19 Apr 01 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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19 Apr 01


Course Administration. 1. 19 Apr 01. Take home final to be issued early next week. ... Course Administration. 6. Texture development in brass? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 19 Apr 01

19 Apr 01
  • Take home final to be issued early next week.
    Florida in finals as of 23 Apr but Lehigh/CMU
    continue until May 3rd.
  • No further homeworks (unless we change our
  • Prof. G.S. Rohrer will give the last class on May
    3rd, and will lecture on Atomic Force Microscopy
    and related microscopies.

26th April 01
  • Today discussion on Yield Surfaces
  • Look for Anisotropy.pt3.YieldSurfaces (either ppt
    or pdf).
  • If enough time Aniso.pt4.crystallography
  • Tuesday complete plastic anisotropy grain
    growth theory. (1 May).
  • Thurs (3rd May) Prof. Rohrer AFM

17 April 01
  • This week step-by-step through LApp (Los Alamos
    polycrystal plasticity) - a how-to guide. Notes
    for some slides. See also the popLA.manual.pdf.
  • Reminder homework 6 on misorientations.
    Emphasize that any programming method is
    acceptable, including excel macros! Most
    students seem to be able to do this email me
    with questions.

10 April 01
  • Introduction to the Taylor model continues on
  • Next week step-by-step through LApp (Los Alamos
    polycrystal plasticity) - a how-to guide.
  • Reminder homework 6 on misorientations.
    Emphasize that any programming method is
    acceptable, including excel macros!

27 Mar 01
  • Review session - any questions entertained from
    the class.
  • Show movie on Texturing in the Earths Mantle.
  • Preview of homework (Hwk 6) on analysis of grain
    boundary character.
  • Recap of tilt-twist analysis.
  • No lecture on Thursday, 29 March (FL students in
    OIM lab.).

  • Texture development in brass? What causes the
    transition in texture from copper type to
    brass type?
  • Still disagreement in literature! Not just
    because of twinning. Why? E.g., in copper rolled
    at low temperatures, you obtain brass texture.
    Also been associated with planar versus
    diffuse slip.

Mackenzie distribution
  • Where does it come from?
  • Why does it have the shape that it does?

Texture hardening?
  • Hardening mechanisms does texture count as a
    hardening mechanism? Answer generally speaking,
    texture is not hardening mechanism. Why? Cubic
    materials range of Taylor factors is (approx.)
    v6 - 4.5, i.e. range of Taylor factors is x2.
  • Lower symmetry materials depending on
    deformation systems, range of Taylor factors can
    be large factor of 4 or more.

Texture hardening, contd.
  • Texture (Taylor factor) this effect multiplies
    any other hardening mechanisms. Why? Texture is
    a geometrical Taylor factor multiplication
    factor applied to critical resolved shear
  • Yield ltTaylor factorgt crss

22 March 01
  • Today discuss elastic anisotropy - example of a
    linear property that depends on the
    microstructure (primarily the texture).Anisotropy
  • For the grads review of properties of tensors.

22 March 01
  • Where are we going? Explain the Taylor model for
    plastic deformation of polycrystals this shows
    how deformation textures arise and also what the
    impact of texture and microstructure is on
    mechanical anisotropy. Read the paper!
    (available in Assignments as Taylor.1938.pdf)

Next Week
  • Next week review session on Tuesday cover any
    topics missed last Tuesday by Fl/Drexel
    (connection problems) review tilt/twist
    analysis show video on Texturing of Rocks in
    the Earths Mantle by Paul Dawson et al.
  • Thursday FAMU/FSU to visit OIM lab. No lecture.

  • Significant (low) scores
  • information clear, organized 4/3/5/4/3/2
  • instructor understood 5/2/2/4/4/2
  • constructive feedback 4/2/5/-/2/2
  • pitched at proper level 5/3/5/3/4/3
  • start/end on time 5/2/4/4/2/2
  • returning papers promptly 5/2/5/4/3/4
  • varying activities 5/4/5/4/4/2
  • address students by name 5/2/5/-/5/3

Response to feedback
  • information clear, organized better guides to
  • instructor understood check audio connection?
  • constructive feedback please ASK!
  • pitched at proper level too advanced?
  • start/end on time limited by technology
  • returning papers promptly will try to improve
    turn-around time
  • varying activities limited by technology
  • address students by name will make more effort

20 March 01
  • Today finish discussion of (a) grain boundary
    properties (b) how to analyze the tilt-twist
    character of boundaries.
  • Thursday/22 Mar start the discussion of
    anisotropy with elastic anisotropy how to
    calculate an average modulus.

