Writing a Student Article - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Writing a Student Article


Writing a Student Article Based on Eugene Volokh, Academic Legal Writing: Law Review Articles, Student Notes, and Seminar Papers Note to Presenters This material is ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Writing a Student Article

Writing a Student Article
  • Based on Eugene Volokh, Academic Legal Writing
    Law Review Articles, Student Notes, and Seminar

Note to Presenters
  • This material is just a starting point that you
    might find useful.
  • It has more slides that youll want to usejust
    choose the ones you like.
  • Update these as you please, adding, deleting, or
    modifying various items.

Note to Presenters (cont.)
  • Check the Notes fields on many of these slides,
    for instance by printing out the slides with the
    Print What option set to Notes Pages.
  • These notes give you tips on what you might say
    as youre presenting the slide.

Note to Presenters (cont.)
  • You might give this talk in several phases For
  • the material on finding a claim before summer
  • the material on writing and structure after, and
  • the material on cite-checking in a separate talk.

Note to Presenters (cont.)
  • For more information on each slide, see the book
    page noted in the heading.
  • Encourage listeners to also refer to that page if
    they have more questions.
  • Before giving this presentation, refresh your
    recollection of the book by skimming the
    referenced page. The slide text only contains a
    brief summary of the pointits up to you to
    provide more details orally.

Note to Presenters (cont.)
  • The slides usually give general points.
  • Definitely include concrete illustrations, but I
    find theyre best presented orally.
  • The book gives plenty of examples, but you might
    also come up with your own.

Step 1 Find Problem Possible Sources (p. 11)
  • Cases youve read for class that leave things
  • Class discussions that intrigued you.
  • Questions in casebooks.
  • New S. Ct. cases that create/leave open issues.
  • Advice from faculty members.
  • Westlaw Bulletin (WLB) and similar databases.
  • http//www.lawtopic.org.

Step 2 Do Research (p. 63)
  • Identify sample cases and incidents.
  • Get the big picture Read a short book on the
    subject (e.g., Concepts and Insights, Nutshell,
  • Get the details Read treatise(s).
  • Get the details Fully read all the cases and
    statutory provisions that are relevant.
  • Find other articles (literature search).

Step 3 Build Test Suite (p. 19)
  • The test suite will help you identify sound
    solution to your problem.
  • Problem When should religious objectors get
    exemptions from paternalistic laws?
  • You came up with problem because you were
    outraged about people being denied religious
    exemptions from peyote bans.

Include in Test Suite (p. 22)
  • Dont just think about how the proposal affects
    peyote bans consider a broader set of test
  • bans on assisted suicide
  • bans on dueling
  • bans on drinking poison or handling snakes
  • motorcycle helmet laws.

Creating Test Suite (p. 22)
  • Plausible cases (good to draw them from real
  • Cases that track the famous precedents.
  • Cases that you know are hard cases for your
  • Cases that yield different bottom-line results.
  • Cases involving issues that appeal to different
    political perspectives.

Step 4 Identify Claim (p. 9)
  • Claim solution to your problem.
  • Come up with claim that is
  • sound yields results that you think are right
    when applied to your test suite
  • novel
  • nonobvious
  • useful.

Soundness (p. 20)
  • Applying your proposal to your test suite cases
    might suggest that the proposal is
  • mistaken, and needs changing or narrowing
  • too vague, and needs clarifying
  • produces unexpected insights that are worth
  • reaches the right results, which are worth

Novelty (p. 13)
  • Your claim should be a novel solution to problem.
  • New to everyone, not just to you Youre trying
    to add to the body of professional knowledge.
  • Best to have a novel claim.
  • But a novel justification will do, too.
  • Look for special nuances present in some
    situations within your broad topicnuances that
    let you say the rule should be X in these cases,
    but Y in those.

Nonobviousness (p. 15)
  • Your proposal needs to add something new to our
    knowledge of a field (novelty).
  • But it also has to be something that isnt that
    easy to figure out.
  • Example Claims about new statutes are often
    novel, but they might be obvious.

Utility (p. 15)
  • Maximize the usefulness of your proposal
  • Dont limit yourself to one state.
  • Discuss the issue, not a particular case.
  • Try to make claims that are useful to lawyers,
    judges, and academics.
  • Try to make politically plausible claims.

