Digestive system III PEDIATRIC LIVER DISEASES - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Professor shahenaz M. Hussien Manifestations of liver diseases Symptoms: Jaundice with dark colored urine and pale stool. Abdominal distension; due to hepatomegaly. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Professor shahenaz M. Hussien

Manifestations of liver diseases
  • Symptoms
  • Jaundice with dark colored urine and pale stool.
  • Abdominal distension due to hepatomegaly.
  • Bleeding tendency e.g. hematemesis, melena and
  • Purities.
  • Failure to thrive and malaise.
  • Abdominal pain, anorexia, fever and vomiting in
    cases of hepatitis.
  • Metabolic consequence of liver diseases e.g.
  • Signs
  • Enlarged or shrunken liver.
  • Signs of portal hypertension splenomegaly,
    dilated abdominal wall veins. -Ascites.
    -Clubbing especially in chronic liver

  • Investigations of liver diseases
  • Liver function tests
  • I. evidence of cellular injury assessed by Serum
  • Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) normal value is
  • Aspartate transaminase (AST) normal value
  • They are increased in liver necrosis marked in
    acute hepatitis. ALT is a more sensitive
    indicator of liver damage.
  • II. Excretory function of the liver can be
    assessed by-
  • Bilirubin level normally no bilirubin in urine.
  • It is present in Obstructive and
    Hepatocellular jaundice
  • Urobilinogen in urine is increased in
  • -Hepatocelluar jaundice. -Hemolytic
  • Serum 5 nucleotidase is raised in intrahepatic
  • Increased S. gamma glutamyl transferase in
    obstructive jaundice.

  • Decreased serum albumin level in liver cirrhosis.
  • Elevated Serum immunoglobulins in chronic liver
  • Delayed prothrombin time and concentration
    (normal value 10-13 seconds and 85-100
  • Imaging study of the liver-
  • Liver ultrasound it shows
  • Diffuse liver disease cirrhosis, metabolic
    disease, hepatic periportal bilharzial fibrosis
    and fatty liver.
  • Biliary channel patency, choledocal cyst and
    gall stones.
  • Focal lesions, liver abscess - Ascites and
    subphrenic abscess.
  • Radioisotopic scanning it display liver size,
    morphology, focal lesions and biliary excretion.
  • Computerized tomography (CT) it demonstrates the
    presence of focal lesion, and cyst.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) it can shows
    patency of biliary tree and focal lesion.
  • Liver biopsy and histopathological examination,
    it is the key for diagnosis of most liver disease.

  • Definition- It is an inflammatory process of
    the hapatocytes characterized by degeneration and
    regeneration with loss of hepatic architecture.  
  • Types-
  • Acute less than six months duration
  • Chronic more than six months
  • Etiology
  • I- Infections, which may be-
  • Viral
  • Hepatotropic viruses e.g A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
  • Non -hepatotropic infect the liver in the course
    of other systemic illness
  • - Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). -Cytomegalovirus
  • - Coxsakie, -ECHO, -rubella, -varicella and
    measles viruses.

  • Bacterial
  • - As a part of generalized septicemia.
  • - Isolated pyaemic liver abscess. -
  • Protozoal e.g amoebic hepatitis.
  • II- Drugs and Toxins
  • Anti T.B. e.g Isoniozid - antimetabolites -
    anticonvulsant- valporic acid
  • Irradiation - chloropromazin - total parenteral
    nutrition Carbontetrachloride - halothane
  • III- Immunological Disorders
  • -As apart of S.L.E and J.R.A
  • - Isolated auto immune hepatitis
  • IV- Metabolic Causes
  • Alpha antitrypsine deficiency - galactosemia -
  • Haemosidrosis - Wilson disease
  • V- Vascular Causes
  • - Hepatic vein thrombosis. - Hepatic artery
  • VI- Tumors
  • - Primary hepatoma or hepatoblastoma
  • - Secondary- neuroblastoma, lymphoma, leukemia

  • Mode of transmission fecal-oral route
  • Incubation period 15-45 days (average 4
    week). The virus is excreted in stool during
    the first few weeks of infection, prior to the
    onset of symptoms.
  • Clinical manifestations Acute Viral
  • 1- Prodromal stage (1-2 weeks)(pre-Icteric)
  • Headache, anorexia, malaise.
  • Nausea, vomiting, lethargy. This phase can be
    passed un-noticed by the parents.
  • 2- Icteric phase (2-3 weeks) Characterized by
  • jaundice - dark urine.
  • Abdominal pain soft enlarged, and tender liver.
  • 3- Convalescence phase (1-2 weeks) - After
    which the child become nearly normal.
  • In endemic areas 30-80 of children acquire
    subclinical or anicteric infection in the first
    few years of life. -Anorexia - Nausea
    Vomiting -Fever - Abdominal discomfort
  • -Irregular bowel motions for a few days -
    Dark urine and mild scleral jaundice.