20 Mar 01, contd.
  • 1) grain boundary props GBproperties.8Mar.ppt/pd
    f slides 32-45, 65. all students
  • 2) tilt-twist analysis CSL.6Mar.ppt/pdf slides
    4,5,12-22,48-54,60-61. all students
  • 3) grain boundary props CSL.6Mar.ppt/pdf slides
    41,46-65. grad students
  • If time permits, I'll go back to g.b. props with
    the grads and say more about properties (balance
    of slides in GBproperties.8Mar.ppt).

20 March 01, contd.
  • Mid-term
  • Q1 generally well answered, although very few
    people thought to include the basic equation that
    describes the defocussing correction that is so
    very different from bulk samples.
  • Q2. A few people came up with odd values for
    angles, suggesting that their version of hkl2eul
    was not functioning correctly.

  • Q3. No problems here.
  • Q4. The only issue here was that not everyone
    showed the algebraic working to make the
    connection between Miller indices and Euler
  • Q5. This question was answered well by
    essentially everyone. There were some variations
    in assumptions about cell centering but this was
    acceptable based on the wording of the question.

  • Q6. This question was the most problematic. Not
    everyone was able to get the hkl2eul program to
    function correctly. With the symmetry operator
    files, it appears that some did not copy the
    header line that specifies the number of symmetry
    operators, causing the code to think that there
    was only one operator in any file. CUB.SYM
    should have 24, and ORT.SYM, for example, should
    have 4 operators. The last section (v) also was
    harder to do than I expected and will need to be
    re-written in a future version. It turned out to
    be difficult to find orientations that clearly
    demonstrated the expected variation in spread as
    a function of the second angle.

  • Q7. The answers to this question were highly
    variable. Those who plunged in and worked on the
    algebra, mostly did quite well (and I
    incorporated the alternative results in the
    solution set). Some were able to find the
    standard position of the alpha fiber but did not
    know how to proceed on the 0,-1,1 case. In any
    case, I hope that you find the answer interesting
    and instructive, especially when you look
    carefully at the Miller index charts.

8 Mar 01
  • todayMar 8th. What is a Coincident Site Lattice?
    CSL boundaries grads CSL theory
  • Mar. 6 Finish Grain Boundaries misorientations
    Rodrigues vectors, space
  • Mar. 8th Gbproperties.8Mar.ppt/pdfGrain
    boundary properties energy, mobility grads
    tilt vs. twist character

6 March 01
  • todayMar 6th. Finish Grain Boundaries
    misorientations Rodrigues vectors, space
  • today Mar. 1st grads active vs. passive
    rotations for misorientation
  • Mar. 6, today What is a Coincident Site Lattice?
    CSL boundaries grads CSL theory
  • Mar. 8th Grain boundary properties grads tilt
    vs. twist character

1 March 01
  • today finish Herrings Relations for Triple
    Junctions extension to velocities
  • today Mar. 1st Grain Boundaries
    misorientations Rodrigues vectors, space grads
  • Mar. 6 What is a Coincident Site Lattice? CSL
    boundaries grads CSL theory
  • Mar. 8th Grain boundary properties grads tilt
    vs. twist character

  • Q. part b) with the formula given in class
    (topology 22feb.ppt) -- I am getting negative
    values for Nv(D) for group numbers 1, 2, and 3.
    for dnL/dl, I used delta nL/delta l, where delta
    is the difference between that group number's
    value and the preceeding group number's value.
    Is that the correct method?
  • A. The formula should lead you to calculate
    nL/delta l/l-average, where l-average is the
    average value of the length in the interval (i.e.
    upperlower/2). You should then obtain
    reasonable values of Nv in all the intervals,
    i.e. be able to reproduce the graph given.

Q. part c) the question asks to calculate the
distribution. are we simply supposed to plot nL
vs. l, or are we supposed to calculate a formula
for the distribution, e.g. sigma values etc.? A.
No, no curve fitting expected, just a plot of Nv
versus l size.
  • Q. part d) if we calculate Na from table 4.2 for
    a truncated octahedron, are we supposed to plot
    that vs. l, or is there something else we're to
  • A. I made a mistake in writing this part of the
    question. Obtaining size distributions for
    non-spherical particles is not addressed in
    Underwoods book, and although there are some
    approximate results that could be obtained (with
    Table 4.2, for example), it is not worth pursuing
    at this stage.

