Web Server Technologies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Web Server Technologies


Web Server Technologies. Part III: Security & Future Musings. Joe Lima ... Web Server Technologies | Part III: Security & Future Musings. An IIS Security ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Web Server Technologies

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Joe LimaDirector of Product Development Port80
Software, Inc. jlima_at_port80software.com
Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Tutorial Content
  • Web security
  • Core security concepts
  • Network security (packets and addresses)
  • Host security (hardening)
  • Application security (sanitizing input)
  • Transaction security (SSL)
  • Web applications as software applications
    implications, predictions, open issues

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Core Security Concepts
  • Types of attacks
  • Understanding serious attack strategies
  • Reconnaissance as an attack prelude
  • Security in depth strategy
  • Principle of least access
  • The need for threat assessment

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
A Brief Taxonomy of Attack Types
Virus Program that appends itself to existing
program and attempts self-propagation Worm
Standalone self-propagating program that carries
out malicious action of some type Trojan Horse
Program that executes malicious code under cover
of some benign functionality Denial of Service
(DoS) Deliberate use of a programs or
machines resources sufficient to deny others its
legitimate use
Spoofing Assumption of a false identity (email,
IP), often used in conjunction with other
attacks Bug exploitation Use of known
(unpatched) vulnerabilities to carry out
malicious actions
Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Attack Strategies
  • The goals of a serious attacker are oriented
    toward extracting maximum advantage from an
  • Privilege escalation leading ideally to root,
    superuser, or administrator access
  • The use of rootkits
  • Leaving a backdoor a means of reentry that
    bypasses the need to hack their way back in
  • Stealth removing all traces of the machine
    having been compromised in order to continue
    exploiting it directly, or as a platform for
    attacking other machines
  • Log file alterations
  • Using a service to cover up a rootkit

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Attack Reconnaissance
  • Information gathering is often the prelude to a
    well-planned attack
  • Much key data is often publicly available
  • IP addresses, admin user names, network
    topologies and usage patterns, etc.
  • Human engineering a major factor
  • Casual sharing of sensitive data increases
    likelihood it will fall into wrong hands
  • A variety of manual and automated techniques for
    sniffing out software details
  • Packet sniffers
  • Stack scanners
  • HTTP (and other) fingerprinters

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Security in Depth Strategy
  • Partly a buzzword invented to sell security stuff
  • Also an important principle for planning and
    designing enterprise security
  • Aim for multiple layers of security that support
    and reinforce one another
  • Succeeding layers both back up preceding ones if
    they fail, and also make it less likely they
    will, by taking some of the burden off and
    allowing for greater functional specialization
  • Firewall, anti-virus, IDS, IPS, application
    firewall, etc.
  • Possibility of going too far if management burden
    reduces efficient enforcement of policies

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Principle of Least Access
  • In the case of Web server security, it applies at
    multiple levels
  • The file system of the physical Web server
  • Tightest possible ACLs
  • The HTTP service itself
  • Restrict by IP and auth where possible
  • All other services running on the same box (file
    transfer sharing, remote admin)
  • Shut down as many ports services as possible
  • The network in which the Web server lives
  • As few firewall holes and logins as possible
  • Information about Web operations in general
  • Inside attacks cost five times as much as
    outsider attacks risks of info leakage very high

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
The Need for Threat Assessment
  • Security-functionality trade off can make
    attainable levels of security impractical
  • Productively of supported employees likely to
    suffer as things are locked down tighter
  • Central importance of human factors severely
    increases costs of enforcement
  • Minimizing human factor issues can require major
    business process reengineering
  • Security in depth strategy can drive up hardware,
    software and services bills
  • In practice, all these costs must be balanced
  • Likelihood of the threat
  • Business value of the target

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Network Security
  • Packet level vulnerabilities
  • Exposure passwords and form data
  • IP spoofing
  • Network DoS attacks
  • SYN floods, ICMP floods
  • Countermeasures Firewalls and Proxies
  • Packet filtering firewalls permit access control
    based on IP and Port (service)
  • Located on routers, firewalls can protect entire
  • Proxies can add complete isolation of internal
    hosts, but sometimes at the cost of function
  • Additional enhancements include stateful packet
    inspection firewalls, intrusion detection, and
    most recently intrusion prevention systems.