Making Article More Useful (p. 15)
  • Dont fight binding Supreme Court precedent.
  • Instead, focus on questions that the precedent
    creates or leaves unanswered.
  • Apply argument to other jurisdictions (e.g.,
    state constitutions, not just the federal one).
  • Incorporate prescriptive implications (what
    should be done) of your descriptive findings
    (what is true or what has happened).

You Might Want to Avoid (p. 28)
  1. Articles that pose problem without solving it.
  2. Articles that merely explain what the law is.
  3. Case notes. Discuss issue, not case.
  4. Responses to others works. Discuss issue, not
    someone elses article.
  5. Single-state articles.
  6. Topics that Court or Congress may visit soon, and
    thus preempt.

Step 5 Write Introduction (p. 31)
  • The most important part of the article
  • Persuades some people to read further.
  • Summarizes claim for those who wont read
  • Provides a frame through which those who do read
    further will interpret what follows.

Writing Introduction (p. 31)
  • Write first, then rewrite after article is done.
  • Show theres a problem.
  • Do this with concrete examples.
  • Briefly state the claim.
  • Briefly show novelty, nonobviousness, utility,
  • Do this quickly and forcefullycut to the chase.

Step 6 Write Background Explanation Section (p.
  • Keep it as short as possible.
  • Dont describe each precedent synthesize them.
  • Avoid unnecessary historical discussion.
  • Focus most of your article on the value youre
    adding to the field,
  • not on a restatement of what courts or
    commentators have already said, which is what
    such sections usually provide.

Step 7 Prove Your Claim (p. 35)
  • Prove that the result is the right under the
    statute or the caselaw and that it makes good
    policy sense.
  • Use concrete examples.
  • The test suite is a good source of these.
  • Turn problems to your advantage, rather than just
    ignoring them.
  • Look for unexpected implications of your analysis.

Turning Problems to Your Advantage (p. 36)
  • Dont say this is the only interpretation of the
    cases / text / facts.
  • Say this is the best interpretation, because . .
    . .
  • Dont say this proposal has no costs.
  • Say this does cause some problems / sacrifice
    the government interest in some measure / create
    some uncertainty, but thats OK because . . . .

More on Problems (p. 36)
  • Confronting the problems can lead you to refine
    your claim,
  • thus making more novel, nonobvious, and useful.
  • Acknowledging uncertainty can make your argument
    more persuasive.
  • Acknowledging uncertainty can make you seem more
    sensible and worldly.

Step 8 Connect to Broader Issues (p. 38)
  • Import ideas from related fields
  • (e.g., borrow from free speech law in discussing
    what right-to-bear-arms law should look like)
  • Import ideas from broader fields
  • (e.g., borrow from broad theories of rights or
    of constitutional interpretation)

Connecting (cont.)
  • Export to related fields insights drawn from your
  • (e.g., how does your opinion on waiting periods
    for gun purchases bear on waiting periods for
    abortions, voting, parades, etc.?)
  • Export to broader fields
  • (e.g., what do the problems with applying strict
    scrutiny here show about the weaknesses of strict
    scrutiny generally?)

Connecting (cont.)
  • Connect to subsidiary questions
  • (e.g., what are the procedural implications of
    your substantive proposal?).
  • Ask what practical implications your proposal
    will have
  • (e.g., how will legislatures react if your
    constitutional proposal is implemented?)

Step 9 Writing (p. 69)
  • Your readers are very busy its much easier for
    them to put your article down than to keep
    reading it.
  • Therefore, avoid
  • redundancy
  • legalese
  • surplusage and platitudes
  • meandering paragraphs and sections.

Better Writing Through Editing (p. 69)
  • Nothing is ever writtenit is rewritten.
  • Go through many drafts.
  • Edit on paper.
  • In the first draft, try to find at least one
    correction or improvement for each paragraph.
  • If you need to reread something to understand it,
    rewrite it.
  • Finish first draft quickly, so you can do many

Using Other Editors Effectively (p. 72)
  • Ask friends to read the piece and give you
    editing suggestions.
  • Give your professor a rough draft that youve
    already closely proofread.
  • Give the draft to the professor as early as
  • Treat each editing comment as a global suggestion.

  1. Find a problem.
  2. Do your research.
  3. Create a test suite.
  4. Identify your claim.
  5. Write Introduction.
  6. Write background explanation section.
  7. Prove your claim.
  8. Connect to broader issues.
  9. Edit, edit, edit.
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