27 Feb 01
  • today finish Stereology Herrings Relations for
    Triple Junctions extension to velocities grads
    capillarity vector
  • Mar. 1st Grain Boundaries misorientations
    Rodrigues vectors, space grads quaternions
  • Mar. 6 What is a Coincident Site Lattice? CSL
    boundaries grads CSL theory
  • Mar. 8th Grain boundary properties grads tilt
    vs. twist character

20 Feb 01
  • Discussion of textures from thermomechanical
    processing today Ch. 5 in the Kocks book.
  • AOL inst. Messenger adrollett
  • Metals.texture.pt2/3.20Feb.ppt (or pdf) available
  • WEBCAST /telab.web.cmu.edu/dan/rollett.html

15 Feb 01
  • Still working on the links to FL but continuing
    with re-broadcast from FSU/FAMU.
  • Discussion of textures from thermomechanical
    processing today Ch. 5 in the Kocks book.
  • Survey approach to provide a background
  • Metals.texture.pt1/2/3.15Feb.ppt (or pdf)

15 Feb 01, contd.
  • Resolution of pdf files increased.
  • Next lecture(s) will be on stereology I.e.
    quantitative microscopy taken from Underwoods
    on Quantitative Stereology.
  • Recently, Ive been using PICT format for the
    images this apparently does not work on PCs.
    Therefore I will switch to JPEG at 300 dpi (e.g.
    in Distiller).

8 Feb 01
  • Phone 412 268 3179
  • 2nd 3rd homework due today.
  • Example of application to archeometallurgy
  • Discussion of symmetry effects continued.- Minor
    updates on symmetry.6Feb.ppt/pdf files to be
    posted soon.

8 Feb 01, contd.
  • Next topic textures from thermomechanical
    processing (Ch. 5 in Kocks).
  • Posted metals.textures.8Feb.ppt/pdf- several
    parts to this (part,part3 posted - more to come)
    because of large image files.
  • Coming soon a pdf file with the paper crystal
    from II-VI.- also, Hwk 4 to be posted before
    the weekend due Feb 20th (Tues?)

6 Feb 01
  • Phone 412 268 3179
  • 3rd homework posted, due Thurs. 8th.
  • 2nd homework can be delayed until Thurs (snow
    day, Monday at Lehigh! Read your email for
  • Demo of Euler angles
  • Discussion of symmetry effects (detail)

  • Will move on to survey of experimental textures
    in next lecture (ahead of schedule)
  • Grads discussion of rotations w.r.t. pole
  • Reading Chapter 2 in Kocks covers much of
    current discussion
  • Reading ahead Ch. 5 (Kocks)discusses textures
    in metals, (Ch. 4 in geological materials).

Analysis of PF data w/popLA
  • Original aim use popLA to analyze a real set of
    pole figure data. Would prefer to do this when I
    know that everyone can do it.
  • Question is there someone at Lehigh ( Drexel?)
    who is willing to volunteer to download the (DOS)
    software and get it running? Also, who at
    FSU/FAMU is willing to be a contact for popLA?
    David Waryoba?

1 Feb 01
  • rollett_at_andrew.cmu.edu/ 412 268 3179
  • We (still) have a videoconference link between
    CMU and FSU/FAMU working on the 3-way link.
  • Realserver feed available at www.eng.fsu.edu/servi
  • 2nd homework due Tuesday, 6th, because of delays
    in transmission.
  • 3rd homework posted, due Thurs. 8th.

Adv. Charac. Microstructural Analysis 25 Jan
  • The plan for this week continues we will
    videoconference between CMU and FSU/FAMU.
  • APOLOGIES to students at Lehigh! We are still
    having technical difficulties with
    videoconference links (incompatibilities in data
    transmission rates between the 3 sites).

  • Latest ppt pdf files uploaded 830am.
  • PDF files of the two papers mentioned in the
    first homework will be loaded this afternoon.

Links 22 Jan 01
  • The plan for this week we will videoconference
    between CMU and FSU/FAMU.
  • APOLOGIES to students at Lehigh! We are having
    technical difficulties with videoconference links
    (nobody can dial in to Florida). I understand
    that you have no sound today if you can watch on
    your own PC (not in the classroom?), you should
    get sound.

Question about Hwk. 1
  • Answer for QU 1a. Is incorrect I forgot to
    normalize the vector! Should be (1/v2,1/v2,0).
  • Thank you!

Blackboard info
  • Go to //courseinfo.web.cmu.edu/
  • Login (last name is usually what I used for your
  • Download powerpoint files as you please
  • WEBCAST /telab.web.cmu.edu/dan/rollett.html

Course Administration
  • 23 Jan. 01
  • TA for Advanced Characterization
    Microstructural AnalysisSoonwuk Cheong, 412 268
    8797, scheong_at_andrew.cmu.edu
  • 1st homework due on Thurs, 25 Jan. 01
  • Powerpoint files can now be downloaded

Why Offer a Course on Advanced Characterization
and Microstructural Analysis?
  • The Materials Research, Science Engineering
    Center at Carnegie Mellon supports an
    interdisciplinary research group (IRG) called the
    Mesoscale Interface Mapping Project (MIMP).
  • The MIMP is partnered with FSU/FAMU, Brigham
    Young Univ., and Lehigh (among others).

