Title: Altoona Police Department Strength through Excellence
1Altoona Police DepartmentStrength through
- Chief Todd W. Chaney
- Officer Dana D. Brown
2City of Altoona
- Total Population of 7,181 (US Census website,
2000) - City Land Area 4.7 sq. mi
- Located in Eau Claire County, West Central
Wisconsin - (County Pop. 93,142, Land area 637.6 sq. mi. )
- Adjacent to the City of Eau Claire
- (Approx. Pop. 61,704, Land area 30.3 sq. mi.)
- Fourteen (14) Sworn Law Enforcement Officers
- (12 Full-time, 2 Part-time)
3Obstacles to Implementing Technology Initiatives
and IT Security measures
- Budget Restraints
- Lack of really understanding whats available and
actually applicable to your agency
4Budget Restraints
- Budget cuts are common place
- Demands to do more with less are ever increasing
by councils and constituents
5familiar saying comes to mind
- We have done so much for so long with
- so little, We are now qualified to do anything
with nothing. - part of the Blue Color Creed
- very fitting at times
6Limited Understanding Knowledge
- The technology landscape as it affects law
enforcement is very dynamic and changing - Also an understanding of the essential policing
aspect inherent in the implementation of new
technologies poses its own issues
7Dealing with these Obstacles
- Working together toward a common goal.
- a phrase often overused, but we have tried to
regularly put the adage into practice as we
pursue technology initiatives
8Dealing with these Obstacles
- Working together, with other agencies, is exactly
what we have done and continue to do to deal with
the obstacles to Technology Advancements and IT
Security measures - Cooperation and Consortium Building
9Cooperation and Consortium Building
- We brought together agencies of similar size and
circumstances for specific purposes - Pooled grant funding requests
- Shared Technology Resources
10Pooled Grant Funding Requests
- Most of our Technology Initiatives began with
funding from Grant Proposals with various sized
Consortiums - In Squad Delivery System (L.E.A.P.)
- Began with three agencies in 2004 Budget Year
- Additions and improvements made with additional
consortium grant funding - Record Management System (RMS) Upgrade with added
functionality - Currently involving 19 agencies
- Upgrading computer equipment
- Shared Technology Resources
- Outgrowth of initiatives funded by consortium
grants - Partially funded by consortium grant funds
11Shared Technology Resources
- Most small mid-sized agencies have
- similar IT needs
- Our Shared Technology Resources
- Recently purchased Citrix server technology with
the intention to remotely share with other
agencies in a hosted application environment - In the process of migrating the first agencies
complete RMS and installing wireless TraCS
(Traffic and Criminal Software) for their squad
cars - Seamlessly accessing their data and applications
from there office computers and squad car on our
server - Shared Cost of Ownership
12Accessing Technology Advancements IT Security
- Through Cooperation and Consortium Building
- we have been able to deal effective with these
common obstacles - creating different platforms that allow us to
continue leveraging additional Cooperation and
Consortium Building opportunities including
additional grant funding - also putting us in a better position to partner
with solutions providers rather than just seeking
vendors, with an informed and comprehensive
technology vision
13Cooperation and Consortium Building
- (Web Video of Protective Service Professional
Grant Readers) - (from Idea Bank-fire prevention website)
14Consortium Building for Grant Funding Proposals
Technology Resource Sharing
- Participants to consider
- Other departments within Jurisdiction
- Other law enforcement agencies
- Locally/Regionally
- Others outside region
- Additional staff with a role in the
- decision-making process
- Community Groups
15Consortium Building for Grant Funding Proposals
Technology Resource Sharing
- Consider External Stakeholders for outside
support - Any individual, group, or organization that may
have and influence (on proposal or
implementation) or affected by the potential
Technology Initiative.
16Consortium Building for Grant Funding Proposals
Technology Resource Sharing
- Potential External Stakeholders
- County/City Board Committee members
- Consultants
- Target audiences or users
- Professional associations
- Media
17Consortium Building for Grant Funding Proposals
Technology Resource Sharing
- Consider all possible Roles of these External
Stakeholders in the grant application
Implementation process - Promoter of the Technology Initiative
- Evidence of support
- Adviser or provider of feedback
- Resource provider i.e. additional funding,
volunteers, - sub-contractor, etc.
- Assist in application preparation
- If 501(c)(3), eligible for other associated
grant - funding, unavailable to law enforcement
- User or beneficiary of the Technology Initiative
18Consortium Building for Grant Funding Proposals
Technology Resource Sharing
- Bringing Stakeholders on board and keeping them
- Communication, communication, communication, etc.
- Things to consider in consortium building
process, in both formal and informal
relationships - Clear consensus
- Mutual expectations
- Track and document the process thoroughly
- Document key decisions and how they were
determined - Establish measurable timetables
19Consortium Building for Grant Funding Proposals
- Key Questions before beginning the process
- Time Is it realistically possible to meet
required deadlines? - Political sensitivity
- Are there any Political issues associated?
- Can they be mitigated or ignored altogether?
- Community support
- Is community support needed?
- If so who are potential community partners?
- Local funding
- Availability for the Technology Initiative and
needed Security Measures? - Sustainability
20Primary Reasons Grant Proposals are Rejected
- Applicant did not follow the guidelines
- Proposal lacked credibility, with limited
collaboration and consortium. - Technology Initiative was not adequately or
clearly defined and explained - There simply was not enough money to go around
- Need to keep communication open
21Grant Proposals
- To Do List
- Follow instructions to the letter
- Match grantors mission and priorities w/o
question - Write for the reviewer (avoid police jargon)
- Be realistic
- Engage the community
- Review critically
- Meet the deadline
- Remember the WHY
22Top Reasons for SuccessfulTechnology Grant
- Applicant adheres to all grant proposal
guidelines - Applicants Initiative fits grant agency mission
and priorities - The need is clearly defined with collaborated
support - Proposal identifies measurable results
- Budget is realistic and consistent with narrative
- Applicant demonstrates capacity to deliver
- Application is well-organized and easy for the
evaluator to understand
23- Thank you!
- Chief Todd W. Chaney
- Officer Dana B. Brown
- Altoona Police Department