Title: Anti-malarial Plants Products of Mali:
1Anti-malarial Plants Products of Mali
- Chiaka Diakité
- Department of Traditional Medicine (DMT)
- Bamako
- Nairobi, 20-22 March 2006
2Plan of presentation
- Introduction
- Traditional treatment
- Medicinal plants used for Malaria
- Reseach,objectives,strategies,results
- Economic importance of medicinal plants
- Conclusion
- In Africa 80 of the population uses Traditional
Medicine for sociocultural economic reasons - In Mali, poverty exacerbates the difficulties of
access to primary health care - The majority of the population resorts to
Traditional Medicine for treatment of malaria
- Malaria is a public health problem
- 300 500 million clinical cases annually
worldwide - 1.1-2.7 million deaths each year
- 28 absenteeism from school
- 3.5 days of temporary disability per person per
year - gt 2 million USD in direct indirect costs for
malaria in Africa
- In Mali
- 1993 National program to fight against malaria
- 42 of deaths amongst infants juveniles
- Leading cause of mortality (13)
- Leading cause of morbidity (15.6)
- For the treatment of malaria poeple self medicate
- - With modern medicines
- - With traditonal medicines
- - A combination of both medicines
- Treatment at the health center
- Treatment at the traditional healer clinic
7Traditional Treatment of Malaria
- In Traditional Medicine the treatment of malaria
is based on the use of prescriptions of
plant-based medicines with some animal products - Preparation is by steeping or infusing decoctions
of plants parts of plants in water - The prescription is administered as a drink, as a
bath, as a steam bath or as a fumigation
8Some medicinal plants used for malaria in Mali
- Scientific Names Bamana Names
- Glinus oppositifolius L. Balassa
- Vernonia colorata Will. Kô safunè
- Cassia sieberiana D. C. Sindjan
- Cochlospermum tinctorium A. Ntiribara
- Anogeissus leiocarpus D. C. Ngalama
- Combretum glutinosum Perrex Tchangara blé
- Guiera senegalensis J. F. Nkundjè
9Some medicinal plants used for malaria in Mali
- Scientific Names Bamana Names
- Alchornea cordifolia Schumach Dunféké
- Chrosophora senegalensis Lam. Dabada
- Psorospermum guineense Hochr. Karidjakouma
- Khaya senegalensis Desr. Djala
- Trichilia roka Forst. Soulafinzan
- Acacia senegal L. Willd Donkari
- Entada africana Guill. Perr. Samanèrè
- Parkia biglobosa Jacq. Nèrè
10Some medicinal plants used for malaria in Mali
- Scientific Names Bamana Names
- Ficus thonnigii Blume Doubalé
- Oxytenanthera abyssinica Munro Bô
- Gardenia ternifolia Schum. Bouré tchè
- Mitragyna inermis Willd. Jun
- Nauclea latifolia Sm. Baro
- Fagara zanthoxyloïdes Lam. Wô
- Lippia chevalieri Moldenke Nganiba
11Research by DMT
- Research into anti-malarial activities of plants
- The fight against carriers (vectors)
- The implications for workers in Traditional
Medicine in the fight against malaria
12Research Objectives
- To place at the disposal of the population
effective anti-malarial medicines at reduced cost
which are based on local products - To arrange effective anti-larval medicines that
cause little harm to the environment
13Research Strategies
- Collaboration with traditional therapists
- Collection of ethnobotanical information of
medicinal plants - Compilation of medicinal plant bibliographies
- Laboratory testing clinical studies
14Research Results
- Malarial is a mixture of 3 plants wich is
used against Malaria of Plasmodium falciparum - - Cassia occidentalis
- - Lippia chevalieri
- - Spilanthes oleracea
- Argemone.Mexicana is a single plant used
against Malaria
15 A. mexicana
16Production of Malarial
- Table of malarial production at the DMT
- Period Quantity
- 2000 -
- 2001 -
- 2002 7.913
- 2003 6.645
- 2004 4.386
- 2005 4.715
17Traditional Healer collecting medicinal plants
18Traditional healer and malaria treatment
Bandiagaras Experience
- 45 healers was formed to the signs and symptoms
of uncomplicated and complicated Malaria - In ten months 3797 patients were diagnosed
- 114 were refered to the health center
- 34 died
19Urban Use of Medicinal Plants
- Today, despite urbanisation, the population
continues to treat itself with medicinal plants - However personal use is based upon market supply
demand - Little or no respect for the plants
- Excessive exploitation
- Over harvesting
- Wastage conservation problems
20The Market for Medicinal Plants
- Across Malian towns one encounters many sales
points for medicinal plants - In the markets
- Along the main roads
- Travelling salespersons
- More more the sale of medicinal plants is
improving better organised
21The Market for Medicinal Plants
- Today medicinal plants are sold by
- 1) Herbalists
- Improved traditional herbalists in the markets of
Medine Hamdallaye - Authorised herbalists
- 2) Pharmacies
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25Market of medicinal plants in Bamako
26Plant-based Medicines
- Medicinal plants are used by
- The population for self-medication
- Traditional health practitioners in the treatment
of their patients - DMT for the production of enhanced Traditional
Medicines - Exporters for supply of international markets of
herbal medicines
27Economic Importance of Medicinal Plants
- A study conducted in Burkina Faso estimated the
annual consumption per person per annum is about
500g at an approximate cost of 2,200F CFA (Banque
mondiale PROMETRA Burkina Faso, 2003) - This correlates with a city like Bamako, with an
annual consumption of about 600 tonnes of
medicinal plants at a value of 2,640, 000,000F
CFA - The world market for traditional plant-based
medicines is estimated at 60 million USD - (Strategie de lOMS pour La Medicine
Traditionelle 2002-2005)
28Industrial Production of Plant-based Medicines
- In Mali, the population makes up the principal
source of medicinal plants - Today, large scale production of plant-based
medicines is a compelling obligation to enable
fulfilment of the health care needs of the
population of Mali of elsewhere - This production ultimately has the ability to
lead to significant problems in relation to
natural space the depletion of plant-based
29Regeneration of medicinal plants
Culture of Spilanthes oleracea
30Plant-based Medicines Biodiversity
- The results of a study conducted by DMT on
Medicinal plants sold in the Bamako markets
conservation biodiversity showed that the
scarcity of medicinal plants in nature the
disappearance of certain of these, are among the
main causes of the lack of stock of some
medicinal plants at Bamako herbalists - 30 of rare plants are those frequently used
against pathologies associated with Sumaya
- For the production commercialisation of
plant-based medicines in Mali it is necessary
for - Participative action involving traditional health
practitioners, herbalists, researchers,
non-government organisations, the private sector
decision-makers - Appropriate organisation regulation
- The consideration of self other interests
- The capture of ideas experiences of traditional
medicine practitioners
- The strengthening of experiences such as The
International Week of Traditional African
Medicine (SIMTA) organised by the Malian
Federation of traditional therapists herbalists
(FEMBATH) to promote expansion, production
marketing of plant-based medicines in Mali and in
33Thank you