  • Laboratory diagnosis
  • Liver function tests shows-
  • Raised serum level of .direct and indirect
    bilirubin Urine contains both bilirubin ( dark
    color) and Urobilinogen.
  • Marked elevation of serum transaminases (ALT and
  • Increase in serum levels of alkaline phosphatase
    and 5 nucleotidase.
  • IgM Anti- HAV is detected at
    the onset of the symptoms and disappears within
    4 weeks while IgG anti-HAV persists for life
  • Complication
  • Acute fulminant hepatitis.
  • It is a rare condition with massive destruction
    of the liver cells.
  • It is presented clinically by persistent
    vomiting, disorientation, encephalopathy,
    bleeding tendency, edema and ascites.
  • Aplastic anemia
  • Is a very rare complication it is transient but
    may be fatal.
  • It is due to bone marrow depression.
  • Death is usually due to serious infection due
    to depressed immunity
  • Cholestassis
  • The patient becomes intensely pruritic and
  • It is due to hepatocyte edema which may cause
    element of obstruction

  • Treatment
  • There is no specific therapy for acute viral
  • Most children are managed at home except if liver
    cell failure is suspected.
  • Balanced diet with low fat intake should be
  • Prevention
  • Period of infectivity Contagious for about 7
    days before and 7 days after the onset of
  • Period of isolation from school From the
    appearance of dark color urine and appearance of
    jaundice till 7 days after disappearance of
  • Careful hand washing after changing diapers and
    before preparation of food. -Fly
  • Intramuscular immunoglobulin may be indicated in
    pre and post exposure.
  • Hepatitis A vaccine is now available to be given
    to children. Contacts are immunized with
    immunoglobulin or the vaccine.

  • Mode of transmission
  • Perinatal transmission (vertical transmission).
  • -Infection appears to be due to contact with
    a mother's infected blood at the time of
    delivery. -Transplacental transmission is
  • Parenteral In patient receiving blood
    transfusion or blood products, renal dialysis,
    dental care, and through contaminated syringe and
  • Child to child transmission It may occur
    through biting of insects, drooling and shared
    chewing gums.
  • Although HBV was detected in breast milk of
    infected mother there is no role of breast milk
    in transmission the infection.
  • Incubation periodHBV has long incubation period
    (45-160 days). 

  • Clinical manifestation Asymptomatic carrier
    is more common.
  • Acute infection presented with
  • Jaundice, dark color urine, anorexia, nausea,
  • Hepatomegaly splenomegaly.
  • Exctrahepatic manifestations as
  • Papular skin eruption - Arthralgia
    Glomerulonephritis. -Aplastic anemia
  • Chronic hepatitis may present with - Chronic
    active hepatitis. - Cirrhosis.
  • Hepatocellar carcinoma in adult.
  • Laboratory diagnosis
  • Liver function tests The first evidence of
    infection is elevation of ALT. which begin to
    rise before the prodromal symptoms appears.
  • Hepatitis markers
  • The serological pattern of HBV is differ
    depending on either the patient is a carrier or
    acute or chronic case .
  • Routine screening for HBV requires at least two
    serological markers
  • -HBsAg which indicate infection and HBeAg which
    indicate infectivity.
  • -HBcAb (IgM and IgG) is detected early in the
    disease and is important because it
    differentiates between the carrier and acute and
    chronic patient.

  • Complications
  • Persistent infection
  • Following acute infection, approximately 5 of
    infected individuals fail to eliminate the virus
    completely and become persistently infected.
  • Those who are at particular risk include
  • -Babies and young children.
    -Immunocompromised patients
    - Males gt females.
  • Chronic hepatitis which can leads to cirrhosis
  • Acute fulminant hepatitis with encephalopathy,
    coagulopathy and cerebral edema (Rare).
  • Aplastic anemia .
  • Hepatocelluar carcinoma on top of cirrhosis.

  • Treatment
  • Supportive treatment.
  • Interferon a 2b and lamivudine are used in
    chronic HBV in adult.
  • Liver transplantation is used in end stage HBV
  • Prevention
  • Hepatitis B vaccine is now included in the first
    year compulsory vaccination program worldwide.
  • Hepatitis B immunoglobulins (0.5 ml) should be
    given soon after delivery to babies whom mothers
    are HBsAg positive together with HB vaccine
  • Proper screening of blood and blood products to
    eliminate all blood-borne viruses.
  • Prognosis
  • Recovery may be complete.
  • The child may remain as an a symptomatic carrier
    ,0r chronic patient for months or years.

