Title: Barrio boy/ Names and Nombres.
1Barrio boy/ Names and Nombres.
2Barrio Boy
- Whats a summary of the story.
3Whats Ernestos emotional responses to his new
school? Why might this be?
4Have you ever been afraid in a new situation and
then felt silly later? can you give an example?
5One thing you are afraid of in school how you
will overcome it.
divide barrio boy in half. (its boring). do 10
minutes reading with discussion 1. group
activity share results of group activity one
homework question.
6Group activity.
- Based on Barrio boy we have seen that a great
teacher can cut through any cultural
differences that may cause problems in the
classroom. - Your tasks are as follows
- 1. Mrs.Weidl will put you into groups of 4,
- 2. Discuss in your group if you would respond to
a teacher like Ms. Ryan and why. - 3. Discuss in your group, and come up with a list
(Ranked in significance) of the 5 most important
traits that all great teacher have (all answers
must be complete sentences.) - 4. Present these answers to the class.
7Barrio Boy 2
- Patriotism VS.
Jingoism - Patriotism is defined as Love or pride for your
country. - Jingoism is defined as Extreme patriotism
8Is Barrio Boy, Jingoistic or Patriotic?
9Short Essay assignment. (Introductory paragraph
1 Body Paragraph 1 concluding paragraph
- Here you can choose from two options
- 1. Ernesto Galarza talks often about holding onto
his mexican heritage while still blending into
American culture. What is the difference
between being proud (patriotic) of your culture
while living in a foreign country and being
jingoistic of your culture while living in a
foreign country? - 2. Ernesto Galarza talks often about holding
onto his mexican heritage while still blending
into American culture. In the next 20 years,
with the advancement of globalization what are
some plausible examples of how multi-culturalism
will continue. You can use your own situation, or
talk about the world in general.
- First off, does anyone have a difficult name they
need help pronouncing?
11Philosophical question or debate?
- Is a name important to the development of a
person, to their success or failure? - If someone is an immigrant to a country, does it
help determine if they will succeed or fail?
- What does it mean to be a foreigner?
13Independent activity
- For 5 minutes on your own, come up with three
facts that are funny or interesting about your
family. - We will then share as a class.