MIMP purpose
  • The MIMPs purpose is to measure the properties
    of grain boundaries (and other interfaces) in
    sufficient detail that Grain Boundary Engineering
    (GBE) can be conducted on a quantitative basis.
  • In its broadest sense, GBE is about obtaining the
    microstructure-with-texture that optimizes a
    given application.

Course Objective
  • Course aimed at providing basic tools for
    pursuing the aims of MIMP texture,
    microstructural characterization, analysis, grain
    boundary analysis, anisotropy, engineering

Lecture Schedule week 1
  • Jan. 16th Introduction to Microstructure,
    including texture examples of engineering
    problems involving texture orientation as
    rotation PFs
  • Jan. 18th Measurement of pole figures,
    theoretical construction of PFs
  • Homework construction of PFs projections

Lecture Schedule week 2
  • Jan. 23rd Concept of Orientation Distribution
    OD maps Euler angles discrete vs. functional
    ODs Groups (elementary theory for graduate
  • Jan. 25th Volume fractions alternate
    definitions of Euler angles relation of ODs to
    PFs conversion from Miller indices to angles
  • Homework exercises on locating components,
    volume fractions

Lecture Schedule week 3
  • Jan. 30th Texture Components different
    representations, especially matrices rotations,
    transformations relationships between them
  • Feb. 1st Fiber textures, example of fiber
    textures in thin film Cu.
  • Homework exercises in conversion from one form
    of representation to another.

Lecture Schedule week 4
  • Feb. 6th Different methods of representing ODs
    square, polar plots Symmetry
  • Feb. 8th Sample vs. Crystal Symmetry Effect of
    symmetry on Representation of Texture
  • Homework exercises on conversion between
    different representations of orientation (last
    years hwk 1)

Lecture Schedule week 5
  • Feb. 13th no lecture
  • Feb. 15th Effect of symmetry on Representation
    of Texture
  • Homework calculation of ODs from measured
    textures calculation of volume fractions

Lecture Schedule week 6
  • Feb. 20th The origin and causes of texture in
    thin films (primarily deposition)
  • Feb. 22nd The origin and causes of texture in
    bulk materials (primarily thermomechanical
  • Homework literature search

Lecture Schedule week 7
  • Feb. 27th Functions to represent texture
    Fourier transforms spherical harmonics
  • Mar. 1st Fundamental equation of texture
    harmonic method, WIMV method, others
  • Homework plotting spherical harmonics

Lecture Schedule week 8
  • Mar 6th Tensors recapitulation of algebra of
    tensors transformations
  • Mar. 8th Anisotropy basic equation(s) for
    linear anisotropy Elastic Anisotropy
  • Homework mastery of tensor algebra

Lecture Schedule week 9
  • FSU/FAMU is on Spring Break also Lehigh U. no
    live classes
  • Mar. 13th In-class demonstration of effect
    sample symmetry with popLA
  • Mar. 15th Demonstration of polycrystal
    plasticity calculations (LApp)
  • Homework exercises on elastic anisotropy
    (probably from Courtney or Nye)

Lecture Schedule week 10
  • Mar. 20th Greg Rohrer Atomic Force Microscopy
  • Mar. 22nd Brent Adams Applications of elastic
    anisotropy limits on elastic anisotropy
  • Week 11 PK _at_ FSU/FAMU Lab Intensive Sessions
  • CMU Spring Break no live classes

Lecture Schedule week 12
  • Apr. 3rd Microscopy overview of different
    methods Optical Microscopy
  • Apr. 5th Electron Microscopy Transmission
    Electron Microscopy
  • Homework TBA Prof. Kalu

Lecture Schedule week 13
  • Apr. 10th Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
  • Apr. 12th Grain Boundaries misorientations
    Rodrigues vectors, space
  • Homework Exercise in Geometric Probability
    exercise on TJ relationships

Lecture Schedule week 14
  • Apr. 17th EBSD/ Orientation Imaging Microscopy
  • Apr. 19th Stereology Delesses Principle
    Elementary results
  • Homework

Lecture Schedule week 15
  • Apr. 24th Herrings Relations for Triple
    Junctions extension to velocities
  • Apr. 26th Plastic Anisotropy Schmids Law Rate
    Sensitive Yield Yield Surfaces
  • Homework construction of single crystal yield

Lecture Schedule week 16
  • May 1st Taylor Model for large strain plastic
    deformation and texture development
  • May 3rd Wrap-up
  • Homework
  • Exam Take-home
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