Title: Eur Ing Costas Georgopoulos CEng, MIGreekE, MICE, MIStructE
1Eur Ing Costas GeorgopoulosCEng, MIGreekE, MICE,
- HND CE 1
- BEng CEM 1
- BEng CE 1
- HND CE 2
- BEng CEM 2
- BEng CE 2
- BEng CEM 3
- BEng CE 3
- MSc CE
- Structures 1
- Structural Element Design
- Structural Engineering Design
- Design of Earthquake Resistant Reinforced
Concrete Buildings
- ??apa?ep?st?µ?a??
- ???t??
- ??a?????se??
- ??t???
- Sp??d??
- ????dap??
- ??µ?s?? ?d??µa
- ?a???
- ??t?µet?p?s??
- ???
- Sp??dast??
- ????dap??
3G?at? ??e???este t? ??.?.?.?.S.?.
- ?pa?t?s? ap? t? ?e????? ?p?µe??t???? ????da? ??a
?a sa? ??????se? t?? ?de?a ?s??s?? t??
?pa????µat?? t?? ????t???? ???a????? st?? ????da
(e?t?? e?? CEng). - ???f?????? ??et?se?? (3/?????) µe ß?s? t?
??p??µat??? ???as?a ? 3 ap? t?? 5 e??t?te?
(d?µ?stat???, ?d?a?????, s?????????a??,
?e?te????? ?a? e?µet???e?s? ?????)
4???a??????t??? ??a t? ???
- ??t?s? (N. 1225/1981)
- ?t???a BEng (honours) MSc
- ??st?p???t??? ?a??µ?t??
- ?eßa??s? ?s?t?µ?a?/??t?st????a? ap?
??.?.?.?.S.?. - ??st?p???t??? Ge???se??
- ??t???af? ???????? ??t????
- 2 F?t???af?e?
- ?a??ß??? S?µµet???? (29,35 ? 9,78/e??t?ta)
- ?a?t?s?µ? (30)
- ?pe????? ????s? t?? ??µ?? 1599/86
- ?e?????? ??p??µat???? ???as?a?
5?s?t?µ?a ? / ?a? ??t?st????a
6???a??????t??? ??a ??? ea? CEng
- ??t?s? (?.?. 165/2000 ß?se? ?d???a? 89/48)
- BEng (honours) Matching Section
- ?eßa??s? ?t? ?? t?t??? e??a? pa?ep?st?µ???
- ??a??t??? ?????aµµa Sp??d??
- ?de?a ?s??se?? ?pa????µat?? (3 ?????a)
- ??st?p???t??? ??a pe??e??µe??/??tas? ?de?a?
- ??st?p???t??? ???????? ??t????
7S??e??as?a ??? ??.?.?.?.S.?.
- S??e??as?a p??te??e? t? ??? st? ?????S? ??a ta
pt???a t?? e??te????? - ????? t?? p??ed??t?? ?????S? Te?d??? ??a??, ?
p??ed??? t?? TEE ??sta? ???s?a? ?ste??e t?
a???????????af? s?et??? µe t?? a?a?????s? pt?????
ap? s????? t?? e??te?????. ?? ????af? ??e? ??
e??? - ????e p??ed?e, ?p?s?µa????µe ??a ?d?a?te?a
s?ßa?? p??ß??µa, p?? af??? µ??? µa?,
d?p??µat?????? µ??a??????, ap?f??t??? s????? t??
e??te?????, t?? ?p???? ? t?t??? sp??d??
a?a??????eta? ap? t? ?????S? ?? ?s?t?µ??, a???
??? a?t?st????? p??? ta ap??eµ?µe?a d?p??µata ap?
ta ?µ?µata t?? ??? ?a? t?? ????te?????? S?????
t?? ????????? ???tat?? ??pa?de?t???? ?d??µ?t??.
?? µ??a????? a?t?? s?µµet?????, st? s????e?a,
st? d?ad??as?a ap??t?s?? ?de?a? ?s??s??
epa????µat?? ?a? ??t??? ap? t? TEE ?a
p????f??????? ta epa??e?µat??? t??? d??a??µata.
?p? d?e?e???s? sta p?????µµata sp??d?? t???,
p????pt??? ta a??????a e?de??µe?a ?? p????aµµa
sp??d?? t??? ?a µ?? ?a??pte? ???????? t? e????
t?? ?s?t?µ?? e?d???t?ta?, a??? pe?????sµ??? tµ?µa
t??. ?? p????aµµa sp??d?? t??? ?a a?t?st???e?
p????? st?? ?s?t?µ? e?d???t?ta ?a? ?a ??e?
p??sa?at???ste? se ??p??a ?ate????s? a?t??. ??
p????aµµa sp??d?? t??? ?a µ?? a?t?st???e? ?a?????
st?? e?d???t?ta. St?? pe??ss?te?e? ap? a?t?? t??
pe??pt?se?? t? ?e????? ?p?µe??t???? ????da?
ad??ate? ?a ?a????se? t? p?a?s?? ?s??s?? t??
epa????µat?? a?t?? t?? µ??a????? se s??s? µe t??
e?d???t?ta, st?? ?p??a t??? ??ete e?t??e?. ??t?
d?µ?????e? s?ßa?? p??ß??µa ??ta??? t??? st??
a???? e??as?a?. ????µe t? ???µ? ?t? ? d?e?e???s?
a?t? p??pe? ?a p????e?ta? t?? a?a?????s?? t??
t?t??? sp??d??. ???te????µe, ???p??, ?a ?e????se?
s??e??as?a TEE ?a? ?????S?, t? p?a?s?? t?? ?p??a?
