Title: THE
2In the new teacher selection process,
administrators look for candidates who possess
essential qualities and characteristics.
- Competence
- Personality
- Passion
- Communication Skills
- Self - Awareness
3During the interview process, administrators
ask questions to assess the candidate's
competence, personality, passion, communication
skills, and self-awareness.
4- Research the Schools Mission Statement
Administrators make suggestions for new teacher
5The person who knows how will always
have a job. (Mason and
6Competence in specific disciplines is imperative
not only on paper, but also in
Administrators Look For Candidates Who
- Demonstrate competence in school
7Sample Interview Questions
- Tell me about a lesson you developed that
successfully achieved a learning objective for
most of your students. How did you follow up
that lesson for the students who didnt get it?
- What strategies or tricks do you use to make
every minute count for learning in your classroom?
- Tell me about your personal learning style. How
does that influence your teaching? How do you
model learning for your students?
8Few things in the world are more powerful than a
positive push. A smile. A word
of optimism and
hope. (Mason and
Redmond, 1997).
9Administrators Look For Candidates Who
- Are comfortable presenting themselves.
An engaging personality is an essential quality
to showcase throughout the interview process.
10Sample Interview Questions
- Tell me about a teacher who has affected your
- What role does humor play in your teaching?
- What do you believe to be the most important
personal quality or trait that you bring to the
profession of teaching?
11Only passion, great passion, can elevate the
human soul to achieve great things.
(Mason and Redmond,
12Administrators Look For People Who
- Love children at their developmental ages.
Passion for teaching and the learning process are
qualities that shine through during the interview
13Sample Interview Questions
- What are your interests or passions in addition
to teaching?
- Why did you decide to become a teacher?
- How have you handled personal setbacks and
failure in your classroom?
14Be still when you have nothing to say when
genuine passion moves you, say what youve got to
say, and say it hot. (Mason and Redmond, 1997).
15Strong communication skills are of the utmost
importance for new teacher candidates.
Administrators Look For People Who
- Can articulate their thoughts.
- Give real life, non-textbook answers.
16Sample Interview Questions
- Why did you decide to become a teacher?
- Describe a position of leadership that you have
held and tell us what you were able to accomplish
in that position.
- Tell me about your personal library. What books
are you reading right now? For pleasure? In
your discipline?
17People who have a high degree of self-awareness
recognize how their feelings affect them,
other people,
and their job
(Goleman, 2002).
18Administrators Look For Candidates Who
- Are not afraid to try new things and fail.
- Can admit that they made a mistake.
- Understand their limitations and have found ways
to cope with them.
- Understand their strengths and use them to their
Self-awareness creates an understanding of
strengths and weaknesses, resulting in
efficiency in the work place.
19Sample Interview Questions
- Tell me about a student (parent, or colleague)
with whom you have had a difficult time
getting along and how you managed to work through
this problem.
- Tell me about a lesson that you taught in
which things did not go particularly well.
What did you do in response to this instructional
20When the individual soul is connected to the
organization, people become connected to
something deeper. (Fullan, 2004).
21Before an administrator hires a new teacher, he
has the following topics to consider.
- What qualifications will the teacher bring to my
- Which person will be most compatible with my
- Will the staff have a balance of energy and
- Which person will be a perfect match for the
- Which person will live out the mission of the
school in his daily activities?
Colflesh, N. (1999). Sample Interview Questions.
EAD 801 Course Website. N. Colflesh.
MSU. Spring Semester, 2006. Colflesh, N. (1999).
Teacher Selection. EAD 801 Course Website. N.
Colflesh. MSU. Spring Semester,
2006. Crowther, F. , Kaagan, S., Ferguson, M.,
and Hann, L. (2002). Developing Teacher
Leaders. Thousand Oaks, CA Corwin Press,
INC. Goleman, D. (1998). What Makes a Leader?
Emotional Intelligence. Harvard Business
Review. EAD 801 Course Packet. Michigan State
University. East Lansing, MI. Fullan, M. (2004).
Leading In A Culture Of Change. San Francisco,
CA Jossey-Bass. Mason, J. and Redmond, T.
(1997). Words Of Promise For Leaders. Tulsa, OK
Honor Books. McEwan, E. (2002). The Ten Traits of
Highly Effective Teachers. EAD 801 Course
Website. N. Colflesh. MSU. Spring Semester,
2006. Personal Interview. Subject A. April 5,
2006. Personal Interview. Subject B. April 7,
Questions asked during my interview process. 1.
How is the teacher selection process conducted at
your school? 2. What qualities do you look for in
the teacher selection process. 3. In selecting
new teachers, what/if any considerations do you
take in building your team? 4. What role does
the schools mission statement have in the
teacher selection process? 5. Once you have
selected your team, how do you motivate and build
your team? 6. What advice do you have for me as
a future administrator?