  • Etiology
  • HCV was previously known as non-A non-B
  • There are many genotypes(1,2,3,4) and
    phenotypes(a,b,c,d,e,) of each genotype.
  • Mode of transmission
  • Post-transfusion with repeated transfusion of
    blood and blood products.
  • Intravenous drug, needle prick exposure,
    hemodialysis, organ transplant.
  • Perinatal transmission is uncommon
    transplacental transmission not proved until now.
  • Incubation period
  • The incubation period is 7-9 weeks.
  • Clinical picture
  • The clinical pattern of the acute infection is
    usually similar to that of other hepatitis.
  • Acute HCV infection is usually mild and may be
    asymptomatic but fulminant liver failure may
    occur leading to poor prognosis.
  • HCV is the most likely hepatitis virus to cause
    chronic infection (in about 25 of the patients).
  • Chronic HCV infection may be associated with
    exctrahepatic manifestation include
  • -Cutaneous Vasculitis - Peripheral
    neuropathy - Cerebritis
  • -Membrano-prolifrative glomerulonephritis
    - Nephrotic syndrome

  • Laboratory Diagnosis
  • Liver function tests Fluctuating pattern of
    elevation of the levels of transaminases.
  • Serologic assays
  • Diagnosis of HCV infection is based on detection
    of antibodies to HCV antigens.
  • This assay is used for detection of chronic
    hepatitis C because they remain negative for at
    least 1-3 months after the onset of illness.
  • Detection of HCV antigens is done by polymerase
    chain reaction (PCR).
  • Complications
  • Fulminant hepatitis . - Chronic hepatitis.
  • Hepatocelluar carcinoma is lower than HBV.

  • Treatment
  • The effective therapy is under trial are
  • -Monotherapy with Interferone a 2b
  • -Combination therapy with Interferone a 2b and
    Ribavirine results in higher frequency of
    sustained response and in histologic improvement.
  • Prevention
  • There is no available vaccine against HCV.
  • Proper screening of blood and blood products to
    eliminate all blood-borne viruses.
  • Hygienic care in -
  • Dentistry ( sterilization of all equipment ,
    using disposable instrument to every person)
  • Using disposable syringe for injection
  • Careful hygienic measure during shaving.
  • Delivery by caesarian section for mothers with
    hepatitis C.

  • What is Cirrhosis?
  • It is defined as fibrosis (scarring) plus nodule
    formation (regeneration). Thus cirrhosis is a
    pattern, not a disease or a specific phenomenon.
  • Cirrhosis can happen after any disease that
    causes liver cell death. Exactly why the
    regenerating nodules are not able to replace the
    function of the liver is not clear, although it
    may be the scarring itself that prevents
  • Other organs like the kidneys, heart, and lungs
    are not able to regenerate. They can hypertrophy,
    (cells get larger) but they do not have cellular
    division that results in significant "regrowth"
    (more cells) like the liver does. This regrowth
    is what happens when a living donor gives part of
    their liver to be transplanted.

  • Etiology
  • Several liver diseases can cause cirrhosis,
    including Hepatitis B and C, nonalcoholic fatty
    liver disease, biliary atresia, Alpha-1
    antitrypsin deficiency, primary sclerosing
    cholangitis, Wilson's disease, autoimmune
    hepatitis, and bile duct diseases.
  • Autoimmune hepatitis is one of the major
    etiologies of chronic hepatitis in children.
    Chronic hepatitis may present with numerous
    hepatic clinical manifestations, associated with
    extrahepatic disorders.
  • The etiology is unknown and the disease is
    characterized by the auto-antibody pattern and
    the positive response to immunosuppressive

  • Diagnosis
  • -Cirrhosis may occur early, irrespective of the
  • -A combination of laparoscopy and biopsy is more
    reliable than biopsy alone for the diagnosis of
    cirrhosis in children with chronic hepatitis.
  • -Changes in hepatic architecture in cirrhosis and
    chronic active hepatitis affect liver vascular
    haemodynamics. Portal vein velocity,
    arterio-portal vein ratio and hepatic artery
    visualisation together were reliable in diagnosis
    of cirrhosis in the paediatric age group.
  • -Blood tests, CT scans, liver biopsies, and MRI
    and ultrasonography studies help confirm the
    cause of the cirrhosis, and the extent of liver

  • Clinical manifestations
  • Two problems happen in patients with cirrhosis --
    liver failure and portal hypertension.
  • The liver failure causes fatigue, jaundice
    (yellow skin), and encephalopathy (a state of
    confusion that progresses to coma).
  • The portal hypertension causes bleeding and
    ascites. These things happen in many forms of
    liver disease, not just in cirrhosis.
  • The scarring never goes away, but the liver has
    "reserve," meaning it can do all the body
    requires even though it is not working at 100

  • Treatment Options
  • Even though cirrhosis can cause significant liver
    damage, the disease usually progresses slowly in
    children and most symptoms can be controlled.
  • Treatment options vary based on the underlying
    cause or type of cirrhosis.
  • Liver damage is irreversible however, when
    diagnosed early, it can be managed as a chronic
    condition. Treatment focuses on managing the
    specific liver dysfunctions and preventing
    further complications.
  • If cirrhosis is undetected before severe liver
    damage occurs, a liver transplant may be the
    patient's only option.
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