?a ?a????s??µe ap? ??????, ??a ?a a?t?µet?p?s??µe
ta p??ß??µata p?? d?µ????????ta?. ?pe?d? t? ??µa
e??a? s?µa?t???, a?aµ????µe t?? ap??e?? sa? t?
s??t?µ?te?? d??at?. - ?e e?t?µ?s?
- O ???ed???
8?e????? ??d???t?te? ap? t?? 178!
- 27 ??µ?stat???? ???a?????
- 220 ????t???? ???a????? ??µ?stat????
- 673 ????t???? ???a????? µe ??d??e?s? sta
??µ?stat??? - 794 ????t???? ???a????? µe ??d???t?ta
??µ?stat???? - 843 - ???a????? ??µ?stat????
- 1048 ??µ?stat???? ???a????? ??a s????e?? µ?
se?sµ???? d??se??
9??a?????s? ?s?t?µ?a? ap? ??.?.?.?.S.?.
- Bachelor of Engineering (honours) Master of
Science s????? 8 e??µ??a ap? a?a?????sµ???
?a?ep?st?µ?a?? S???? (? d???? µa? e??a?). - ???ad? de? a?a????????ta? ta a??????a foundation
year, pt???a ??? ? ?s?t?µa t?? ???, pt???a µe
tµ?µa sp??d?? se ???ast???a ??e?????? Sp??d??,
ordinary/pass degrees (ap?t???a honours), diploma
(ap?t???a Master).
10??a?????s? t?? BEng in C.E.M.
11???a??????t??? ??a t? ??.?.?.?.S.?.
- ??t?s? ?s?t?µ?a? ?a? ??t?st????a?
- ?t???a BEng (honours) MSc
- ??st?p???t??? ?a??µ?t?? (transcripts)
- ??p??µat??? ???as?a (p?? ep?st??feta?)
- ?eßa??s? ??a t?p? p?a?µat?p???s?? sp??d??
- ?d???? Sp??d?? (web teaching course docs)
- ?a??ß??? (100)
- ?pe????? ????s? ?. 1599/86
12??? s??fteta? t? ??.?.?.?.S.?.
- ??a? Te?? ???e? !!!
- ???? ?a? ? Ge????p????? ???? ???
13?p?????? ?a??µ?t??
- HND CE 1
- BEng CEM 1
- BEng CE 1
- HND CE 2
- BEng CEM 2
- BEng CE 2
- BEng CEM 3
- BEng CE 3
- MSc CE
- 0 options
- 0 options
- 0 options
- 1 Semester 1 and 1 Semester 2
- 1 Semester 1 and 0 Semester 2
- 1 Semester 1 and 1 Semester 2
- 0 Semester 1 and 3 Semester 2
- 1 Semester 1 and 3 Semester 2
- 1-2 Semester 1 and 2-1 Semester 2
14HND CE 2
- Common Skills 3
- Construction Management
- Construction Material Applications
- Structures 1
- Intro to Environmental Science and Geology
- Language I
- Common Skills 4
- Design Project (20)
- Soil Mechanics
- Stress Analysis
- Language II
15BEng CEM 2
- Legal Studies I
- Structures 2
- Construction Management
- Construction Material Applications
- Soil Technology
- Infrastructure Development and the Environment or
Environmental Assessment Methodology
- Legal Studies II
- Statistics Forecasting
- Hydraulic Principles 2
- Construction Economics
- Structural Element Design (20)
16BEng CE 2
- Structures 2
- Maths with Quantitative Methods
- Construction Management
- Construction Material Applications
- Soil Engineering
- Infrastructure Development and the Environment or
Environmental Assessment Methodology
- Hydraulic Principles 2
- Construction Economics
- Maths with Numerical Methods
- Structural Element Design (20)
- Mechanisms of Environmental Pollution
17BEng CEM 3
- Individual Project 1
- Contract Management
- Intro to Project Evaluation and Development (20)
- Pre stressed and Post Tensioned Concrete
- Soil Technology
- Corporate Management
- Project Evaluation and Development (20)
- Harbour and Coastal Engineering
- Highway Engineering
- Choice between Environmental Engineering or
Traffic Engineering
18BEng CE 3
- Environmental Hydraulics
- Structural Engineering Design
- Individual Project 1
- Structures 3
- Geo technical Engineering
- Pre stressed and Post Tensioned Concrete
- Civil Engineering Design and Management Project
(30) - Harbour and Coastal Engineering
- Highway Engineering
- Choice between Environmental Engineering or
Traffic Engineering or Introduction to FE Methods
19MSc CE ( Independent Project 40 credits)
- Structural Design
- General Management in Construction
- Geo technology
- 1 or 2 options from Environmental Management
Management of Traffic Numerical Methods
- Research Methods
- Design of E/Q Resistant Reinforced Concrete
Structures - 2 or 1 options from Bio climatic
Architectural Principles Seismic
Engineering Concepts
20?a ??S t?? ??? µp??e? ?a ?d????? se ??S p??
a?af????ta? se ??? t? e???? t?? ???st????
a?t??e?µ???? ? se ??? ta ?p??a a?afe???ta? se
µ???? t?? ???st???? a?t??e?µ???? a??? se p???
- ?????aµµa ?etapt???a??? Sp??d??
- ??p??µa ???????µ???? Sp??d??
- ?etapt???a?? ??p??µa ??d??e?s??
21???????? ??µ?s??