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Host Security
  • Server hardening is vital to Web server security,
    and highly platform-specific
  • Subscribing to (and regularly reading) both
    generic and platform-specific vulnerability and
    update notifications is essential
  • www.cert.org and similar, but more specialized
    sites and lists
  • Assuming the box is (mostly) dedicated to HTTP
    (as it should be), much of host hardening will
    consist of hardening the Web server itself
  • For this, use a good, comprehensive security
    checklist when building or auditing a Web server
    box, for example

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
An IIS Security Checklist
  • Use the Security Configuration and Analysis Tool
    to deploy a good security template
  • Hisecweb.inf as a minimal baseline
  • Use web_secure.inf from SystemExperts if possible
  • Use IPSec Admin Tool (or ipsecpol.exe) to set up
    port/packet filtering for defense in depth
  • Lock down the Kerberos (port 88) exception (KBA
  • If possible, disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP, and
    unbind file-and-print sharing.
  • Set appropriate ACLs on both virtual and physical
    directories (including root directory)
  • Unlike Everyone, Authenticated Users includes
    IUSR but disallows NULL and Guest-only connections

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Brett Hills Recommended ACLs
Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
An IIS Security Checklist, cont.
  • Set appropriate log file ACLs
  • Probably dont need to give Everyone anything
  • If your proxy/firewall configuration supports
    this, restrict connections to its internal (NAT)
  • Depends on whether or not source address is
  • IPSec can be used in same way as first line of
  • Remove unused script mappings!
  • Better still, use IISLockDown to map them to

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
An IIS Security Checklist, cont.
  • Other checklist items
  • Remove sample apps installed by IIS
  • IISSamples, IISHelp, MSADC
  • Enforce Form field and query string input
  • A developer responsibility, but try to enforce it
  • Disable parent paths
  • Home Directory gtgt Configuration gtgt App Options
  • Disable IP Address in Content-Location (KBA
  • Locate Web content on a non-system drive
  • Run MS Baseline Security Analyzer
  • Run IISLockDown and URLScan 2.5!
  • Kills many birds with one stone
  • Spend the time and effort to tune URLScan.ini

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Application Security
  • The price of being an HTTP server is being open,
    at a minimum, to inbound HTTP connections
  • Web servers are often looked on as toeholds for
    attacking other boxes and services
  • Particularly when hosting dynamic Web
    applications, numerous vulnerabilities exist via
    the URL, query string and postfield data
  • Buffer overflows, code injection, worm attacks
  • User input sanitization is essential but probably
    not reasonably left entirely to developers
  • Hence an entirely new product category
  • Web application firewalls
  • Web security gateways

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Transaction Security
  • Concerns security of the message exchanged
    between client and server
  • Four basic tasks
  • Privacy
  • Integrity
  • Authentication
  • Non-repudiation
  • All of these are requirements for secure
    transactions generally, but present special
    challenges for Web transactions

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Transaction Security, cont.
  • Privacy
  • Only the sender and the recipient of a message
    can read its contents
  • No one else must be able to see or use this data
    as it is being transmitted
  • SSLs end-to-end encryption is the solution
  • Integrity
  • Detection of any change in message contents
    between its being sent and its being received
  • When such changes occur, the transaction must
    stop and provide a way to recover
  • Message digests like MD5 are used within SSL to
    assure integrity of the connection

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Transaction Security, cont.
  • Authentication
  • The assurance that all parties to a transaction
    are who they claim to be
  • Server authentication is usually provided over
    SSL using certificates signed by a C.A.
  • Client authentication is usually provided by
    login credentials, but could also use C.A.
  • Non-Repudiation
  • A guarantee that the party to a transaction
    cannot later falsely claim not to have
    participated in that transaction
  • Digital signatures (with message digest) best
    solution but, in practice, login credentials
    often relied upon

