure decreases SE
  • Moisture contamination of Zn-containing amalgam
    causes delayed, excessive increase in SE ? reason
    why Zn-free products often selected

Delayed Expansion of Moisture-Contaminated
Zinc-Containing Amalgam From Anusavice (11th
ed), Fig. 17-11
Effects of Manipulative VariablesStrength of
Dental Amalgams(Increased with less setting
reaction phases)
  • Excessive mercury content decreases strength
  • Increased tritutation time increases strength
  • Increased condensation pressure increases
  • Moisture contamination of Zn-containing dental
    amalgam large decrease in strength
  • Zinc reduction of H2O releases H2 gas, causing
    excessive delayed expansion and possible
    postoperative pain from pulpal pressure

Effect of Mercury/Alloy RatioStrength of Dental
Amalgams From Anusavice (11th ed), Fig. 17-11
Some Clinical Considerations for Trituration
  • Role of trituration - coat each alloy particle
    with mercury
  • Overtrituration makes mixed material hot, reduces
    working time, and increases creep
  • Optimum trituration time is highly important
  • Also important to avoid undertrituration

Roles of Condensation
  • Adapt restoration to cavity walls
  • Minimize porosity in restoration
  • Control final mercury content of restoration
  • Do not delay condensation after trituration

Mercury and Mercury Toxicity
  • Mercury is liquid metal (temperatures greater
    than 39C) with high density (13.6 gm/cm3) and
    high vapor pressure that rapidly increases with
  • Because of mercury toxicity, US government has
    set threshold limit value (TLV) for sustained (40
    hr/wk) exposure at 0.05 mg Hg/m3
  • Routes for mercury exposure - skin contact,
    inhalation of vapor, airborne droplets
  • At level of 100 ng Hg per mL blood, symptoms of
    mercury poisoning are typically observed
  • Some patients may exhibit an allergic skin
    reaction to dental amalgams

Mercury Hygiene Recommendations by ADA
  • Use single-use capsules when preparing dental
  • Use a no-touch technique and clean up any spilled
  • Discard any old or damaged mixing capsules which
    might be prone to leakage
  • Store dental amalgam scrap in cool space in
    capped, unbreakable jar holding water with finely
    divided sulfur
  • Avoid baseboard heating in operatories where
    dental amalgam is used

Mercury Hygiene Recommendations by ADA
  • Use face mask and water spray with high vacuum
    evacuation when finishing new dental amalgam
    restorations or removing old restorations
  • Do not use ultrasonic condensers for dental
    amalgam restorations
  • Mercury vapor levels in offices and operatories
    where dental amalgam restorations are prepared
    and placed should be regularly checked
  • Office personnel involved with dental amalgam
    restorations should have their mercury levels
    periodically monitored by urinalysis

Biocompatibility of Dental Amalgams
  • Concern about mercury poisoning arises from high
    vapor pressure of liquid Hg (1.20 x 10-3 Torr at
    20ºC), which rapidly increases with temperature
  • Modern analytical equipment can detect mercury
    vapor levels as low as 1 ?g/m3 in air or 0.2
    ng/mL in solution
  • Possible toxicity effects from minute amounts of
    mercury released by dental amalgams can now be
    more readily investigated than previously

Biocompatibility of Dental Amalgams
  • A clinical study (Reinhardt et al, J Prosthet
    Dent 198349652-656) found that the amount of
    mercury exhaled by a patient following removal or
    placement of a single amalgam restoration is very
    small, occurs for a relatively brief period of
    time, and is largely avoidable by proper clinical
    procedures (e.g., use of rubber dam, handpiece
    water spray and high-volume evacuation coolant)

Biocompatibility of Dental Amalgams
  • Theoretical calculations (Mackert, J Dent Res
    1987661775-1780) have shown that, even for an
    individual with twelve or more occlusal surfaces
    containing amalgam restorations and not
    occupationally exposed to mercury, the daily dose
    of mercury from these restorations would be only
    10 of the normal daily intake from food, air and

Biocompatibility of Dental Amalgams
  • In a clinical study on patients with controlled
    diets (Berglund, J Dent Res 1990691646-1651),
    the estimated average daily dose of mercury vapor
    inhaled from dental amalgam restorations was 1.7
    ?g, with a range of 0.4 - 4.4 ?g
  • This is about 1 of the dose that would be
    obtained from the threshold limit value (TLV) of
    50 ?g/m3 of airborne mercury set by the US
    government for an individual exposed eight hours
    per day for a five-day work week

Biocompatibility of Dental Amalgams
  • Snapp et al (J Dent Res 198968780-785) examined
    ten adults with average of fourteen restoration
  • Mean baseline total blood Hg of 2.18 ng/mL was
    significantly correlated with number of occlusal
  • After removal of amalgam restorations, nine
    subjects had significant decrease in blood
    mercury (mean 1.13 ng/mL)
  • Removal of restorations caused exposure 1.46 ng
    Hg/mL, which disappeared within three days
  • Mercury toxicity in most sensitive adults
    occurred at blood concentrations of 30 ng/mL,
    indicating that dental amalgam restorations do
    not appear to be health hazard

Biocompatibility of Dental Amalgams
  • Wataha et al (Dent Mater 199410298-303) placed
    specimens of two dental amalgams in contact with
    Balb/c mouse fibroblasts for 24 hr and
    investigated succinic dehydrogenase activity of
    cells as monitor of cytotoxicity
  • HCSS dental amalgam Tytin exhibited no
    cytotoxicity compared to teflon controls
  • HCB dental amalgam Dispersalloy was severely
    cytotoxic initially when release of Zn ions was
    greatest, but less toxic between 48 and 72 hr as
    Zn release decreased

Contrary ViewpointBiocompatibility of Dental
  • Lorscheider F, Vimy M. Mercury and idiopathic
    dilated cardiomyopathy. J Am Coll Cardiol
    200035819-820. Comment on J Am Coll Cardiol
  • Aschner M, Lorscheider FL, Cowan KS, Conklin DR,
    Vimy MJ, Lash LH. Metallothionein induction in
    fetal rat brain and neonatal primary astrocyte
    cultures by in utero exposure to elemental
    mercury vapor (Hg0). Brain Res 1997778222-232.
  • Vimy MJ, Lorscheider FL. Renal function and
    amalgam mercury. Am J Physiol 1997273 (3 Pt
    2)R1199-1200. Comment on Am J Physiol 1996271
    (4 Pt 2)R941-945.

Profile in New England Children's Amalgam Trial
Bellinger DC et al. JAMA 20062951775-1783. Sour
ce of following slides
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