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Transaction Security, cont.
  • SSL in a nutshell
  • A different service, a different port (443)
  • End-to-end encryption of the transaction
  • Adds a handshake to the TCP/IP socket
  • Negotiation of security parameters
  • Authentication requirements
  • Selection of cipher suites (and strength)
  • Exchange of digital certificates
  • Generation of shared secrets and session keys
  • Quick restart of cached sessions if required
  • All data is then transferred within the socket
    that has been secured using these agreed upon

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Transaction Security, cont.
  • SSL uses two kinds of encryption Symmetric and
  • Symmetric Encryption involves exchanging one
    (private) key used both to encrypt and decrypt
  • Because it is very fast, SSL uses symmetric
    encryption for the session keys that encrypt and
    decrypt the actual message contents
  • Privacy depends on the key being kept secret,
    which limits it to keys negotiated during the
  • Since strong authentication and non-repudiation
    depend on publicly exchangeable keys, symmetric
    is not suited for them

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Transaction Security, cont.
  • Asymmetric (or Public Key) Encryption involves
    generating a private/public key combination and
    publishing this for others to use
  • What is encrypted with one of these can only be
    decrypted with the other
  • Usually the sender uses the recipients public
    key to encrypt, and the recipient uses its own
    matching private key to decrypt
  • Method used by SSL for certificate-based
  • Since overhead is significant, only used to
    establish a secure connection and exchange the
    symmetric key
  • Encryption with private key is also possible, and
    used for signing digital signatures
  • Key management requires Cert Authorities and
    ideally a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Transaction Security Pictured
This is clear text
This is clear text
Private Session Key
Private Session Key
Secure Transmission
This is clear text
This is clear text
Recipients Public Key
Recipients Private Key
Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Looking Ahead (or, Joe of in Left Field)
  • The most fundamental specification of Web
    architecture ...is that of the Universal Resource
    Identifier, or URI. Tim Berners-Lee
  • The importance to the Web architecture of a
    single universal information space, accessed by
    any means
  • Emerging Web services via XML and related
    technologies (WSDL, SOAP) as a prelude to
    full-blown machine-to-machine Semantic Web of
    the future (RDF, CC/PP)
  • Universal access via PC, NC, PDA, TV, etc.,
    realizing an old dream the network is
    everything, the clients are everywhere

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Looking Ahead (or, Joe of in Left Field)
  • A Web of Trust
  • Metadata plus keys a web of keys and signed
  • Mechanical agents finally start to reach their
  • Mechanically legible semantic assertions
  • This document has value 3 on the "crazy" scale of
    this rating scheme.
  • Believe an assertion of this form signed with
    this key.
  • I wish to buy one of these at this price.
  • I am happy to give my credit card number to
    anyone whom this key says is in this group.

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
Looking Ahead (or, Joe of in Left Field)
  • Metadata PKI distributed agents
  • Identity management will be a major application
    of these converging technologies (Max Templeton)
  • An increasing need for human agents to manage
    aspects of identity that will be increasingly
    expressed as shareable (and valuable) data in
    universal space
  • Big Brother OR Decentering of the Subject!?
  • Tim Berners-Lees Things my agent needs to know
    about me
  • What may people know about me?
  • What do I need to know about them?
  • What am I prepared to pay for?
  • What will I allow myself to do?

Web Server Technologies Part III Security
Future Musings
About Port80 Software
  • Solutions for Microsoft IIS Web Servers
  • Port80 software exposes control to server-side
    functionality for developers, and streamlines
    tasks for administrators
  • Increase security by locking down what info you
    broadcast and blocking intruders with ServerMask
    and ServerDefender
  • Protect your intellectual property by preventing
    hotlinking with LinkDeny
  • Improve performance compress pages and manage
    cache controls for faster load time and bandwidth
    savings with CacheRight, httpZip, and ZipEnable
  • Upgrade Web development tools Negotiate content
    based on device, language, or other parameters
    with PageXchanger, and tighten code with
  • Visit us online _at_ www.port80software.com
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